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Atton a Jedi?

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Darkside is power and I am all about power.  :)






And there is no limit of your power


double ditto, people should be respecting your power, you dont deserve to be wasting such powers on the weak

why help them? what are you going to get out of helping them?





Indeed......why helping them?.....they can solve their own problem by themself

''Strike me down,and i will become more powerful''


''To know the Light you must see the Dark''


'' Join us on the path of the Darkside''

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First I guess I can make an on topic response. The problem is when you find out about Atton's past and don't train him as a Jedi it would be a problem that he could be trained by the Sith later on, when the Exile is no longer with him. And that is dangerous.


About the DS / LS discussion. Well, I think a bit different because in Kotor I, I prefer the LS Revan because when you look at Revan, he was a good person before he fell to the DS.

Revan was right to join the Mandalorian wars and I think he only fell to the DS because he needed an army to destroy the True Sith and because the Jedi wouldn't have supported him he fell to the DS. In Kotor I his task is to destroy the Sith and Darth Malak. Also considering his party members it is IMO more realistic for Revan to follow the Light path.

Why betray a lot of your companions when you can work as a team to destroy evil from the galaxy.


With the Exile though, being exiled from the Jedi Order, no one ever helped her and then Kreia's teachings I think it would be more realistic to go DS. And then you meet Atris again. Yes, DS is much more realistic in Kotor II.

I also think that it would do much more good to the galaxy if you kill the Jedi masters then letting them live only so that you are a real pawn of the Jedi council. At least as a Sith you become more powerful when you kill a Jedi master.

Those Jedi simply should pave the way for a better and new Jedi order.

Master Vandar lives!

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double ditto, people should be respecting your power, you dont deserve to be wasting such powers on the weak

why help them? what are you going to get out of helping them?


Ah, then you have learned nothing...(similar to what Kreia says to you)


Even if I make a lousy ds'er I can see the reasoning, just as Kriea says, aiding them, taking on their challenges strengthens you and weakens them.

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Back on topic, i think that atton deserves to be a sith, he killed jedi and was good at it. if you do dark side acts in front of him, such as murdering innocents, he agrees with you, proving that he has not completely abandoned his true nature. he does not need to be "redeemed", as he the jedi are weaklings. sith are strong, they are not hesitant to use their power :rolleyes:



Long Live the Dark Side :D


"Are you an angel? Aw, I'm just kidding. That's the worst line I've ever used. Hope some poor kid doesn't start using it."

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Back on topic, i think that atton deserves to be a sith, he killed jedi and was good at it.  if you do dark side acts in front of him, such as murdering innocents, he agrees with you, proving that he has not completely abandoned his true nature.  he does not need to be "redeemed", as he the jedi are weaklings.  sith are strong, they are not hesitant to use their power :huh:



Long Live the Dark Side :D


Nah, the LS is much stronger. The DS will rot you from within and how would you then protect yourself against a LS jedi who Master Valor himself to something much stronger?

You can't.


Proof in the movie Revenge of the Sith.

Dooku beats Obiwan for the second time. Anakin kills Dooku.

Then Anakin looses from Obiwan.

The DS is so weak huh?? :cool:

Master Vandar lives!

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Episode IV Vader, aka anakin beats obi wan... obiwan thinks that he will show his power, and become stronger, but never shows it and never acctually beat vader,


Darkside 1

Lightside 0


and all those DS-ers with me also win :rolleyes:

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Seeing this has gone of the original topic, it's time for it to be locked up and put away.

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