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Posted (edited)
Ragh! So much explaining and arguing to do, so little time!!!! :)


The Exile forms bonds. When people you're bonded to die, it leaves a 'hole' in you (so says Jedi Masters and Kreia). So, the Exile bonds with a lot of peeps; they die, and (s)he becomes a giant hole, like somebody unplugging the giant bath tub of the Force.


I could explain more, but I don't have the time right now, but let me just say the the Exile doesn't mimic the Sith Assassins, they mimic him/her.


Edit: Okay, I've got more time now. (BTW: I haven't the time to be 'politically correct', so, for the Exile, the 'he' could also mean 'she' if your Exile is a female, just so that I avoid any trouble; as far as I'm concerned, neither Revan nor the Exile could/should have any set gender, since that'll only cause issues).


The Exile does not leech life (yet), they just 'connect' to people, and sap the Force off of them, which gives them back their Force Sensitivity (and, perhaps, also broke through whatever 'wall' the Dark Side version of cutting off the Force built around Kreia; the Jedi, when they cut off the Force from somebody, actually just build a 'wall' of LS energy around them, 'feeding' their body the Force, but not permitting them to use it, like those gum things that have nicotine, but not 'real' nicotine: it gives it to them, but it's far from the same thing).  So, the Exile sucks off the Force from people, but not yet life, although he starts if he goes to the Dark Side.


Now, Nihilus is the great chemistry lesson of this game. For any highschool sophomores, most of you should have learned by now about ATP (if you haven't, don't worry, you probably will soon enough; I did back then. But, if you don't, then don't worry: I'll explain it to you now. ;) ).  ATP has 3 'phosphate groups' bound together, which takes quite a bit of energy. When you break the seal on one of the phosphate groups, all the energy that it was holding to keep it attached is released in a brilliant, energy producing, 'flash'. Let's look at what Nihilus does in that light. Visas (and Kreia, I believe) says that Nihilus kills things, feeding off the energy that the separation of them and life (or the Force and life, or the Force and them, or any one of those). Basically, he's forcing the reaction to occur, breaking the seal on one of the phosphate groups to release a lot of energy, which he merrily gobbles up. The only real difference between ATP and Nihilus' life-sucking powers: ATP can have that phosphate group reattached at a later date, making it entirely reusable, whereas Nihilus' victim isn't likely to come back to life any time soon, leaving the broken seal just like that: broken.


Well, I really just wasted a bit of everybody's time, but if you actually lack a life so much as to read my stuff, ask questions or argue with it. If I'm wrong about something, I'd like to know, so that I can revise stuff. :p



I agree with you.


The only thing i would add is that the Exile does not create FORCE BONDS with those around him, he canot create something of the force since he is is basecly a more controled version of Nihilus meaninf hes a wound in the force lol the bath tub thing is a great anology


About the bonds themselfs i belive and it it hinted in the game by the masters that the Exile has an inate way NOT conected through the force but something like an EMPATH to bond with plp.


With this kinda bond i think he is able to well READ a pesons mind, learn his tachniques and powers and use the exces force of the persond to fuel those powers..for a time until he need to get some more, this is the LS version


Now for DS its virutally the same with the bond eg..remember when he fights the masters and kreia tells him about thewir styles and tachs , well i think at that point he created the bond with those plp and downloaded the info right out(lol for a better term)Anyway with the DS he just sucks the force right out of plp when he kills them, and i dont mean only the masters ( as yoda said "everything is connected throught the force") so even the thugs and plp he kill have some conection to the Force that he can feed on.



Well thats what i think anyway he is like a spunge that absorbes the force , but that spunge is gona run dry after awhile and he has to do it again.


I also do not belive the idea of some plp that the Exile get his connection through the force back, little with little as the game progreses BECAUSE if he had any connection with the force when he meets Nihilus he would have beed sucked dry on the spot and killed.

Edited by Keenon

Not if he's a hole.


Nihilus feeds on the bond between life and the Force. So, with the Exile only connected to one and not the other (he's obviously more or less alive, I'm fairly certain), Nihilus had nothing to 'snap off' to release the energy, almost as if the cell tried to use ADP instead of ATP (which could, in theory, work, but nowhere near as well, unlike with Nihilus and his victims). So, when he tried to 'suck' the Exile (...), he only wasted his strength before realizing 2 things: 1, that he was starving, 2, that he just wasted more strength drying to drink from a dry bottle.


I think that the Exile does bond with people who feel the Force, which gives him access to it. It's a TYPE of Force Bond, but he does it willie-nillie, which gave him access to the Force again through the other people/things/places that he connected to.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

Posted (edited)
I think that the Exile does bond with people who feel the Force, which gives him access to it. It's a TYPE of Force Bond, but he does it willie-nillie, which gave him access to the Force again through the other people/things/places that he connected to.


True here BUT only if hes LS


With the DS he does almost the same as Nihilus

BUT with a diff perspective between them


Nihilus NEEDS to feed otherwise he dies.


The Exile , being an evil guy, doesnt do because he needs to, (because he lived for 10 years without the force so thats not it) he only does it because he CAN and for the power it brings him DS

Edited by Keenon

Exile and Nihilus are similar according the masters.


"The Sith are a threat, it is true. But the threat they present... it is tied to you in some way. The echo we have felt on the worlds we have walked - we have encountered it only once before, when you stood before us at your trial.We believe that somehow, you are creating this - or that the Sith have learned this technique from you."


But the Exile and Nihilus are not identical. The Exile can exist just fine without leeching force from others - he did so for years during his exile, when he thought he had just lost his connection to the force. Nihilus does that have that option - he must drain force from others to sustain himself and continue to exist, since that is the only way he can stave of his own destruction. This unending hunger has also made him far more powerful, though, since while the Exile has been ignoring his own unique skills, Nihilus has had little choice but to let them grow more powerful and dangerous over time.


Also, note Kreia's comments on Nihilus:


"It is a technique that is almost as old as the Sith themselves... it is a means of severing connections between life, the Force, and feeding upon the death it causes.It cannot be taught... it can only be gained through instinct, through experiencing its effects, first-hand."


{Quietly}"Yes. And he fed upon its destruction - it will sustain him, for a time.Because it is not something that can ever truly be controlled... and it leaves nothing to conquer in its wake.And it rules him, not the other way around. It has its own will, its own instincts."


{Chiding}"Power? Do you think so?{Shakes head}You would be wrong. There is no strength in the hunger he possesses... and the will behind his power is a primal thing. And it devours him as he devours others - his mere presence kills all around him, slowly, feeding him. He is already dead, it is simply a question of how many he kills before he falls."




Anybody been around here long enough to remember my ancient helicopter/airplane analogy?




Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

...The Exile can exist just fine without leeching force from others - he did so for years during his exile, when he thought he had just lost his connection to the force. ...


Interesting verbiage there, Jediphile. :shifty:


Why "choose" exile then?


I believe it was Kreia who established the force bond, so that she could firsthand taste what "freedom/void" she hungers for so badly feels like. Hence the Exile's connection to the force.


The Exile must have been a Jedi of special significance before Malachor V so manipulation of the force (powers) wasn't strange to him. As for techniques


1. The Exile's "choice" to cut himself off from the force goes right back to some things that Kreia and HK-47 echo throughout the game.


it wasn't the exiles choice to get cut off from the force, the jedi masters did it because the exile followed revan to war.




Damn Jedi!!!


and nobody pays attn to my post :does ballet out of the thread:

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


1. The Exile's "choice" to cut himself off from the force goes right back to some things that Kreia and HK-47 echo throughout the game.


it wasn't the exiles choice to get cut off from the force, the jedi masters did it because the exile followed revan to war.




Damn Jedi!!!




The Exile cut himself off from the Force when everybody that he was bonded to, died in horrible agony.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

it wasn't the exiles choice to get cut off from the force, the jedi masters did it because the exile followed revan to war.



Well... I wouldn't exactly call it a "choice" but the Exile did indeed cut himself from the Force.


When Malachor V's MSG was activated he/she HAD to or he/she would have died with the rest of the Jedi there... which probably means that Exile wasn't one of Revan's most loved servant's ("Did you notice most people died in Malachor V where Revan's least servant followers" (pseudo-quoting Kreia))

Interesting verbiage there, Jediphile.  :mellow:


Sorry. I can be verbose at times, I know.


That was actually a short post on my part, though. Note that most of it was quotes - you have to blame Obsidian for those ;)


Why "choose" exile then?


He was cast out of the order, which is the only life he had ever known. That he went back to face the council tells us a lot about how much the order meant to him. But cast out and thinking himself cut off from the force, he went where no one knew his shame and disgrace... or so I think. We really don't know, actually.


I believe it was Kreia who established the force bond, so that she could firsthand taste what "freedom/void" she hungers for so badly feels like. Hence the Exile's connection to the force.


I agree with that. I think she staged the whole thing because she knew what the Exile was and how she could use his unique abilties to fight and destroy the Force.


The Exile must have been a Jedi of special significance before Malachor V so manipulation of the force (powers) wasn't strange to him. As for techniques

1. The Exile's "choice" to cut himself off from the force goes right back to some things that Kreia and HK-47 echo throughout the game.


it wasn't the exiles choice to get cut off from the force, the jedi masters did it because the exile followed revan to war.




Damn Jedi!!!




The Exile cut himself off from the Force when everybody that he was bonded to, died in horrible agony.


Exactly. The Exile just thought the masters were to blame, since he lost his connection around the same time. In short, he blameshifted because he didn't want to face the truth, which is indeed at the very heart of the matter in KotOR2.

Posted (edited)

Actually, several of your dialogue options reveal that it was Kreia who suggested the idea; the Exile had no real clue, depending on what you choose to say.


Also, about the whole "Will of the Force" controversy developing: You really can't know. Kreia, the "Mad Witch" of Star Wars, believes that choice is non-existant. But, if such were the truth, then all teachings, Jedi, Sith, or otherwise, would be worthless. Why would the Jedi teach to avoid the Dark Side of such a fall would happen whether or not you tried to avoid it? Same goes for the Sith, really, only from their own point of view.

Edited by The Great Phantom

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


Ah, crud... I can't edit my post now...


Well, let me just say one thing that I was going to add in somewhere after the "Mad Witch" deal: I was just going to say how Kreia is fatalistic... yep, that's the best word for her, other than insane, sociopathic, egomaniacal, and others...


Come to think of it, there are a lot of good words I could call her...



Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

He was cast out of the order, which is the only life he had ever known. That he went back to face the council tells us a lot about how much the order meant to him. But cast out and thinking himself cut off from the force, he went where no one knew his shame and disgrace... or so I think. We really don't know, actually.


I agree to a point. But why go where no man walked before? Why hide?


I thought (my) Exile knew exactly what happened at MV he just couldn't understand it. At least those were the choices I used when I had the chance. Or so I remember...


It's just a quote I remember: 'So they [council members] knew all along.' (after exile scene) It's not something I'd say if I wasn't aware of what happened myself. I'd go more along: 'What?! They're delusional.'


Actually, the Exile is a mediocre forceuser. Vrook and Vandar say so in a recorded conversation you can get on Dantooine. He did have a unique ability to create force bonds, though.



Actually, several of your dialogue options reveal that it was Kreia who suggested the idea; the Exile had no real clue, depending on what you choose to say.


I agree. Whoa, what an inspiring manipulator she was!


Also, about the whole "Will of the Force" controversy developing: You really can't know. Kreia, the "Mad Witch" of Star Wars, believes that choice is non-existant. But, if such were the truth, then all teachings, Jedi, Sith, or otherwise, would be worthless. Why would the Jedi teach to avoid the Dark Side of such a fall would happen whether or not you tried to avoid it? Same goes for the Sith, really, only from their own point of view.


Fate. A very interesting word.


Cristianism(?): everything pre-set (by God), no choice whatsoever == despair

Buddhism: reflection of who we are and were (karma) == hope


Yup. I love Kreia ;)

Posted (edited)

This is my bigest prob with the game


here is a post from Ynrais- which i agree totally



"That's not the impression I got.


How can a force bond form if you can't manipulate the force? How can two people who can't feel the force experience a bond? Why would the masters seek to remove the force from one who cannot feel the force?


The exile can create force bonds both with force sensitives and non-sensitives.


The exile carries with them the pain of the death of a world, pain great enough to have killed the exile had they not stopped listening to the force.


The masters believed that the exile was a wound, and empty void that would draw upon the force from others with a hunger, believing it to be of the dark side. The wound was created by the death of those the exile had bonds with, and the death of a world.


But there also seemed to be overtones that the grand scale of death created a loud noise of the background of the force such that it drowns out the force itself.


The fact that in some of the dialogue options with Krea early on seem to mention the force sounding as if it's coming from a great distance (hard to hear over the din of pain)


I think the masters were being arrogant. Certainly they've killed too, which contributes to the problem they accuse the exile of. Death is a natural thing, maybe not always naturally caused but it still happens, and it would still diminish the force. Perhaps they don't sense the force in the exile because the pain of loss drowns it out? The ithorian force adept senses the exiles pain, I also think force sensitives would have noticed if the exile was siphoning from them, the force bond could be likened to a power conduit and you can usually tell if a wire is live and which direction current is flowing. The exile however is used to the pain and can hear the force over the sound.


You can't sever what's not connected in the first place. The masters attempting to sever the MC from the force would have failed if the MC wasn't already part of the force. If the exile truely is outside the force, then they'd only sever the bonds in which case the exile could just form new ones. If the MC severs themselves again before the council attempts to cut them off how could they touch the force in the MC where they need to in order to sever the tie? Most of the other expanded universe that deals with the subject seems to suggest that they don't take the force away so much as they put blinders on the target. Again how can they see where to put the blinders if the MC disappears from their force sight?


If Krea were severed by the masters, and by Sion and Nihilus how did she regain her power? Or did she never really lose her power and just lied to the exile? How can two force stripped persons create a force bond if neither can use the force?


I never got the impression that the exile couldn't feel the force, just that the masters were blinded by their own misconceptions. Their own superiority which is what allowed Krea to get the drop on them. "

Edited by Keenon

More or less right.


A couple of things, though: The Exile forms bonds with really sensitive Force sensitives. But, since all life is touched by the Force, he does have the ability to bond with just about anything, given enough time or enough of a will to do so.


Kreia: Well, either she lied (Oh, wow, what a surprise!), or perhaps her bonding with the Exile put a big chip in the 'wall' around her, allowing her to tear it down the rest of the way.


Real quickly, little useless fact: Ulic Qel-Droma was still an awesome lightsaber duelist, even after he had the Force blocked off from him.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

actually I think that theres a SLIGHT difference from what Phile said.


Instead of completly killing his connection to the force, the exile on Malachor was highly over stimulated by it. Like hearing a really really loud noise and going deaf. he still was connected (otherwise the force bonds would be impossible) but he was unable to touch it conciously because of the massive trauma caused my the cacophony of force sensitive people screaming in pain as they are crushed by the mass shadow generator. over time  as he established force bonds with his companions they acted as hearing aids and eventually he regained his sensativity to the force.



makes sense to me, a lot more sense then the other theories and its easier to understand. i really want to add something meanigfull but honestly there isnt anything to add, you hit the nail on the head.

Posted (edited)
More or less right.


A couple of things, though: The Exile forms bonds with really sensitive Force sensitives. But, since all life is touched by the Force, he does have the ability to bond with just about anything, given enough time or enough of a will to do so.



and this would explain the exiles bond with visas, the force sensitive miraluka, hence, as we where talking about in the beggining about how the exile got his force from excess, and xp - the exile probabally grows stronger with the force within the presence of visas


as on telos i think it is (depends on when you level up) and see the very first movie with nihilius and visas they mention things about how they feel a tremor in the force, something growing - this is an example of the exile slowly growing a strong connection in the force, with the people around him and his actions

Edited by Revan_Returns

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