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Black Isle Compilation

Diogo Ribeiro

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What makes Lionheart so bad? Unfinished? Something else?

Real time combat :D


It was very fast. But you could get used to it after a bit of practice.

I must have chosen a wrong smiley :p


It was intended to be not particularly serious. I only ever played the demo and didn't like the demo. Not really sure what I expected from a fantasy game who allegedly used the special system, but what I saw in the demo of Lionheart wasn't it. I can't quite identify exactly what it was :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I must have chosen a wrong smiley  :p


It was intended to be not particularly serious. I only ever played the demo and didn't like the demo. Not really sure what I expected from a fantasy game who allegedly used the special system, but what I saw in the demo of Lionheart wasn't it. I can't quite identify exactly what it was  :ph34r:


It's a fair comment the combat is fast (hence them adding a slider).


Expectations can be a killer whatever the game.Part of the reason I was never fond of PST was that I expected and wanted to make my own character not run someone elses through a multiple choice quiz.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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But isn't that also the way with the very loved PS:T?


First very good, but once you got into Raven's maze 100% hack&slash to victory




...first off, it's Ravel, not Raven...second, an' more important; if that was yer impression, ya didna play the game right...truly be a pity that anyone could come up wit' such a notion...kids these days need ta learn that there be more ta gamin' than "click, click, click...whoohoo, killed it"... <_<




A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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I don't entirely disagree. While there was really cool stuff such as the Pillar of Skulls in Baator, if you wanted to get there without exploiting Annah and her stealth, it was quite a large amount of combat.


I also didn't like the amount of combat in the fortress, though thankfully I could kill those things with a single cloudkill to get multi-multi-kills.


Curst Prison was also more combat than I would have liked. Fortunately I was invincible and would just move out myself, kill a few, die, come back, repeat.

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I don't entirely disagree.  While there was really cool stuff such as the Pillar of Skulls in Baator, if you wanted to get there without exploiting Annah and her stealth, it was quite a large amount of combat.



...yer in Baator, o' course there's gonna be a gauntlet ta run...wouldn't be realistic if'n there wasna... ;)



I also didn't like the amount of combat in the fortress, though thankfully I could kill those things with a single cloudkill to get multi-multi-kills.



...again, yer an intruder in the Fortress o' Regrets, surrounded by the Shadows o' all the mortals who had ta die so ye can stay immortal...makes sense they'd be a li'l POed at ya...an' Iggy was sent there by TTO ta dirtnap ya... ;)



Curst Prison was also more combat than I would have liked.  Fortunately I was invincible and would just move out myself, kill a few, die, come back, repeat.



...yer breakin' in ta a prison ta free the lad whose sword keeps the place runnin'...figure the guards'd jus' let ya run along wit' 'im???... :huh:



...so we covered why there be a bit more combat after Ravel than before...what 'bout all the non-combat parts after her, huh???...like facin' TTO...or the three versions o' yerself...an' what 'bout sparin' Trias...or yer run-in wit' Advocate Infernus Forked-Tongue...an' savin' Curst from becomin' a permanent fixture in Carceri be worth that li'l extra combat, dunna ya think...I canna see any "mindless" combat anywheres in PS:T, closest thing'd prolly be the Modron Cube (fer those who didna figure Nordom was worth it)... :-"




A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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I want a copy.




...Ebay... :huh:




A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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...so we covered why there be a bit more combat after Ravel than before...what 'bout all the non-combat parts after her, huh???...like facin' TTO...or the three versions o' yerself...an' what 'bout sparin' Trias...or yer run-in wit' Advocate Infernus Forked-Tongue...an' savin' Curst from becomin' a permanent fixture in Carceri be worth that li'l extra combat, dunna ya think...I canna see any "mindless" combat anywheres in PS:T, closest thing'd prolly be the Modron Cube (fer those who didna figure Nordom was worth it)... :huh:"






No one said the game was just combat (well, Cookiee did say 100% hack/slash to victory, though I always interpret that as hyperbole).



I myself made no judgements about whether or not it was good or bad combat, or if it made sense, just that there was more.


I don't consider the fact that there was some people to actually talk to as meaning there wasn't a combat focus. Sure you can talk to Trias and spare him, but it was all preceded by a healthy amount of combat. Infernus wasn't exactly surrounded by peaceful people.


All I agreed with was that there was a lot of combat. Based on your post, it seems like you actually agreed with me. I'm not sure what we're arguing here. You just spent the time justifying the hostilities, which I never questioned.

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PS:T spoilers;



City of Sigil was okay, but after that just WAY too much meaningless combat


Battling out of the maze... (only combat)

Curst underground... (also only combat)

Baator (that map ONLY combat)... next map was interesting... but caused even more combat in the desert map if you betrayed the guy and they smelled Grace)

Cursts riot. Non-stop combat... with Re-spawning(!) enemies while you stand around...

Fortress of Regret.


And never again with as much immersion as you had when scouting out Sigil.

Curst was lacking in the amount of NPC's... and there was about 1 mainquest, not even a sidequest worth mentioning

Getting the sword was only combat, and the reward not even worth mentioning

Baator; well... what was all that good for? Surely the Pile of Skulls has some interesting things to say about Trias and Morte but why all the combat around that

Curst reviseted... so so so much combat to get to Trias at all... barely any storyline attached besides "help me" "sure, TNO" end...

Fortress; sure the convo with the 3 "you's" and the animations of the teammates and TTO fighting (missed a few teammates though... why? :huh: ) was good, but was undermined by the amount of combat.


Not saying it was only combat after the Maze, but it is just a fact combat got the upperhand here instead of conversations and questing like in Sigil, which is what made PS:T any good..., and all the actions and choices of the PC became a little pointless when you clinged into a linear plot of utter violence and gore...



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BG: Awesome

BG2: Weak

Fallout: Dull

Fallout 2: Awesome

Planescape Torment: Awesome

Icewind Dale: Buggy

Icewind Dale 2: Awesome game system... I got bored so I didn't finish it (note: That was because I got wild and bought about 20 games in one go, so it was because I had too many games, not so much because the game was boring... so this opinion could change on my next try)

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BG: Awesome

BG2: Weak

Fallout: Dull

Fallout 2: Awesome

Planescape Torment: Awesome

Icewind Dale: Buggy

Icewind Dale 2: Awesome game system... I got bored so I didn't finish it (note: That was because I got wild and bought about 20 games in one go, so it was because I had too many games, not so much because the game was boring... so this opinion could change on my next try)

You're only half right.

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PST and Lionheart suck


No. PS:T is an amazingly fun and good game (above avarage) before the Maze...

After though... >_<

It was definitely more quickly-paced post-Ravel, and Curst and the Prison were kinda scarred by cut content (I believe). If you look at the dialogue files (say with Infinity Explorer), it was at least intended, at some point, that the Nameless One and Party be able converse with various prisoners about "The Deva".


Other than that, honestly I dunno how else they could have done Baator and Carceri. Quality of the combat aside, you're in the Lower Planes, you're not supposed to be on a picnic or have a bunch of quests to do.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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No, no. Darque had the Torment thing right. Switch the "fixed" BGs around and then you have something.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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