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ok,ive noticed a few ppl tlkin bout gray characters alot,an i kinda want to play 1.bt ive got a few questions...


a.can a gray character be as powerful as a dedicated sith or jedi


b.ano gray charcters cant get a prestigue class bt how much lightside would i hav to be to get the weaponmaster class,an then get bak to gray with some naughtyness....


thanx in advance o wise ones....




Really quickly, I have to be argumentative.... There is no GREY SIDE!!!!!!!


I'm done...

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  Gabrielle said:
Indeed there is a grey side. It for those who stay neutral to either DS or LS. They tend to mind their own affairs.



I get his point, grey wouldn't be a 'side' as light or dark is, but then let's reword: Grey Philosophy.

And shepherds we shall be,

for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be,

In Nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti.


"There is no "Grey Jedi Order"!!!!!!


"Grey Jedi" are Jedi like Qui-Gon or Jolee (Sp? ). They use the Force, and may have, at one point, been Jedi or Sith. Even Bindo used the Light Side. Confront him as the Dark Lord Reborn, and combat will define his true character: He's a Jedi, and he'll never bow down to the Sith, so says he. They still serve a 'side'. "Apathy is death." Even the Grey Jedi robes say how 'Grey Jedi' opperate independently of the Jedi Council, which, by no means, signifies that they are both 'good' and 'evil'. After all, even Yoda, one of the most Light Side Jedi Masters I can think of, can use Force Lightning, should he choose to. It's not what powers you have, but how you use them, that determines your alignment. And, if you want to make the argument that "Grey Jedi" are neutral, then why did the Jedi Council, in almost every instance, choose NOT TO FIGHT, instead of fighting against 'evil' (Mandalorian Wars, etc.). Grey Jedi often choose to fight instead of thinking, which is why they are often considered not to be 'true Jedi', and why they many times use the Dark Side."

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


The only way not being full light/dark will "penalize" you, is that you won't get the Lightside/Darkside Mastery bonus. Which is easy enough to live without. Force Powers of your like side will be more expensive, but force powers of the opposite side are less expensive.


hum thanx for all the replys!i like the gray jedi philosophy but i think for me the sacrifice of power is to painful since i usually like to build the most powerful characters possible.but on the subject of gray jedi i think that it is a rely interesting idea.


ps,i never said there was a gray side,i was simply refering to jedi who dont follow a particular path and pretty much have their own agenda


Not sure if I'd call Qui-Gon gray...


He may not always follow the code (which would speak for him being gray), but he is a member of the order and heeds the council (which speaks against it)...


He's not a jedi blindly dedicated to the rules of the order, though...


Jolee, on the other hand, is definitely gray - he doesn't follow the code and has left the order.


Well, Gray Jedi are "more powerful" than Light or Dark Jedi in that they incur no penalties for casting any force powers....though they don't gain bonuses either.


If you look at it from a game-player's point of view. :thumbsup:


(Qui-Gon was the closest example from the Clone Wars/OT that I could think of... :whistle: )

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


just because you are in the order doesn't make you light side and sith doesn't make you darkside. it's your intentions, beliefs and deed of heart that show who you are.

  DGwar said:
just because you are in the order doesn't make you light side and sith doesn't make you darkside. it's your intentions, beliefs and deed of heart that show who you are.


Except the jedi order casts out those who are not deemed good, while the Sith kill or exile those who do not meet their standards of ruthlessness and ambition for power (=evil)... So it comes to the same thing.


That, and the Jedi are often "neutral" in many conflicts, except for a few who usually disobey the Council and take a side that they deem "right".


I found another fair example of a grey Jedi... Kyle Katarn. Yet, he's not 'really' grey: He can be good or evil (usually good if you look at the canon).

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  The Great Phantom said:
That, and the Jedi are often "neutral" in many conflicts, except for a few who usually disobey the Council and take a side that they deem "right".


I found another fair example of a grey Jedi... Kyle Katarn. Yet, he's not 'really' grey: He can be good or evil (usually good if you look at the canon).


Whatever happens in JKII (and this is me pretty much guessing), Katarn ends up good in the end - as is seen in Academy when he's Luke's close friend, and in other literature.


Count Dooku (sp?) shot lightning at him, and Yoda returned it full force...


That, and no matter what alignment he is, Kyle Katarn also used Lightning.


And, in RoTJ, Luke Skywalker uses Force Choke on the Gamorrean Guards at Jabba's Palace...


Need I continue? :p

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

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