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Kotor 3 sorta confirmed by ign


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IGN is ok; but they certainly go overboard much like most 'professional' or 'nonprofessional' reviewers'.


For example: I like JE. I like JE a lot. But, 99%? I think NOT. No game is worthy of 99% accoridng to me. None. Zilch. Zero.



Nah. Not true. Megamania was. :)



"Juhani was a cut lesbian romance in K1. The horror if Bioware would release such a romance."


Yeah. The horror... when they actually have released lesbian romances. And, gay (man + man) romance. Even 1 man +2 woman romance. The horror. Alright. :lol:

Edited by Volourn


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"Juhani was a cut lesbian romance in K1. The horror if Bioware would release such a romance."


Yeah. The horror... when they actually have released lesbian romances. And, gay (man + man) romance. Even 1 man +2 woman romance. The horror. Alright. :lol:

What are you blabbering about?


I think Jade Empire again.

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"Volo, stop posting and finish your NwN mod!"


Hey, I was forced to take a break... I've been working on it for two weeks now! Just have been trying to be more quiet about it... as ... I *really* want to release it so I cna stop being a member of the typical Internet Loser Mod Squad Gooser tm...

Edited by Volourn


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"Juhani was a cut lesbian romance in K1. The horror if Bioware would release such a romance."


Yeah. The horror... when they actually have released lesbian romances. And, gay (man + man) romance. Even 1 man +2 woman romance. The horror. Alright. :lol:

What are you blabbering about?


I think Jade Empire again.

It's hard to tell unless you factor in the object of his desires, that strange attractor that keeps his attention focussed, unwaveringly, like a lovesick puppy. :)




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"Juhani was a cut lesbian romance in K1. The horror if Bioware would release such a romance."


Yeah. The horror... when they actually have released lesbian romances. And, gay (man + man) romance. Even 1 man +2 woman romance. The horror. Alright. :lol:

What are you blabbering about?


I think Jade Empire again.

Gay romances in that game I assume?

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Actually, I have begun collecting the trade paperbacks. I recently ordered "Tales of the Jedi: the Sith War". I'll have to see about getting "Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the Old Republic" as well.


some other trade paperbacks:


Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire


Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith (this is actually before the KOTOR era...this one shows what the real Sith species looks like)


anyway, the Jan 2006 KOTOR is the first comic so named without any other subtitle.

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The only real feedback that I could send right now is:


"Used uber character, got into cave, talked to girl, liked it, spooky, me very stupid, me not know what do next, me exit game, me not play anything for couple months, RTL Ski Jumping 2006 released."


Yes, forlornness...

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