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Any Lara fans?


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I played the first one, I think.


Are they all puzzle games?

All basically the same game. The first one I played on PS (one). I am still playing the series (not high on the game-playing priority list, to be sure) currently on number three.


The last one (Angle of Darkness) was a total failure of gameplaying design. I refused to complete it once I reached the first "end boss" after the "change of avatar": over half-way through the game, you get to control a Templar-Knight-alike boy. Unfortunately, the woeful controls on the PC version (poorly converted from poor console controls in the first place) became even worse at that point. I didn't see the point in destroying my Dell laptop keyboard under the necessary button mashing mess that was required to kill the wolf-thing.


It is (check out the trailer) a terrific console franchise, though, and the backlash from the last game should mean Eidos makes amends this time.

Doesn't Xbox 360 have limited backward compatibility or something?

I guess that depends on the definition of "limited". :thumbsup:




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I loved the first game. Unfortunately, it's only hardware support is Glide and some other proprietary format. No directx support :(


The second one was an OK game. Nice, but not quite as fun as the first one.


The third one was crap.


The fourth one sucked.


The fifth one was ugly and bugridden beyond description.


I am, if nothing else, stubborn :huh:"


Didn't try the sixth one, Angel of Darkness, but I am curious as to what they'll come up with next, if they expect people to actually touch that franchise with a firepoker again...

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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First one was released at the same time with Time Commando. But i was able to buy only one of them, because of my money. And i chose Time Commando.


So, i did't buy the first TR. And then, with every new game my interest decreased. So, i never played TR series. :p

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I got Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness with my graphics card.. Everyone else got like.. Far Cry.. or Half-Life 2. But I got Angel of Darkness.. OH GOD, WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO?!


Uhm.. I tried it, but it ran like a hog (even on my newly purchased GPU), had really awkward controls (some crappy console port) and the story didn't seem very interesting. I never made it out of the first level, I think.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I got Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness with my graphics card.. Everyone else got like.. Far Cry.. or Half-Life 2. But I got Angel of Darkness.. OH GOD, WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO?!

Hopefully (all else being equal) a bad bundle equates to a better Graphics Card.

Uhm.. I tried it, but it ran like a hog (even on my newly purchased GPU), had really awkward controls (some crappy console port) and the story didn't seem very interesting. I never made it out of the first level, I think.

The game was so poorly designed that one had to have the patience of Job to dedicate enough time and energy to the random controls and grit your teeth at the glaringly stupid plot holes (e.g. Lara is being chased by the police on suspicion of murder of a pivotal NPC character, yet she blithely kills innocent guards with total impugnity) and ludicrous puzzles (killing the ghost after climbing up a precipitous cliff face, which requires pushing Lara's "endurance" meter to its limit whilst battling the random cotrols to jump up into an unsighted platform).


You didn't miss much, anyway: the plot was diabolically awful.




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Loved the first, 2nd was ok, never played the 3rd...I liked the first half of Last Revelation because it went back to the Tomb concept more, but too many bugs. I even had to download someone else's save game at one point to continue and I never finished it.


Chronicles (5) I hated because it didn't feel like Tombraider...hubby liked that one quite a bit tho, for some reason. Angel of Darkness...the controls and Kurtis didn't bother me too much, tho they were a little frustrating at times. Actually, I found #6 to be the easiet one to complete, even with some of those bosss where you had to re-load several times to get lucky.


Didn't know they were making another one, thought the franchise had died, lol. Well, I'm sure I'll be buying it just to check it out. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll be something great. :D

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Actually.. I bought an out-of-the-box-new 3DFx Voodoo 5500 64 MB AGP graphics card for 100 SEK (~$13 US) a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm hunting for an old computer to put it in. Maybe I should try to find a copy of the original Tombraider too, while I'm at it?


I was planning on building a computer to run my old Elder Scrolls games on (Redguard and Battlespire)..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Did you play AoD on console? I would expect it would be a lot better on the console. The biggest crime it perpetrated was the atrocious port to the PC.


I played them all on the PC.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Actually.. I bought an out-of-the-box-new 3DFx Voodoo 5500 64 MB AGP graphics card for 100 SEK (~$13 US) a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm hunting for an old computer to put it in. Maybe I should try to find a copy of the original Tombraider too, while I'm at it?


I was planning on building a computer to run my old Elder Scrolls games on (Redguard and Battlespire)..

The Tombraiders are all available through Sold Out for




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I wonder how gargantuan her already ample bosom will be this time. If the next gen specs are right they could possibly be Godzilla esque in size.

According to the advance marketing blurb (including piccies) she has had reduction surgery, or just upped her work rate during her workouts.




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I would have to say Infernal Machine was far better than Tomb Raider.


Boobs aside for a brief moment, Indiana Jones > Lara Croft.

There are none that are right, only strong of opinion. There are none that are wrong, only ignorant of facts

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