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The muslims will get over it, just like christians have gotten over insulting images, etc of god and Jesus. They will learn and evolve to the next level of understanding, some day. If you made insulting remarks to Jesus or god 500-600 years ago you would be considered a heretic and put to the stake.


Gabs, I think you make a good point: that this is just as much of a cultural thing as a religous thing. The Islamic community has yet to go through a huge "transformation" as the Christian communtiy did. I think they can start by removing Islam from their government system (aka making them secular), but I'm not holding my breath for that to happen any time soon.

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Yes, but at the present, which one is the most dangerous?  You're fooling yourself if you think any other religious extremism is more pervasive or posing a bigger threat to the world at the present moment.  :thumbsup:


Yes, Islamic Extremism is the most prevalent and dangerous right now but I do think they all need to be removed.

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They burned down two of our embassies in return, nevermind the flags, I couldn't care less if they wanna burn the Dannebrog or not, it's their money. But the embassies are Danish soil, what they did deserves a bigger outcry by far compared to a few lame cartoons.

An eye for an eye. Burn down their embassies, burn their flags, hold demostrations.

The Torah uses "eye-for-an-eye" comment is a plea for leniency in retaliation.


The contemporary position was blinding someone completely for their taking out your eye.


I'm hoping maybe this will finally help the rest of the world to realize just how dangerous and powerful Islamic extremism is to the rest of the world.  :thumbsup:

Any religious extremism is dangerous and needs to be stopped.

Yes, but at the present, which one is the most dangerous? You're fooling yourself if you think any other religious extremism is more pervasive or posing a bigger threat to the world at the present moment. ;)


I don't know about that ... :-"




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1. The article is clearly biased and more closely resembles propaganda then anything else. I can already tell it contains errors in its biblical references already.

2. Dated 2003.

3. Anyone who's paid attention to current events for about, oh, the last few years can easily tell which form of extremism has caused more deaths, controversies, outcries, and media coverage, and still continues to. :thumbsup:"

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Fundamentalist Christian Evangelicals make up the largest single religious grouping in the United States. (CBS)


Believe whatever you want to from that single news clipping. But I reiterate:


3. Anyone who's paid attention to current events for about, oh, the last few years can easily tell which form of extremism has caused more deaths, controversies, outcries, and media coverage, and still continues to.


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Believe whatever you want to from that single news clipping.  But I reiterate:


3. Anyone who's paid attention to current events for about, oh, the last few years can easily tell which form of extremism has caused more deaths, controversies, outcries, and media coverage, and still continues to.


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Believe whatever you want to from that single news clipping.  But I reiterate:


3. Anyone who's paid attention to current events for about, oh, the last few years can easily tell which form of extremism has caused more deaths, controversies, outcries, and media coverage, and still continues to.



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In defiance of overwhelming evidence, you suggest that Christians in comparable percentages clamor for burning and killing? meta, this is a parlor trick. I don't want one off articles or other incidental comments. I want something that actually shows that extremist Christians represent the same proportion of Christianity as extremist Muslims do Islam. It's not that you offend Christians by implying equivalency. It's that such claims muddy the waters of the issue.


Hades hates Christians. Fair enough. He's not getting killed for saying so. He can insult Christianity and Christians and still keep his safety. Move to Syria and do the same. Oh, sure, find some isolated events and try to tie them into the same amount of fervor we see coming from the region. That will be quite rich. It doesn

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I'm not questioning the letter-writing I'm teasing Mothie let's hope that's as far as it goes ... it's when loonie extremists think they have a first-class ticket to the right hand of God if they murder someone that I start to get upset.


The fact that Bush is trying to change the relationship between Church and State is also worrying (Falwell being a former Presidential wannabe).


It's a good thing that the US is continually updating its laws about donations to political parties, so that quid pro quo is limited ...




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Yep, that's the same as sending in the suicide bombers, meta.  Let's look at this, are you really suggesting that a letter writing campaign is the same as burning down embassies?


Like it or not, Christians writing letters is freedom of speech.  Christians burning embassies is not.

What about Christians bombing abortion clinics?

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Just a couple sources for reference. I think you fail to realize, meta, that I'm well aware that all forms of extremism are a threat. But of them all, Islamic extremism poses the greatest threat in our age. :o


EDIT: Oh, I see, meta! You tease, you!

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So what are your take on Christian extremists, then?


But in this case, whether or not they are Islamic is irrelevent. The fact is, they identify themselves as Muslims, cite the Quran to justify their extremism, and like it or not, "Islamic" extremism poses the biggest threat today out of all religious fanaticism.

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They aren't Christians, either. They just think they are. At least bin Laden knows he's just using Islam as a smokescreen ... come to think of it, Falwell can't be as stupid as he makes out, so he's probably cynically using all those poor bible-thumping lemmings in the mid-Western states ...




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"What about Christians bombing abortion clinics?"


Yeah. You mena the ones who bomb abortion clinics, ar ehunted down, and then tried, and if there's enough evdience thrown in prison?


Oh, THOSE Christians.



As you can tell, there's no doubt that there's not any shortage of Christian extremists in NA... however, they're not accepted nor are they allowed to go violent without punishment. The Arab governements as well as many more peaceful Muslims seem to give the 'ol thumbs up to the violent guys.


It's like: "I *know* suicide bombs are wrong; but..... not as wrong as publishing cartoons." LOL


Falwell might be an extemists; but as long as his extremism sticks to words; he can go crazy all he wants... He's not hurting anyone.

Edited by Volourn


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