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ABC Miniseries: The Lost


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Locke came off like a real dumbass tonight. I thought the bit where Eko went to find him after the blast was priceless. The face Locke showed was funny. " I was wrong, Eko..." well duh!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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So I wonder if the other five hatches have the same electromagnetic thingamajingy in them?


I went a little ape**** when the guy who found Desmond turned out to be Clancy Brown. It's too bad he won't be involved in the current storyline. CB has major villian potential written all over him.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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And what was up with the look that Jack, Kate and Sawyer were exchanging? It looked they they might have had a backup plan for their backup plan.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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And what was up with the look that Jack, Kate and Sawyer were exchanging?  It looked they they might have had a backup plan for their backup plan.


That's what I thought as well.


As a side note: Locke has hit rock bottom.


I almost expected him to cry when Eko came in.

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Having Charlie find Locke crying in the bushes was funny.


So let's see,


first Charlie was herions' bitch+

then he became the whipping boy for Claire+

followed by a stint on the leash of Locke+

and added to it by being Ekos' cheap labour



let me check my math here...


Charlie is the lamest character in television since Adrian Zmed on TJ Hooker!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Having Charlie find Locke crying in the bushes was funny.


So let's see,


first Charlie was herions' bitch+

then he became the whipping boy for Claire+

followed by a stint on the leash of Locke+

and added to it by being Ekos' cheap labour



let me check my math here...


Charlie is the lamest character in television since Adrian Zmed on TJ Hooker!!


Yea, but they he played Lock and Ecko and got back Claire.


He's being E-vel


Well, we got till October now........

Edited by kumquatq3
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Actually, at the end, those guys in antarctica were monitoring for that electro-magnetic anomoly, referred to their laggy response time to "missing it again", then they called... Penny? Desmond's lover? Why would she be looking for an electro-magnetic anomoly (or at least, want to be told about one)? Does she know that Desmond was on the island or what?


I kind of popped in just for this episode. I've seen maybe 5 others throughout the season... So if i sound like a total idiot, you know why now.

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That seems like a good guess. But how did Desmond get onto the island anyway? (I didn't really see that part).


Also, I thought it was creepy how thousands of those journals had been filled out and dumped through the tube into a big pile which nobody picked up.

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Looks like Desmond was right about that as well... the pearl was the experiment.... not the swan.


As for how Desmond got there... his boat got sucked in while he was racing around the world.

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Want to know a funny story?


I was watching the American Idol finale because the only channel I can watch Lost on was showing it first.

So Lost started at 10pm for me.


At about 10:30 I fell asleep. Last thing I remember are the 4 toes.


And I woke up at 11:45.



Can somebody come here and shoot me?



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:lol: you fell asleep? In that case you are not worthy of watching!





I usually go to bed at 10pm because I need to get up at 5am for work.


I did get to see Clancy, the toes and most(I think) of Desmond's flashbacks. I really like this character.



From what I've seen, I'm beginning to think they are all under a big huge dome, like The Truman Show. There is a model of this dome in the hatch methinks(sorry if this is a repeat but I don't want to read the thread to much to avoid as many spoilers as possible. So far I'm ok :huh: ), the round, white thingy made up of semitransparent triangles, one's missing(where the food may come from in the real-sized one...). It's also the shape of the ceiling in the hatch, where the button is.


I'm thinking Desmond's ex-wife/girlfriend is funding Dharma but had no idea where they are. Maybe Dharma frauded her and disapeared? Maybe it has more to do with her father and she just wants to find the man she loves, a man her father sent away?



Anyway, the episode is on Azureus now so I'll know more tonight. :D

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