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Who said there was? WOWSERS! :blink:


Anybody that was following the free agency period when the announcement came that he rejected a 5 year, $25 million contract, as well as a 5 year, $32.5 million contract. A few days later, he signed a 3 year contract, the weekend before his qualifying offer expired (and essentially the deadline for signing for him).



For a guy that really wanted to be in Boston, and a GM that really wanted Joe to play in Boston, it sure did take a heck of a long time to come to an agreement on a contract.




And Kor, the cap was $39 million this season, not 34.5 million.

Edited by alanschu
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"Anybody that was following the free agency period when the announcement came that he rejected a 5 year, $25 million contract, as well as a 5 year, $32.5 million contract. A few days later, he signed a 3 year contract, the weekend before his qualifying offer expired (and essentially the deadline for signing for him).



For a guy that really wanted to be in Boston, and a GM that really wanted Joe to play in Boston, it sure did take a heck of a long time to come to an agreement on a contract."


Contracts - espicially in sports - almost always take a while to sign. It's never an overnight thing. There's too much red ink, and small print to mess.



Anyyways, Tampa Bay went overboard with this contract. Silly, silly gooses. I think TB has been on crack since the lockout. Getting rid of their SC winning goalie, and overpaying a cpiple of players is beyond silly.

Edited by Volourn


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Controls - espicially in sports - almost always take a while to sign. It's never an overnight thing. There's too much red ink, and small print to mess.


That explains why someone like Richards could sign shortly after being eliminated from the playoffs.


Or the numerous other signings. After all, the Free Agency period doesn't even start until August 1st, but you have people getting signed to different teams that day. And all throughout the first week.


There was no reason for Thornton's signing to take over a month if both parties really wanted to be there.

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I should change my sig to 'fountain of misinformation'.


For those of you not offended by vulgar language, check out this old school clip. Those Penguins sure can be nasty sometimes.


Oh yes, and


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


Alan I need you to make some chicken soup and take it over to Rexall for our flu riddled team.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I've read that Torres and MAB have improved, but now Horcoff and the two Smi(y)th players are quite ill.


Did you have any luck with the tickets Alan?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Due to the lack of any other Canadian teams... Lets Go Oilers. (though I'd root for them over the Flames or Leafs any day.)

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Alright that third period was a little too wide open for me. Peca scored twice!! Once for the Oilers, once for Anaheim! I liked the first one better.


The Ducks really looked like they finally had things going. Of course this came after spotting Edmonton a four goal lead.


Thank Jebus for that shifty Samsonov-Peca-Pisani line. Maybe Sergei read my post a few days back ( and maybe pigs will fly out of my ass!!!) , 'cos he sure seemed to find the extra gear tonight. Way to go little guy!!!



I'm glad the Ducks got their game in order. If the Oil swept through with four games like the first two in Anaheim they would have been pretty ill prepared for the finals. But we still need one more win to make it to the big dance. One more win.


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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oops did I kill this thread?


And it looks like Georges Laraque is taking a little heat for trying to pump up the crowd last night. Personally I thought the Oiler faithful shouting 'we want the cup' inspired Anaheim a little more.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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My god. Two players get into a fighter, and afterwards the 'winner' gives the home crowd a thumbs up, and somehow the thumbs up is considered the worst of the two actions?




I love hockey; but this just makes me shake my head about priorities in the sport.


Bah. He should have gave the crowd two thumbs up.


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As much as I would like to see my flu stricken Oilers team sweep the Ducks tonight and hopefully get some rest for the finals, I just can't see them squeaking out a win against Anaheim.


Don't get me wrong, I want the Oilers to win, really, but my stoner senses are screaming ' 4-1 loss!!' over and over. But hey, weirder things have happened this year in the NHL, so who knows what's going to go down.


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


five and a half more hours!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"Since you're not a fan of fighting and would like to see it taken away, you'd think a player taunting and glorifying in the fight afterwards would make you upset."


Not as much as the actual fight does. That was my point. Taunting/pumping up the fans with a thumbs up doesn't break anyone's nose or gives out concussions.


Seriously, he gave a thumbs up. Big whoop.




"somehow the thumbs up is considered the worst of the two actions?"


Read the above quote again. That's why I have a beef with this. Everyone is reacting liek the thumbs up is one of the 7 deadly sins while the fight itself is worth nothing more than a shrug. ;)


LOL Talk about misplaced priorties. :)

Edited by Volourn


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Well, you've got all those unwritten rules in hockey, and I think that Georges maybe broke one of them. Isn't goading the crowd just as bad as shooting the puck at the net after the whistle?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Not as much as the actual fight does. That was my point. Taunting/pumping up the fans with a thumbs up doesn't break anyone's nose or gives out concussions.


Seriously, he gave a thumbs up. Big whoop.


Because taunting encourages the behaviour.


"somehow the thumbs up is considered the worst of the two actions?"


Read the above quote again. That's why I have a beef with this. Everyone is reacting liek the thumbs up is one of the 7 deadly sins while the fight itself is worth nothing more than a shrug. :-


LOL Talk about misplaced priorties. :-


Because people view the taunting as unsportsmanlike (ironically the fighting isn't, but that's the history of hockey I suppose).



For the record, I agree that people are overreacting about nothing.

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The countdown is on!! Half an hour plus change till the puck drops.


Are you going to Schanties or whatever its called Alan? I was reading some unpleasant posts about that place on the Oilers forum. Is it an all ages club or something?


edit: And if you want to see what a crowd should do during a national anthem, check

out! Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Ah well, who really didn't see that one coming? Hopefuly for the next game MacTavish might sit Torres , who looked like a walking, not skating, skeleton and inserts shift disturber Todd Harvey instead. Dvorak had a few chances so IMO he seemed better suited than Raffi to be out there.


Aside from that what can you really say about that game? Quite a few calls. When Laraque finally scored to come within one on the missed Murray charging call I really thought they might do it. Of course why I didn't think of the rally cap is kind of escaping me right now. I think I said something along the lines of 'Holy ****Burger!'.


Wow I realize now I don't even have a clue when the next game is. Sheesh.


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


edit: Anaheim just delayed the inevitable, that's all

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Anaheim has a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong road to climb back.


Edmonton will still win the series. Anaheim might squeeze out another win, but I don't think it will go past 6. It sort of makes sense, as my roommate and I figured that the Oilers would maximize their potential profits by going to 6 games every series :)

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