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Peca Peaks Perfectly in the Playoffs!!


Hell even Sammy had some jump.


All this money from the playoff gates (it's about a mil and a half I believe per game) should go well towards paying off Edmontons debts. Although it's been getting pretty warm down here so that much praised Oiler ice could be getting a little slushy.


14 years since a visit to the final four. That's far too long. At the same time I feel a little bad for Hurly, since his team seemed poised to really do damage in the postseason. If only Calgary could have gotten their **** together.


At the end of this series I'd like to send mad props out to my man Duwayhain Roloson and whichever two goalposts are flanking him. Plus to Stevie Staios for the wicked sacrifices of your body. And to Todd-freaking-Harvey for all of his second efforts tonight. While I'm at it I'd like to thank the penalty killing unit as well. Wicked job stopping two of the hottest scorers in the league.


Minuses were the refs who missed calls both ways, 50 or so disp****s on Whyte Ave., and national anthem hijinks.


And middle ground would be Gary Bettman, who I guess was succesfull in leveling the playing field in the first season of the 'new' NHL, but at the same time must be wondering how many fans will be tuning in stateside to watch four 'small market' teams.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The important thing about the ice conditions is more humidity than temperature, so I'm not too worried.



In other news, no bittersweet feelings in this one. I was sad to see Stevie Y probably play his last game. It was a good battle with the Sharks, but no big careers come to a close over there, so it's nothing but euphoria!!



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I said the should have started Harvey 4 games ago. The guy was released by San Jose, after they shoved him down to the minors for a bit of time. That kind of treatment will give a guy an axe to grind, and he showed it in game 6.


Not that I could watch...I'm so pissed at my cable company. Not only did they black out the OLN coverage, they played a baseball game over the Sharks. They put the hockey game on some extra channel that isn't even available in my area. I will be shooting someone if this isn't fixed by next season.

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Doug Wilson said he figured the turning point of the series was Torres' hit in game three on Mihalek.


Todd Harvey thought that taking out his former team was 'special'.


All I can say is anyone ready for some Duck soup?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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From what I've heard and read on the internut Saturday morning is when they are going on sale. With the Pipeline subscribers getting first crack Friday night. So I don't think your chances are too good, Alan. But if you happen to snag an extra one I could be convinced to make a real fast road trip... (w00t)

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Aww don't worry yourself too much about an extra ticket Alan. You'll be hard pressed to get two together, let alone an extra one. And it's not like I can just **** off from work anytime I want. ;)


Next season I'm thinking about looking into buying one of those mini pack ticket thingies. You get added to the list for playoff dates then.


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


all morning at work I've been responding to 'how did you like last nights' game?' with 'Breakaway!! Breakaway!!! Breakaway!!!!'


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Mine is a play on the classic movie, Major League, where the commentator was saying "THE INDIANS WIN! THE INDIANS WIN! OH MY GOD THE INDIANS WIN IT!"


With Oilers in place of Indians naturally ;)

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Todd Harvey is really making the most of his seven minutes of ice time each night.

Now if we could just get Laraque rolling.


Oh ho! Buffalo just drew first blood.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Two and a half more hours. Even if the Oil lose tonight it's still all good since we're guaranteed a split. And unless Anaheim can come up with a magic formula to cure their woes at Rexall Place.


Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I should have traded for Roloson in my pool. So far in this series alone he would have given me 6 points. 2 each for the victories and 2 assists now. Not to mention 8 points from the first to series. That would have given me a 14 point player. That would put him in fourth on my team behind Spezza, Briere and Elias if I had taken him from the beginning...

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Roloson looks to be pulling a Kipprusoff right now. His team is sick and tired in front of him. They take silly penalties. Yet Rolli the Goalie still keeps them in it.




Let's Go Oilers!!! Let's Go!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Tampa signs Brad Richards to another massive contract 5 years 39 million which puts him only behind Jagr he's good but not that amount of money good.


Tampa is setting the bar for this years free agents..

Really how much better is Richards then Elias .


Is the cap going up to 45 million next year I hope it doesn't!!



What is Tampa thinking 3 players locked up to $20million . Where are they going to get a goalie . Can't trade any of the 3 top guys they are all over paid ..


I guess they will lose their depth hmmm Prospal could be alright in calgary uniform

Edited by Delta Truth
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Brad Richards, Mats Sundin and Sergei Gonchar are the only three players I've had in every one of my hockey pools at work. I'll agree that he isn't worth the contract he was given, but it's not like some other fool GM wouldn't have given him the same monies elsewhere. He's so getting traded now.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Why would you sign a guy and then trade him?


I'll try to explain this without rolling into the Vologic. I figure Tampa signed him so that they can get more for him later on next season. Between Lecavalier, St.Louis and now Richards their salaries combine for nearly 20 million of TBs' payroll. And with a cap in place of 34.5 million ( although I hear grumblings its going up next season) that doesn't leave a lot of room for the other eighteen players on the team.


Although Richards may not be the one traded. It could be St.Louis or Lecavalier. I just think that Richards would be the top pick of the three. St.Louis will probably never have a season like he did last time around, and Vinny seems to be the poster boy for the Lightning. Richards just keeps getting better every year.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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