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It's funny, twice in the last couple seasons I've had a guy put his stick out and actually catch it in my skate chassis. Now it's understandable that these guys weren't trying to purposefully get their stick in my skate, but shouldn't it be a pretty obvious trip? One guy was even yanking the stick while I was down on the ice, pulling my leg in the process. Both of these situations did not result in a penalty.

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"Seems as though all bets are off on trips if the puck gets touched first."


Huh? As far as I'm concerned if you stick your stick inbetween someone's legs and they fall down (not counting obvious dives which should be ignored); it should be auto penalty even if you tocuhed the puck first.


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It doesn't matter what you're concerned with though, but how they call it in the NHL.


I've seen lots of "obvious trips" this season where no penalty was called (some even on breakaways) because the puck was touched first as the defender dove to make the play.

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They have consistently not made calls when players are tripped up but the puck was touched.


Given the fact that colour commentators comment that it's not a penalty, and the fact that the NHL Rulebook says "Accidental trips which occur simultaneously with a completed play will not be penalized" as well as "If, in the opinion of the Referee, a player is unquestionably hook-checking the puck and obtains possession of it, thereby tripping the puck carrier, no penalty shall be imposed" I'm guessing that it's not referees missing a call.

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Wow, I'm amazed you have the rulebook. Refs do not typically make the call if you make contact with the puck first. But there is a difference between swinging your stick out to knock a puck away and incidently tripping the guy, and putting your stick in between the legs and twisting. It's usually pretty obvious. I've seen a lot of tripping calls on guys when an opponent steps on the stick. In my eyes, that's a bit weak, but it does fit the idea of the defender not playing the puck.

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I'm surprised any of you people in Edmonton have eardrums left. That third goal there caught me off guard with how loud the crowd was and I'm watching the game on TV! The volume instantly tripled when everyone started shouting. :wub:

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Fernando+Hemsky+rally caps=first playoff series win in eight years!!!


4 unanswered goals in the third. Four!!!!


*does the dance of joy*


I hate to say it, but now I'm cheering for Calgary to win tonight.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I see your Pisani and raise you a Hemsky!! That was such a beatiful comeback after fooling everyone by playing **** hockey for the middle frame.


When does the Flames game start?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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No worries. You were too excited to pay attention. Just wipe the drool before typing next time! :D

Edited by Volourn


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I was about to comment on how technicalities do not matter when we upset the President's Trophy winnar (w00t)




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I was about to comment on how technicalities do not matter when we upset the President's Trophy winnar (w00t)





Oh? Is that what...




...is supposed to mean? :wub:"

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I bet good money that if Yzerman skated a lap around Rexall place he'd still get the standing 'O'. My head is itchy from wearing a touque indoors. :wub:


Here's hoping we can win a few games in the second round now.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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