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Shutouts are the only thing Lundqvist needs to get more off. :-


And, oh thanks to the Leafs and Mr. No Assist tonight. :):)

Edited by Volourn


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I was totally disconnected from hockey tonight. I forgot my cell phone at home, which usually is great for checking scores.


Edmonton lost, but so did Anaheim and San Jose. I guess the status quo remains, with the exception of Calgary getting bumped by the Avs.


And checking the stats I see Samsonov had two points tonight. Did you catch the game at all tonight Alan? I see from the score sheet Edmonton managed to keep Minny to a handful of shots in a losing cause....


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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He also has a very real chance of leading the league in goals scored as a rookie, a feat not done since Teemu did it if I remember correctly.


Teemu didn't lead the league, he was tied with Mogilny. :-


Besides they should both retire from pro hockey.



He still lead the league. No one scored more goals than him.

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No. As I also pointed out, he's not gonna catch Jagr for goals.


And, as I pointed out, while you Ovechkin fanboys brag about that, Lundqvist has a more likelihood of leading the league in GAA and S% as a rookie as well.


I guess you ignored that.


Go figure.



I doubt you'd even know who Lundqvist was if he wasn't a Ranger.

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I was totally disconnected from hockey tonight.  I forgot my cell phone at home, which usually is great for checking scores.


Edmonton lost, but so did Anaheim and San Jose.  I guess the status quo remains, with the exception of Calgary getting bumped by the Avs.


And checking the stats I see Samsonov had two points tonight.  Did you catch the game at all tonight Alan?  I see from the score sheet Edmonton managed to keep Minny to a handful of shots in a losing cause....


We lost to three odd man rushes that Minnesota capitalized on. I felt Edmonton carried the play for the most part.




EDIT: Sorry about the quadruple post :">

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I just finished watching the highlights. Nasty hit on Peca into the boards, wicked awesomeness in Smyth setting up Samsonov, notso great game winning goal.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah, he got beat 5-hole that I'm sure he'd like to get back. The two on one started because Greene lost an edge.


Speaking of hitting, Peca is definitely doing it now. He has been very active in the past few games.

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I can't believe that the Leafs beat the Flyers.. on away ice!


Apparently this Aubin in goal has been solid, whoever he is. Let's hope he can keep it that way.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"I doubt you'd even know who Lundqvist was if he wasn't a Ranger."


If he was playing as well as he is for the Rangers I surely would. I know about a lot of players that don't play for the Rangers. Your point here is illogical, and silly.


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If that were true, I'd have been wanting every Ranger to win every reward every year. So, this bias you accuse me of is silly. Do you see me pimping a Ranger for Defenseman of the Year? No. Why? 'Cause while the Rangers have some good defensemen they don't have any who are Norris trophy candidates this year.


To attempt to say that Lundqvist doesn't deserve the Calder is silly considering he's challenging for both the GAA, and S% (the two most important goalie stats there are along with possibly W though W have to do with the team too). He will also end up with 30+ wins. And, he is also one of the big two reasosnw hy the Rangers *will* make the play-offs and have a chance of winning their division outright... yet... you have the gall to say he doesn't deserve the Calder Trophy? LMAO The guy he a shot for the Vezina let alone Calder (though the Vezina will be tougher as there's quite a few deserving goalies for that).




Lundqvist doens't deserve the Calder, and I'm 'pimping' him because I'm a Ranger fanboy. I guess I should demand that prucha be voted runner up for ROTY too as he's have a good year too... But, no, I don't do that because while he's a solid rookie he's not up there.







The reason why I say Lundqvist should win the Calder is because he is the best rookie this year.



Edited by Volourn


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Michal Rozsival, Tom Poti, Fedor Tyutin, Darius Kasparitis, and Sandish Ozolinsh (though admittedly he's not that impressive on defense so he is iffy though he is 'good' lol).

Edited by Volourn


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This thread just doesn't seem the same without Alanschu. At least the Oilers beat the sad sack Kings into submission last night.


And Tom Poti is not a good defenceman Volo.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I could bitch about Calgary not doing my team any favors by beating Colorado, but I won't.


Oh please do .. awh what a typical high scoring Flames game wouldn't you say ..(jk) but I am quite pleased by the outcome our boys needed that win badly to get some distance between the pack ... This is so going down to the wire San Jose is playing quite well so anyteam that loses will be out (Van,Edm,Ana..


Although Edmonton, still doesn't have the goaltending watching Samsonov skate with the puck is awesome , he would look good as a Flame next year :)


And I can't what for the next Battle of Alberta the rally cap will be worn so you better where yours

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the rally cap will be worn so you betterwearyours


That's okay, we forgive Flames fans for spelling, since most of you are Newfoundlanders and all.


And tomorrow I won't need the rally cap ( hopefully :ph34r: ). Because my team will have the lead for the entire game. If Calgary scored six tonight then you know they'll be shutout for the next four games just to balance it out.



Of course by the same token that means Edmonton will let in five goals... :)

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Well a home game for the Flames means they will put up a good fight, and since Boucher is not in net this well be a low scoring game , I wonder how Mr Roly will do


Hey only about 1/5 of Calgarians are from Newfoundland , don't forget the Saskatchewan folks!!!. Nevermind thats not helping hah

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