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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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ooops, I forgot to mention Coruscant.


Coruscant is a must! :D



I also like Alderaan (either as an explorable world or as a cameo...Coruscant could also make a cameo cutscreen appearance instead of being a playable world).


Dantooine is pretty much a given, one would suppose. Worlds like Dantooine need to have long-distance adventures, not just hanging around the starport.


more incoming radio transmissions and holomessages would help out immersion alot (and open up other avenues to tell the story).

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I want to see Earth.


There was this fanmade PnP supplement that had the premise that George Lucas was actually a rebel agent sent to Earth to warn the populace of the falling Empire. He knew that they just wouldn't beleive him so he made movies on historical events. Then the Imperial Remnant invaded Earth the Star Wars fanbois were the first to die.


Fanboi: Dude, very realistic costume. That rifle is kickass. So, going to see Episode 2?

Stormtrooper: Die, rebel scum. *fires the blaster rifle*



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My signature says my point for me, but Ill say a few things anyway. I hope 3 fixes the problems with KOTOR 2. I love the franchise, so i love the second game. Bioware are just pros in the genre, but I am not gonna bash Obsidian's guys, since this is their forum. I just think they could have done a better job. The game is like the Episode 2 of the Kotor franchise in that it is Star Wars, yet it doesnt feel like it. It feels like another game with the cool fighting system. I remember when I played KOTOR 1, came out of the apartment building, and there, I was in Star Wars. The sounds of the city, engines, people...it was great. KOTOR 2 was way too gloomy, took itself way too seriously, and the Star Wars flare got lost someplace. Also, didnt like the lightsabers


I heard its possible the combat is real time. I hope that doesnt happen. It might be cool if revolutionary, but it would ruin the game if not neatly done. Just watching the lightsaber fights with a next gen engine would be amazing if the fighting is like in the previous games. In full real time...its just not the same than having the characters fight by themselves. It just looks cooler. As for a suggestion...I once had the idea that the classes could also be a race, like human, twilek, and zabrak. (Ive never been fond of the disgusting twilekks in the games. In SWG they look amazing and believable, unlike most star wars games, and that repulsive Jabba servant). Of course, it would limit you and push you to be a certain race with a class, so that may not work. Also, I would like to be a jedi for a change. Sure, I enjoyed playing being an indifferent scoundrel, but it would be a change of pace, regarding the main character. I just think itd be cool to live as a real jedi in a game, not some exile, or some hot shot like in the games based on the events after Return of the Jedi. Just a real jedi, who has jedi friends, talk to each other at night at the temple, go to eat together...(just the idea, not saying eating would be a quest lol)

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1- A more Star Wars feel more like in the first game.

2- Not so much dark areas.

3- Fine! If the combat is real time, I'll accept it, but only if they do something revolutionary with it.

4- Please, dont make billions of dialogue options and possibilities like in KOTOR 2. It was exhausting. Plus, too many things attached to attributes. I needed to actually have intelligence to follow certain plotlines. Not fair.


I don

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Sure, I enjoyed playing being an indifferent scoundrel, but it would be a change of pace, regarding the main character. I just think itd be cool to live as a real jedi in a game, not some exile, or some hot shot like in the games based on the events after Return of the Jedi. Just a real jedi, who has jedi friends, talk to each other at night at the temple, go to eat together...(just the idea, not saying eating would be a quest lol)



indeed, one of the appealling things about this era is that Jedi are:


1) abundant

2) very much a part of the political system

3) essentially the FBI of the Republic


the problem is that the designers tried to mimic the movies in which Jedi are extinct or being hunted, etc. K3 needs to tidy up the mess we are in now (I don't want the comic to wrap everything up in this story arch). But, beyond K3, games set in this era need to take advantage of what this era has to offer:


1) stable central government.

2) lots of Force users and Force factions.


an era ripe for James Bond-style mini-adventures.

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Hmm. I thought TSLs dialogue was one aspect that proved to be far better than KOTOR. The amount of options lent to the role-playing depth and as for attribute related dialogue, it will always be welcome to pop in, kick back and relax in my boudoir. And so, to summarize... I disagree.

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I agree that the dialogue was one of the best parts of K2.


The latest MCA interview (the one linked up top on the Obsidian home page)

talks about NWN2 dialogue and he mentions that, while he is trying to hook us up with more and better dialogue, he is also providing a short way out for those

who just want to get to the action....trying to accommodate us all.

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i think that say your evil then you sould get to say nasty things or if your you can be really polite


well, all of that would have to be in the context of keeping the Teen rating.


I think what is needed is more obvious examples of a "Chaotic" answer in which

you get neither LS or DS points.


Chaotic statements lead to more and more chaotic tactics and can be further unlocked with certain feats.

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I would like to see Dathomir... Have some fun fights with the Nightsisters there.




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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I'd like to see fewer cases where your dialogue options change your alignment and more cases where your alignment changes your dialogue options. If your character is strongly LS, strongly DS options should be grayed out or absent completely. Not always, of course, because you want to be able to develop your alignment, but I'd like to see a mix of the two approaches in one game.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I would like to see a way to be DS without just being a jerk. Also, Im tired of new characters. Where are the old ones? Where is Revan? Lets get back to the original story here. Pick Revan or Exile as your main character and go from there. And what did happen to Malak's jaw?

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