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What are your favourite games?


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Damn, how's that for irritating?


Actually I put smileys to indicate which ones I liked the best off my list, rather than to try and rate them.


It's nice someone mistook that though. :wub:


Damn, how's that for irritating?

We'll get used to it.


Nope :)

Until you keep contradicting me. :)
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Well, subtlety is quite beyond me, you know, and since I'm never, ever sarcastic, you'll just have to take my posts at face value (ha ha... smilie humour, there), and run on the assumption that I'm going to mistake yours constantly.


Better for all involved.



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Dungeon Keeper 2's a game I picked up once at one of those old computer equipment sell offs (got Wheel of Time, Dungeon Keeper 2, and Heretic 2 for $1.50 CAN), but I've never actually installed it.


I probably should one of these days. :D


The campaign levels are fun but it's the sandbox Pet Dungeon of #2 that I loved so much. Tinker heaven...plus all the funny minion quirks of course.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I loved the dungeon keeper games, I just wish I could slow them down on a fast comp :(


Did you try running them in compatability mode? I found that slowed the 1st down to managable levels.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Hade's Most Hated Game:



Temple of Elemental Evil

Might and Magic 9

Ultima 9

Every single MMORPG in existance

Pirates of the Caribbean

Fallout Tactics

Gothic 2"


I'm sure you forgot one. :D :(




Anyways, my faves:




BG series


NWN series


FO series


Madden 2006


MVP Baseball 2006


Smackdown vs. Raw 2006




FF series (minues a few crappers)






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Hmm... NWN wins! It is officially off your most hated list. You finally admit the truth. Soon you will admit it's the best game EVAR!!!!



P.S. Yes, I got carried away there!... (w00t)



edit: Check your profile.

Edited by Volourn


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@ jorjan - you use the BBCode tag [ IMG ] your image url [ /IMG ] (without the spaces). The image must be on a server, not on your hard drive.


@ Darque - Did you ever play the Ancient Keeper levels?

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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To be honest, I don't really remember.


I got DK and DK2 back when I first got a computer (6... 7 years ago maybe?) and I've played a loooooooooot of games since then :)


I can't even remember if I beat the games now, it's been so long.

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