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Cool NWN mods...


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I was going to ask this before the other thread was closed, but didn't get a chance.


When you said "Lone Wolf" did you mean the game world with the Kai warriors or whatever? Or is this something else?



Edit: Title edited to be more Shadowstrider friendly :thumbsup:

Edited by Darque
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The rumor was he got hired by Bioware.  I heard the guy who did the Dreamcatcher series was offered a job as well, but he didn't want it.  I guess that's one way to get into the industry.


Wow, that is pretty cool :(


And if he's as good as you say then most likely any future works will be improved by his talent (w00t)

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The Lone Wolf dude didn't get hired by Bio. He did however make the Shadowguard digital distribution module.


It's never been a secret that Bio pays attention to good NWN modmakers. Stefan Gagne was offered a job, IIRC. Heck, even in the standard application process, you're told to write a NWN mod (as the preferred method).


Not to mention there's a NWN writing contest right now, with the 10 winners having a chance to get considered by Bioware. Due ~ 2 wks. 3500 words, 3 NPCs, 4x4 area. Sidequest.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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NWN has good little modules. Witches Wake and SoU are good mods.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
Baldur's Gate modder/community leader
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition beta tester
Baldur's Gate 2 - Enhanced Edition beta tester

Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition beta tester

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The Lone Wolf dude didn't get hired by Bio. He did however make the Shadowguard digital distribution module.


It's never been a secret that Bio pays attention to good NWN modmakers. Stefan Gagne was offered a job, IIRC. Heck, even in the standard application process, you're told to write a NWN mod (as the preferred method).


Not to mention there's a NWN writing contest right now, with the 10 winners having a chance to get considered by Bioware. Due ~ 2 wks. 3500 words, 3 NPCs, 4x4 area. Sidequest.


So did he get paid for doing Shadowguard, since it's a pay to play module?

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Of course he got paid.


Dragonlance Adventures team were employed to make some art stuff for Pirates of the Sword Coast.


Stefan Gagne was originally hired to do a DD mod for Bio as well, but Wizards of the Coast didn't allow it because the mod wasn't 'Forgotten Realms' or whatever crap. Go go WOTC! On the bright side, he released it for free instead http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=modules.Detail&id=4078


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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"but Wizards of the Coast didn't allow it because the mod wasn't 'Forgotten Realms'


That doesn't even make sense. Outside of POTSC none of the PM are set in the FR. Hmmm....


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Probabaly. They're fickle. It's almost random.


Afterall, these are the same people who allowed BIo to change the Divine Champion; but then stepped in and took a fit when BIO wanted to change the Harper Scout.




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Addenum: The below is a PW. It's an Action. Very little, or even no role-playing. Lots of fun for combat oriented. Well balanced espicially for groups. Various rules changes for resting, death, and spells.


Try it if you like to test yourself in combat. :)


If not, go away. :o Underdark Adventures II


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Well, I am running NWN again. I am going through the NWN OCs and the Shadowlands/Dreamcatcher/Demon series to gear myself up for NWN 2. I want to remember how the things in NWN worked and why I disliked some parts of it before I go into NWN 2. I beleive that NWN 2 will be superior in almost every aspect to NWN 1 and I just want my brain to realize that when I play it. :p


My brain is a strange thing that often gets in the way of my own tastes.

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