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I am truly sorry.


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I just don't see the humor in this at all.  I found it offensive.  I PMed pixie about this and he tried to explain to me that it was meant to be a joke.  Perhaps I have a very different sense of humor than the rest of you.

Nah. If you had found it truly offensive, and couldn't stand it, you would have just stopped reading and be done with it.


You were just feeling like whoring for attention, and that's about it.


I've gotta go with you on this one. You don't have to go crying to someone everytime somthing offensive is posted (even though pixie's post wasn't offensive).

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I found it offensive so I reported it.  Isn't that what you are suppose to do when you find something offensive on this forums?

Nope. You use the report function when you find something that's against the forum guidelines. It's not the same thing. :-

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Exactly.  If Fiona didn't think it was against the guidelines she wouldn't have locked it, then would ave told me to bugger off.

SPAM isn't against the rules per se, and 99% of the threads that get locked are locked because of it. So, whatever.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Hades?  Attention whoring?  Surely you must be thinking of the guy who treats us to a, "My life sucks!" thread every week or so, not our dear Hades.


Hey, I haven't had one of those for a couple of weeks now. Um... Unless you count that werewolf thread.

Edited by Judge Hades
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