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Who said they were? Unless........sarcasm? :ermm:



Actually you implied as much in your previous post. There was a little sarcasm on my part as i am not an RPG fanatic and prefer "pretty" in my games.







Yes i also like pretty sounds. In bloodlines i didnt like the club music per se but it suited the environment. The ambient music was very good at conveying atmosphere. Halo's score was OTT and unsuited to that type of game. Perfect Dark had very Blade Runner-esque music in that first level, that was good, especially as it was in MIDI.

Edited by Surreptishus
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I see, I too like 'pretty' in games, but its not essential to me, I have been able to put up with games like Diablo and NWN, which isn't exactly great graphics-heavy. They've both got good storyline and gameplay, which is all i want. :ermm:

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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Initially I was going to answer with "Yeah, I know the type", but then realized you meant McGlynn. Uh-huh. :ermm:

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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OMG the graphics are not important!!!! :o heathen!

:lol: i agree that graphics are somewhat important. If the gameplay and story suck then the graphics are what you fall back on, and if it stinks too then the game must be really bad. such was the case for me and my personal game preferences when it came to morrowind: elder scrolls 3.


the gameplay- guy in 3rd person looks like a retard when he runs; you can't hit much of anything when you are point blank smacking the "enemy", who is usually a powerful pixelized box vaguely reminiscent to a mouse; the missions are so lame and boring you would rather ditch them and run around the infinite amount of landscape trying unsuccessfully to smack evil little boxes; you can kill anybody and steal anything and pawn it all off for money, which was the game's only redeeming quality for me.


the story- simply put: not exciting, i didn't get very far into it, but i could see right through the ploys they had to make me think i was on a fun mission when i was actually just running around back and forth talking to the least colorful virtual representations of humans that have ever existed. like i have said in the few other reviews i have given of this game here, it is an mmorpg without the second m and o, and with a pathetic r and p. so more of a massive game.


the graphics- so after i realised this game had nothing for my personal preferences in terms of gameplay and story, i then discovered why the suck-factor was amplified for them both the whole time i was playing: the graphics. they were horribly blocky and ugly. the only thing that looked good was the water. the graphics, in my mind, failed to convey the ideas of the physical world that they tried to represent.


Game music- the theme song is good. thats about it. it was good for the 100th time too when it kept playing throughout the game, and it never got old for me, but one song is not enough. as for the in-game noise, it made me want to be deaf.


the game overall for me is number one on my most dissappointing games list. sorry i reviewed it again, but it was so bad for me that i keep feeling like i need to tell other people about how bad it was. but this did have to do with what we were talking about, so whatever.

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