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Still don't listen to Meta, eh? *Sigh*


Why do you resist, do you think we should remove all smilies, text format, formats, lists and the ability to link to other pages and not use attachments as well?  :blink:


What does That have to do with anything? Removing something proven usefulll is very different from adding potential problems


Maybe, but If you don't like "Total BS" what kind of a term would you suggest to use instead?


*Thread pruned* ;)


I can't really comment on that, because I am not aware of the time consumption of the admin, but apparently you are, care to explain?


He is making games. Unless you wan't PNJ and NWN2 to be as rushed as Kotor2 you might let him do his job...


I'm pretty sure that this system isn't gonna blow the casket. The time spend by the Admin might increase a bit shortterm and for the Mods it willl decrease a bit longterm....provided that we help each other.


A bit longterm? I can't see my spend time decrease if I have to give/adjust every post's flag...

Or do you just suggest banning and/or moderated status for violators (may become very quite then though...too quite)


Refute? You didn't prove anything, you just repeated meta's darkened outlook, that I already pawned


:huh: Did I miss anything?


Everything that is already in place is used. Some things more than other. And everything has a beginning.


And what is so wrong with the current system that we need a complete overhaul?


If there is a reason, like increased readability, improved search, checking posts to see who wrote what and fast, to see if there's any socializing going on, any off-topic discussion you'd like to be part of, catching-up with all the on-topic posts in K3 part 5000 - you know that thread spanning 50 pages with 49 of those being nothing else than pure BS...you'll learn and desire to do it yourself. If you don't, I doubt you are even human, and I'll sound a bot alert.


That's what Mods are for. Delete the BS and leave the on-topicness (slightly different in WoT)...

No need for a flagging system if you have REPORT


And I don't think so. Smilies work and are used with reason. Text formats works and noone is making too much of a mess of themselves with insane colors, size adjustments and general monkeybusiness.


:blink: How long have you been here... must be short indeed


This can be the best system evar...and if it works the way it should it could be the fastest prune ever...mods are gonna start making threads with Prune Scores and be on the constant lookout for ripe posts to beat Fionavars or Tarnas highscore...while you will wonder in vain why your postcount is permanently zero and you can't find a single of posts anywhere...  ;)


Or not...

Prune Scores? What's that? And I don't need it; I already beated the others :blink::p

Oh, and Tarna's Highscore is pretty low... (which seems logical seeing the amount of mod days and the amount of mods placed on WoT)

Oh, and last, post counts (currently) do not decrease with deleted posts... Altough that can always be changed ;)


@Jan-san, moderators here aren
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3/ Any moderation of such a system would require cataclysmic amounts of mindnumbing dronework.

I agree. Word unworkable comes to mind.


Feh, Word ignorance comes to mind. Check out that link for threads with developers posts and tell me how hard that is to use.


@Jan-san, moderators here aren

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This post is slightly flameish...


3/ Any moderation of such a system would require cataclysmic amounts of mindnumbing dronework.

I agree. Word unworkable comes to mind.


Feh, Word ignorance comes to mind. Check out that link for threads with developers posts and tell me how hard that is to use.


First of all, developers don

Edited by kirottu

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This post is slightly flameish...


Oh like that, hm lemme see how it's done... Evading the hard solid facts of my humble thread to focus on the general misconceptions and narrowminded beliefs imported by inferior beings isnt endearing me at all...if that was your intent, it's working. :thumbsup:


First of all, developers don

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Oh like that, hm lemme see how it's done... Evading the hard solid facts of my humble thread to focus on the general misconceptions and narrowminded beliefs imported by inferior beings isnt endearing me at all...if that was your intent, it's working.  :lol:


inferior beings :lol: , are you some kind of Neo-Nazi?

Man, just that gives me enough reason to put you in moderated status... (which WILL happen)


You are kinda slow aren't you? You asked this in the very beginning and both Mus and I answered you and you still don't get it.  :thumbsup:


Oh, I think kirottu gets the point. Somebody else does not though...


I'll simply rely on the users, that normally bash and flame the morons that goes out of style and try to start unathorized competing K3 suggestions threads, to deal with people that are too stupid to learn the way of Respect and Consideration to other members. You don't support Respect and Consideration?


And that is big Flaw nr. 1 we all point you on...


If you decide to use those flags it will be easier to catch up on threads and if you don't then it's gonna be as messy as usual. If you decide to use those flags then anyone can see the thread with the options that pleases him most and be thankful to you for letting him enjoy that freedom. Maybe you don't like freedom?


There is already such a system present. It is called mods and they prune and lock threads. Why flag a post BS if you can eradicate it?


But I am puzzled why anybody is willing to put up with such egoistical antisocial indifferent user behaviours that will deliberately sabotage such a benevolent system. I am, especially stunned that a moderator will support such a malevolent attitude when a being like Fionavar speaks of Consideration and Respect of other members...I am sure it goes in any way.


Kirottu has a egoistical antisocial indifferent behaviour? Wow, totally missed that one...

Stunned that a moderator supports such a malevolent attitude ? I don't support bad attitudes, I just disagree with bad ideas...


This is the real world and when you decide to get your head out of your butt and wash it thoroughly and spray it with some antiseptic and brush your teeth and stop posting anime crap and support Amnesty International and start working for world peace and against piracy we can talk face-to-face, if you dare...


And that is reason number 2 (or was it 10) for your soon to be moderated status...

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Let it be Jan, just let it be. The best way to keep up with the coherent and relevant discussion is to be present when it happens. And hey, if a thread has over 5 pages already, by starting from start and then reading it through, one can easily see when it takes a turn to the worse.


Might be repeating the obvious, but hey...that's my job.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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