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V:TM - Bloodlines


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Tremere my dear. They are much more civilized plus they have those neat blood spells.


Bloodlines is a demanding game when it comes to hardware. My ATI 9200 on my other computer ran slow graphic wise, while this computer ATI 9500 runs better and quicker.


Oh and make sure you have the patch installed.


There is something to be said about making people blow up :huh:


I figure I'll go all out and get a ATI 9800... I figure that'll do the trick


... I may still need more RAM though. :wacko:

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Hay guys, I'm playing through on my first time with a Toreador male. I'm still early in Santa Monica - what stats/feats should I pick that are useful later on? I currently have high beauty/charisma and a little skills in lockpick and hacking.


Also I hate how the way I can be running along and out of the blue the game freezes.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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What skills you want all depend on your playstyle. All are useful in their own way. Well, maybe not subterfuge and appearance, but the others are.


I might get by without more ram then :p I think I'm currently at 512 :o


I wouldn't advice it. I've heard from multiple sources that performance really improves with 1GB. It's still enjoyable on a sub par computer, my first playthrough was on a laptop with a dated graphics card and 512mb ram and I liked it. But there were horrendous loading times and a lot of graphics lag.


On my current setup the game ran much better but since this is a different computer it's hard for me to say what caused the biggest improvement.

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The very end is pretty combat heavy - just make sure you either have some reasonable combat or stealth skills to get through it by that stage.


On 1Gb RAM, don't even hesitate. Given the prices here, I assume you can grab another 512Mb in the US for <$50, which makes it the best value upgrade you can get. It will make a big difference to Bloodlines.

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I always liked to play a Ventrue, classy, smooth and if words aren't enough open up a can of whopass on whomever didn't listen to your friendly "advice". The last armor for the Ventrue is pretty sweet too, a coat like the one Neo uses in the Matrix, except red.

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