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Impeach Bush?


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The majority of 2/3 of the senate is needed to impeach anyone I believe.

simple majority in the house to issue articles of impeachment. senate then tries him, requiring a 2/3 majority for conviction. they then have the option to remove him from office, bar him from future office(s) or both.



comrade taks... just because.

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you are probably correct. i think the term "impeachment" is often confused with conviction. impeachment is more like an indictment, i.e. it is only a statement that there is sufficient evidence to proceed with a trial. nixon would have been impeached, too, had he not resigned. he actually would have been convicted, IMO, as well. when clinton was impeached, i was pretty convinced they all knew the senate would refuse to push the trial... it was more of a hand-slap than anything.



Edited by taks

comrade taks... just because.

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Guest MacLeodCorp

I think Bush should be accountable for the war. I am mostly conservative, but I do use logic when it comes to this issue.


My reasoning:

1. Sadam is still alive. (There is now evidance that Sadam may still be in charge of Iraq.)

2. 10,000 innocent Iraqis have died, and 2,000 something U.S. solders and U.S. citizens have died.

3. 24 of the top Iraqi leaders were release yesterday.

4. Patriot Act is a Constitution mess.

5. Bush thinks he owns the world.

6. Bush's talk to the nation was more like a pathetic lecture of repetitive garbage.

7. Bush is not intelligant. (Can't pronounce words, and can't do math.)

8. Bush is lining his pocket with oil and gas money, for his family has stock in gas and oil.

9. Bush is turning a blind eye to the energy companies, for his family has money invested in oil, gas, etc...

10. Bush believes that invading U.S. citizen's privacy is the best way to fight terror. I wonder how far he will go.

11. Bush said at one point, "If you don't support the attack on Iraq, you are considered a terrorist."

12. Bush had the mojority leader hunt down Democrates in the south, for they fillabusters one of his pointed judges.

13. Bush has given a massive tax cut, which extends for several years to the rich.

14. After Katrina, Bush came forward and said he doesn't watch the new. If you don't know what is going on in your own nation, how can you lead...

15. Bush spent the first three months of vacation in texas. (2001)

16. Bush has been on vacation at his Texas home for 80% of his presidential career.

17. Bush told one of the honored U.S. military leaders to shut up, for he was disagreeing with the invasion on Iraq. After the first term, Colin Powel steps down.

18. At the moment, gas prices are inching upward, for no one is keeping the energy companies in order.

19. Bush is responsible for taking out loans from China, Russia, Germany, and France... Now, we are in an international defict. However, we will not feel its affects until Bush leaves office.

20. Osama Bin Laden is a friend of the Bush family, and to this day he has not been captured. (The most important reason why!)


Those are the top twenty reasons why Bush should be Impeached. I thinks I can come up with more, but I don't have all day!


Edit:: Spelling and adding of number twenty..

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I think Bush should be accountable for the war. I am mostly conservative, but I do use logic when it comes to this issue.

most of what you said is actually illogical, but i'll elaborate.


1. Sadam is still alive. (There is now evidance that Sadam may still be in charge of Iraq.)

no kidding. he has a right to a trial. if we were to just kill him outright, we'd be no better than he. care to cite this "in charge of iraq" source? bit of a stretch, particularly given the elections they just had.


2. 10,000 innocent Iraqis have died, and 2,000 something U.S. solders and U.S. citizens have died.

30,000 iraqis, but that's not the point. war is hell, and people die. not sure how this is a logical argument for accountability...


3. 24 of the top Iraqi leaders were release yesterday.

they were deemed not a threat... so what?


4. Patriot Act is a Constitution mess.

you mean the bill passed by the house and the senate?


5. Bush thinks he owns the world.

really, evidence? and even if he thinks he's god, who cares? any person in a position of power does.


6. Bush's talk to the nation was more like a pathetic lecture of repetitive garbage.

so you'd rather he not say anything at all? you already know what he's doing, therefore nothing he says will matter to you, so why gripe about it? this is the most illogical of all your statements. complaining for the sake of complaining.


7. Bush is not intelligant. (Can't pronounce words, and can't do math.)

where'd the can't do math thing come from? pronunciation is a horrid problem in the us, i agree, but hardly an indication of one's intellgence. i love how all you people with an axe to grind come in here and call him unintelligent, without really even knowing.


8. Bush is lining his pocket with oil and gas money, for his family has stock in gas and oil.

do you actually know how much of a percentage of sales oil companies make in profits? record profits are being made simply because they normally barely break even. their overall sales may be high, but their margins are only a few percent. this is a joke of an argument, put forth by socialists that just hate the free market. you're hardly a conservative in this regard, though you're welcome to keep fooling yourself. btw, lots of people have stock in oil companies, not just bush. liberals and conservatives alike. get over it.


9. Bush is turning a blind eye to the energy companies, for his family has money invested in oil, gas, etc...

curious what he's supposed to do? tinker with the free market even more? it's bad enough as it is... more socialist agenda here.



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comrade taks... just because.

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10. Bush believes that invading U.S. citizen's privacy is the best way to fight terror. I wonder how far he will go.

so has every other president that has had the means. he's not invading US citizen's privacy, he's invading the privacy of known terrorists. if you don't want the government listening to your phone calls, then don't call known terrorists. there's a such thing as probable cause.


11. Bush said at one point, "If you don't support the attack on Iraq, you are considered a terrorist."

rhetoric, in other words. big deal.


12. Bush had the mojority leader hunt down Democrates in the south, for they fillabusters one of his pointed judges.



13. Bush has given a massive tax cut, which extends for several years to the rich.

WHAT? and exactly how do you consider yourself a conservative i wonder? do some research here, btw, you REALLY don't know what you're doing. if you look at the "tax cut for the rich" you'll notice that now the "rich" (top 20%) pay a higher percentage of the total taxes paid than before the cut. simple math, man.


14. After Katrina, Bush came forward and said he doesn't watch the new. If you don't know what is going on in your own nation, how can you lead...

you mean "if you don't know what the news media is spinning" right? he's got plenty of opinions to listen to, all of which are much more tuned in to what's "really going on" than any newspaper or tv show.


15. Bush spent the first three months of vacation in texas. (2001)

??? you mean working while in texas. clinton as well as every other president did the same thing. they take a break, that really isn't a break, and go home.


16. Bush has been on vacation at his Texas home for 80% of his presidential career.

hate to tell you, but this statement is patently false.


17. Bush told one of the honored U.S. military leaders to shut up, for he was disagreeing with the invasion on Iraq. After the first term, Colin Powel steps down.



18. At the moment, gas prices are inching upward, for no one is keeping the energy companies in order.

so much for your adherence to conservatism. it's called a free market. btw, gas prices in the US are half of what they are in europe. wonder why... ? :devil:


19. Bush is responsible for taking out loans from China, Russia, Germany, and France... Now, we are in an international defict. However, we will not feel its affects until Bush leaves office.

since when is this news or any difference than normal? countries trade money around left and right.



Edited by taks

comrade taks... just because.

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20. Osama Bin Laden is a friend of the Bush family, and to this day he has not been captured. (The most important reason why!)

uh, michael moore isn't the most reliable source in the world. thoroughly debunked.


Those are the top twenty reasons why Bush should be Impeached. I thinks I can come up with more, but I don't have all day!

nonsense takes a loooooong time to type out, doesn't it?


calling yourself a conservative with this much liberal ideology running through your head really, really is disingenuous. you need to come out of the closet bud. or were you working the "i'm a conservative so my opinion is therefore not biased!" angle?



comrade taks... just because.

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Well, the Bush Family has good ties to the Bin Ladin family, which Osama has been disowned from though we did train and supplied Osama's Taliban back in the day when USSR occupied Afganistan.


That's a myth, at least not in the way you're thinking. And I'm sure if we knew what old Binny would turn out like, we never would have helped him in the first place. :devil:

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Bush was accountable for the war. He won a second term. Other than that, unless he commits a crime worthy of impeachment, which he has not, you cannot charge him for his mistakes as president. That's true no matter how you view his decisions. I tell you what, let's put together a law that says we can hold to trial and execute folks who don't make decisions with which you, personally, agree. That sounds like a plan worthy of democracy. Mob rule is democracy in its purest form, isn't it?


Listen, rail against the president all you want, but, and I will say this again, lists such as yours don't help your cause. Folks look at such lists and think, "wow, this guy is crazy." Either you're crazy because you believe all this non-sense or you're crazy because you don't believe it but hope that it's convincing enough to sway public opinion. Newsflash, the president's approval ratings have started to rise over the past week. Is that because he's doing anything dramatically different? Of course not. It's mostly because he made a speech to defend himself and because the economy isn't as bad as folks have made out over the past year. Lower fuel prices are certainly helping. So, the insane rhetoric isn't helping your case at all. ...But it sure as hell can hurt your cause.

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Guest MacLeodCorp

The list I created is based upon news reports, and actual events that occured. Who is Michael Moore?


When it comes to my Colin Powell (splg?) statement, this is based on actual facts. Colin Powell was against the war on Iraq, and was very vocal about it. At the time, the Hawks were itching for the war, and Powell was completly against it. There were arguments between Bush, Powel, and Rumsfeld. It is well known that Colin Powell resigned, for he didn't agree with the Bush war agenda...


My Osama Bin Laden statement is also true. When George Bush senior was supplying Afganistan with weapons to fight of Russia, George Bush Senior developed a partner relationship with Osama. Another well know note: Osama's brother and family live in Boston, MA, and he donatet money to Boston University.


Bush said at one point, "If you don't support the attack on Iraq, you are considered a terrorist." <--- This statement was repeated a thousand times over. This was not said as rhedoric, but as a means to make people feel that they have to agree with his agenda. If you did not agree, he considered you a terrorist.


Bush had the mojority leader hunt down Democrates in the south, for they fillabusters one of his pointed judges. <--- This occured about two years ago, and was on/in every TV, radio, and newspaper. Bush had Democrats arrested, for they decided to fillabuster. Very well documented.


Bush is responsible for taking out loans from China, Russia, Germany, and France... Now, we are in an international defict. However, we will not feel its affects until Bush leaves office.<--- Yes, I agree that this occures often. Owever, are you aware that we owe close to 2.5 trillion to foreign countries? It has become the largest deficit in American History. It tripled the deficite of the 90s.


(Sorry for my spelling...)


I am a conservative: I believe in fare tax cuts, which include upper, middle, and lower class. I believe we should have removed Sadam from office, but it should have happened durring the Gulf War. I believe we should cut domestic spending, and cut extra project spending.

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Giving a little of the truth in order to further a lie is worse than a lie itself. For shaem, MacLeodCorp. For shame. I'm sure someone else will go over that list in detail, but it's just galling to have someone use these tactics. You know why Democrats in office don't list out these details in National television? Because they don't want to be associated with the charages.


However, provide links to all of these occurences or provide references to where we can see the full account in print. I want to know your sources. I'm familar with the events, but I'd like to know where you're getting your information.


Furthermore, nothing you've detailed provides grounds for impeachment. This sort of anecdotal stuff just provide such a basis.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I don't like George W. Bush, and I think it's abhorrent that we have a leader who seems to lack the mental capacity to best a six year-old in a debate, but all the same, I thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, too.  Know why?  Because everyone else in the world did as well.

What was that about shutting the f up about things you don't understand and let the grown-ups talk?


Hans Blix, chief of UNMOVIC (UN weapons inspectors), and his team did thorough investigations of Iraq before the war and found nothing that would warrant a war, something which his report clearly stated. But the Bush administration was so war horny that they ridiculed Hans and UNMOVIC and started the war anyhow. The only thing "everyone else in the world" knows is that Bush & Co. was wrong. There were no WMD's and Blix was right.


You clearly only get your biased information from US news agencies. Stop watching FOX and search the net for some real news for once.

Have you just never read any of my politics-related posts prior to this weekend or something? Everytime you suggest that I'm a right-wing hack you look rather ridiculous.


Why did we need inspections in the first place? Those were UN inspections, of course, so let's analyze that for a moment. Could that mean that there was a distinct possibility that Iraq had banned weapons? Now, to get the UN to do anything, you have to have universal consensus, and consequently, we can safely assume that the rest of the world did indeed think it probable that Iraq had 'em. Intelligence agencies the world over - including European ones - were pretty damn sure. Hans Blix himself complained about the Iraqis playing cat and mouse games with him throughout the inspection process. I personally think they dumped what they had, and I'm not even sure that Saddam Hussein himself knew precisely what he had in his country. I don't buy the argument that they had to have been moved to another country.


How many times do I have to say it? When I thought they had banned weapons, I was in favor of an invasion. When I found out our intelligence was crap, I changed my mind. I voted for Kerry in '04, and I never voluntarily watch Fox News. But hey, if you can't come up with anything beyond, "You don't know what you're talking about because you're obviously a neocon!" then I guess we're at our endgame.

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so has every other president that has had the means.  he's not invading US citizen's privacy, he's invading the privacy of known terrorists.  if you don't want the government listening to your phone calls, then don't call known terrorists.  there's a such thing as probable cause.

Prove that those are the only calls they're listening in on. We have a system of checks and balances in this country for a reason. You're really comfortable taking their word on it? What if it wasn't a conservative executive in the Oval Office? Would you be so calm with forfeiting your rights to the discretion of the president then?


If you're innocent, you shouldn't worry if your rights are being violated. Please tell me you didn't just make that argument.

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[Pointless stupidity snipped]

The only one looking stupid in this thread is you.


I will help you by highlighting the point you obviously missed in the last post:


I thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, too.  Know why?  Because everyone else in the world did as well.

The rest of the world might actually have believed the UN appointed weapons inspector Hans Blix, who knows. Point is that you're blurting out garbage about stuff you have no clue about, despite accusing others of doing just that in an earlier post.


I don't care if your right or left wing, just get off your high horse. It smells of hypocrisy.

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I believe Hans Blix stated, after we invaded, that he was suprised that there were no weapons. Hans Blix stated, before the war, that we should give the inspectors more time. He did not say that Iraq had no weapons. Frankly, most folks believed we would find weapons. The point was that some folks wanted to wait for the inspection process to work. Others didn't believe that the inspection process would work.


After the fact, many folks have come forth and said that they never believed we would find weapons. For some, the record verifies this stance. Most folks who argued against the war, however, didn't argue against the existence of such weapons, merely against war as the means to secure them.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Prove that those are the only calls they're listening in on.

the onus is not on me to prove that they are not breaking the law, the onus is on you to prove they are.


We have a system of checks and balances in this country for a reason.  You're really comfortable taking their word on it?  What if it wasn't a conservative executive in the Oval Office?  Would you be so calm with forfeiting your rights to the discretion of the president then?

i'm not forfeiting any rights. i'm not calling any terrorists, either. should it turn out they are listening to conversations without cause, and without known ties, they should be prosecuted.


If you're innocent, you shouldn't worry if your rights are being violated.  Please tell me you didn't just make that argument.

again, where did i say anything about innocent people?


you do know what probable cause is, right? you also know that probable cause is reason for even regular beat cops to search your home without a warrant, right? if i'm not calling terrorists, i'm not being listened to.


again #2, prove they're listening in on inside the border calls, then you have a case. guilty until proven innocent seems like the argument YOU just made. for shame.



comrade taks... just because.

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The list I created is based upon news reports, and actual events that occured. Who is Michael Moore?

you have got to be kidding me. you quoted fahrenheit 911 almost verbatim and then pull this crap.


When it comes to my Colin Powell (splg?) statement, this is based on actual facts. Colin Powell was against the war on Iraq, and was very vocal about it. At the time, the Hawks were itching for the war, and Powell was completly against it. There were arguments between Bush, Powel, and Rumsfeld. It is well known that Colin Powell resigned, for he didn't agree with the Bush war agenda...

big deal. since when are cabinet members not allowed to argue.


My Osama Bin Laden statement is also true. When George Bush senior was supplying Afganistan with weapons to fight of Russia, George Bush Senior developed a partner relationship with Osama. Another well know note: Osama's brother and family live in Boston, MA, and he donatet money to Boston University.

no, it is not. a strategic partnership in order to oust russia from afghanistan is a lot different than "friends." furthermore, bin laden's family have repeatedly disowned him.


you really should read something other than left wing rants.


Bush said at one point, "If you don't support the attack on Iraq, you are considered a terrorist." <--- This statement was repeated a thousand times over.

it was repeated how many times? are you sure you got the quote straight, or off of another website? i think you should check your facts.


Bush had the mojority leader hunt down Democrates in the south, for they fillabusters one of his pointed judges. <--- This occured about two years ago, and was on/in every TV, radio, and newspaper. Bush had Democrats arrested, for they decided to fillabuster. Very well documented.

proof please. saying "it was everywhere" doesn't count.


Owever, are you aware that we owe close to 2.5 trillion to foreign countries? It has become the largest deficit in American History. It tripled the deficite of the 90s.

i believe you're confusing the trade deficit here...


I am a conservative: I believe in fare tax cuts, which include upper, middle, and lower class.

which is a socialist view of the economy. hardly conservative.



comrade taks... just because.

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