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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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Just don't level up. Actually, there was no reason outside exhaustive research to do this; I found I had far too many Jedi levels when I remained at level 2 until Dantooine (and I lost all my stat bonuses, too).




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The level cap stopped my PC from gaining experience after the penultimate planet. And, with eighteen Jedi levels, I ran out of Force Powers to assign, and started giving them "Force Break Wind Silently" and "Force Give Unfortunate Better Life Without Them Knowing Who Or Why".




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Lots of discussion, but not much new ...

- I agree with the underwater locale idea, and the submersible cut-scene was one of my favorites - however, major changes to the game engine would be required to really make it work, though - being able to truly pilot vehicles, a "swimming" mode for characters, etc.

- I think melee combat without lightsabers is over-rated (though I did like that melee-fighters got a bonus when fighting blaster-weilders) - I think to make the ranged weapons more interesting, each flavor (blasters, disruptor/disintegrators, ions, sonics - and possibly even different brands of blasters) should have a distinct sound and look.

- For those wanting less focus on jedis, KotOR is about the jedi ... get over it ... if you don't want to play as a jedi, don't - wear armor, use blasters and blades, don't use force powers - or play another game.

- I missed the "affects" display from K1 too.

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Ban the thought of a Kotor game with no Jedis.

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A notion of a maximum level being 50 in K2 might work well with two classes, including scout, scoundrel, soldier, tech and other non-Jedi classes which can be potentially included in a next game. (In K1, two classes made it hard to have sufficient consistency with a character at level 20 being the max)


Balance of non-Jedi feats and force powers/points.

Edited by vaxen83

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NO. Level cap at 20, at most. Make leveling up meaningful, instead of adding more of it. Same goes for anything obviously.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I have nothing against a level cap of 50, as long as your character can actually become level 50 at the end of the gameplay without using exp "tricks".


K3 needs to be A LOT harder than K2.

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John Lenon


This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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Actually with the level cap so high I stopped thinking about level caps since it was no longer a problem for my character build. I never want to run into the 'invisiable wall' in any game. Only thing is you kind of run out of things to kill.


It'd be nice if the next Kotor had more gameplay that involved interacting with organizations instead of just running errans (like being a senator). All optional of course, as say a carrear choice at the begining *See Above post.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Actually with the level cap so high I stopped thinking about level caps since it was no longer a problem for my character build. I never want to run into the 'invisiable wall' in any game. Only thing is you kind of run out of things to kill.


It'd be nice if the next Kotor had more gameplay that involved interacting with organizations instead of just running errans (like being a senator).  All optional of course, as say a carrear choice at the begining *See Above post.

There needs to be (in every RPG, I think):

  • lots of random and tangential quests to perform on subsequent play-throughs.
    As bad as the sequel to Deus Ex was, it certainly achieved one of its goals: I never seem to do any part of it exactly the same when I replay it.
  • Big bad things. Either:
    • Big bad guys that aren't going to die in combat with a standard character, and so need lots of extra tricks / equipment / secrets / levels to beat;
    • Badlands full of loads of (different) bad guys

    [*]consequences to earlier actions, like killing a bad guy early on makes the PC a target for the bad guy's kin and guild.




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Sort of like Grand Theft Auto, too. If they did that, they'd have to make a lot of things to do in the environments. In both previous games (well, mostly K1), I liked the environments, but there really wasn't much to do that could have been done after the game was finished. Not nearly enough to hold interest.


I've said this before, but real time would also be nice. To have night and day and weather on the worlds as well would be a nice touch. It get's a little monotonous after a while to have perpetual nighttime on Kashyyk.

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What the could do (if there is a Jedi Council next game), is have the game have like 20 'missions' for you to do. Even if they were simple talking to certain people, and being like a mediator. Kind of like when you help the Jedi on Dantooine in K1 with that murder.

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Regarding the comments that the SW Universe is tired ... has anyone else played a PnP RPG based on Star Wars? I GM'd a SW:RPG game for about five years when the first (West End Games) SW:RPG came out (late '80's).


While the game mechanic was somewhat clunky, it was simply a means to an end - my friends and I got to role play in a universe that we loved - and I felt I knew the universe as intimately as any LucasArts "continuity expert".


My game was set between SW:ANH and SW:RotJ - and there were only a few comic books and even fewer novels out, so the "expanded universe" was very small in comparison to whay we have today.


Jedi characters were few and far between - there was one PC out of about a dozen, and two NPC's (not including the major characters from the stories - which my PC's never met) out of the probably hundreds that I created. SW:RPG made no illusion about whether or not your PC's were "heroes" either - they had higher base stats that your average guy on the street. While they might have had a "normal guy" background, they were destined for something great.


Big picture - I take offense at the idea that any genre or universe is too old or cliched or tired for a imaginative story writer to create an immersive game that brings us back to the great diversion which has been Star Wars. The dearth of expanded universe stories that are out there has, in my opinion, enhanced the creative possibilities rather than stifled them.


While it has been over a decade since I gathered up my friends around the dinner table an spun a tale in which they played a critical role in saving a small part of the galaxy far, far away, I still crack open my weather- and time-worn West End Games books every now and then and see great potential for a heart-pounding and heart-string-pulling adventure. I still look back fondly on a time when all my friends were a short bicycle ride away, didn't have as many real-life distractions - jobs, kids, and such, and could dedicate a weekend to playing a role in my galaxy. KotOR has helped me relive those times - and for that I offer Bioware, Obsidian, and LucasArts my thanks.

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What the could do (if there is a Jedi Council next game), is have the game have like 20 'missions' for you to do. Even if they were simple talking to certain people, and being like a mediator. Kind of like when you help the Jedi on Dantooine in K1 with that murder.

I don't know. That's like watching a movie with the climax at the end, than going on with the movie with the irrelvent events.

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Big picture - I take offense at the idea that any genre or universe is too old or cliched or tired for a imaginative story writer to create an immersive game that brings us back to the great diversion which has been Star Wars.  The dearth of expanded universe stories that are out there has, in my opinion, enhanced the creative possibilities rather than stifled them.


I'm sorry, but there are no creative possibilities. Star Wars only amounts to a few elements: the force, light sabers, jedi, sith, jedi who fall into the dark side, goofy alien races, imperialistic struggles, droids --> the end.


Any deviation of those elements and it wouldn't be Star Wars anymore, you'd have a generic sci-fi setting with nothing to draw upon for inspiration but your own means.


At that point, why even bother using the setting? Just make your own universe...

Edited by Lyric Suite
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In terms of quests, K1 would probably have more of those which were deeper than those in K2 with quests in general. (More experience). Level capping can be subjective, although I would not mind having a non-jedi class with K3. Some quests need not affect alignment but yet involve a substantial amount of experience, close to a sense of being neutral, so that both DS/LS PCs are able to participate in them.

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


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