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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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And where midgets toss you?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I wasnt talking about your crazy strange land where, its warm in the winter and cold in the summer, where rain falls up, where it is dark during the day and bright at night.


:lol: ....okey......


We're +22 Celsius and bright and sunny, although people here don't swim anymore....today when I went into the water some 50 people stared at me like I was some crazy freak.....talk about manners :blink:"

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We're +22 Celsius and bright and sunny, although people here don't swim anymore....today when I went into the water some 50 people stared at me like I was some crazy freak.....talk about manners :wub:"


Cost extra.




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No there aren't any sharks, last shark attack over here was in 1978 I think....

The sea is too cold for the locals, the only ones still swimming are of course turists from scandinavia and elsewhere up north and some people like me who like swimming for a long run although the sea is +15 celsius....

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(I'd liketo hit on everyone but...) Expanded romance, including Dark/light variation on seduction and so forth. Things to do once I've 'romanced the stone' like feats the aid us when we fight together, and diffrent greetings and stuff to talk about after the romance is over, kind of like the medation thing you can do with T3.


Ability to build and name saber's and have the stats of the saber reflect the skills and abilities of the builder. It'd also be cool to have be able to piece together a saber on peragus if you had high repair ranks.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Yah, except that isn't how it should work. Crystals are found, a saber is created. The sabers in the game are weird, they're powerfull in all the wrong ways. In my opinion anyway.


I don't want to see another KOTOR using this engine. I want to be able to customize everything, no more bodysuits, and I want to at least try to make my jedi look like she does in my mind. Painstaking attention to detail and tons of interactive eyecandy should be the mission statement.


I'd like it if melee combat was restricted to Jedi (where you could actually lose a limb), beasts and the odd Gamorian Wookie in a jam or backward near human. Soldiers should take cover and fire. Thinking on this the interiors were too cramped most of the time as well.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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I'd like it if melee combat was restricted to Jedi (where you could actually lose a limb), beasts and the odd Gamorian Wookie in a jam or backward near human. Soldiers should take cover and fire. Thinking on this the interiors were too cramped most of the time as well.

I'd have agreed when KotOR was new, but now that I'm used to the thought I don't particularly mind melee combat. It's a different age and it is even explained (stupidly or not) in KotOR why they use melee weapons. I can agree that if you think of Sith troopers as Stormtroopers, the vibroblades look stupid. It's just what frame of mind you view it with.


That said, I'm in total agreement regarding eye candy and detail. Computer games designers of today approach this in the wrong way, either overdoing it and sacrificing gameplay in the process, or they seem to disregard it almost completely. The thing is that an RPG is very much about getting "in character", and then the ability to tinker with the physical appearance is much more important than your average FPS. Replayability can actually sky-rocket with just some more options and greater variety in costumes, without having to take too much time off development of other game aspects.

^Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum

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Manaan has underwater. And sharkies.

Manaan sucked. No underwater no damned fishes. More planets like Dxun or Onderon.

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They should have blown that tuna planet up instead of Taris. Vaporize the oceans watch the little fishy dry and die.

Edited by MasterRevan

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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Well, in K2, Dxun is a system that has seen conflict from the Mandalorian Wars.


Manaan would tend to show the conflict between LS and DS with a sense of neutrality from the Selkath where its underwater beauty remains placidly untouched by the struggles between the Sith and the Republic.


Would not mind having a planet that has not been devastated by the bombardment of the parties involved in the Mandalorian Wars.


Most of the planets in K2 tended to be almost similar based on devastation via conflict, except perhaps a few systems like Nar Shaddaa.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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Manaan has underwater. And sharkies.

Manaan had bathospheric submarine areas; I was thinking more Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on Naboo ...




... but Sharkies are cool.

Taris isn't gone. It's just not there any more.

Taris is still there. (Over there!) It's just had the surface pattern bombed and all the artificial structures razed.


The new PC will be one of the undercity villagers that had left for the "Promised Land", after all.




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Taris is still there. (Over there!) It's just had the surface pattern bombed and all the artificial structures razed.


The new PC will be one of the undercity villagers that had left for the "Promised Land", after all.

Taris looks like Tatoonie now. Wish it could have happened to Manaan. How I hate those fish and their gutteral speech.

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Flexible starting locations would really enhance replayability as one of the worse parts of both games was replaying the starting bits over and over again.


Well Taris wasn't as bad, I mean you could do a lot of stuff you couldn't if you played through LS first. The whole Lower City gang thing, the fight against Bedak...

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