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Civilization 4

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For a pacifist you do like to stir the pot, Steve ... :(

Who, me? o:)


I'm just saying, it was interesting how they were quite happy to give attributes to civilizations in Civ3 or leaders in Civ4 (which is just another way of giving them to the civilization, in my opinion), yet they were so cautious about religion. They probably worked on that message in the manual for weeks. OK, it's probably wise not to come straight out and say that a particular religion is aggressive, or benefits agriculture, or so on. We don't want a holy war in real life.


So why not have the religions gain different bonuses during the game according to who founded them, or the behaviour of the founding civ. So if, for example, the founder of Taoism is then the first civ to circumnavigate the globe, Taoism itself gains some maritime bonuses which also are passed on to other civs, or cities, with that religion.

Edited by SteveThaiBinh

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I'm just saying, it was interesting how they were quite happy to give attributes to civilizations in Civ3 or leaders in Civ4 (which is just another way of giving them to the civilization, in my opinion), yet they were so cautious about religion.  They probably worked on that message in the manual for weeks.  OK, it's probably wise not to come straight out and say that a particular religion is aggressive, or benefits agriculture, or so on.  We don't want a holy war in real life.


So why not have the religions gain different bonuses during the game according to who founded them, or the behaviour of the founding civ.  So if, for example, the founder of Taoism is then the first civ to circumnavigate the globe, Taoism itself gains some maritime bonuses which also are passed on to other civs, or cities, with that religion.

I think it's a brilliant idea. Who's going to determine what the bonuses / penalties are? :-




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Civ 4 is highly modifiable. Nothing really stops one putting in a wiccan religion (there are already mods available replacing Confucianism with Zoroastrianism, one for a new-age religion, and even one which changes all the religions into Fast Food companies), nor is it particularly difficult to give various religions the bonuses and penalties you feel are appropriate (again, there are already mods for this). the only difficulty would be that idea of the founding civ affecting the religion, though once Firaxis gives us the tools to mod the SDK code, it should be possible. 8)


Probably the worst part about making the religions identical is that can potentially be more offensive than giving them bonuses and penalties. If one is sensitive enough about one's religion to be offended by a game assigning the religion attributes, one is probably sensitive enough the be offended by one's religion gaining health bonuses from eating shellfish, pigs or cows (if one's religion has food laws).

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A working definition of a pacifist -- the third party who decides which of the belligerents will win the war. :Eldar's ribbing Steve in a good natured way grin:


I don't completely agree with the idea of penalizing a civ for using shell fish, but Reveilled is on to something. Some religious folks are going to be offended by the religions and how the design team handled tham anyhow. As long as the developers are even handed, I don't see a problem with a varied design.

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Some religious folks are going to be offended ...

Surely not. :)


Firaxis did a good job of making it politically correct, and so avoided seeing the release of the game getting tangled up with a row involving some of the more extreme Christian groups in the US, who are the most likely to notice a game release and make a fuss. Now that this hurdle is safely overcome, it's time to let religion develop. It's a genuine success of the game - for me, it's the biggest factor in making each game different to the last and so sustaining interest in the long term. It has a lot more potential. :thumbsup:

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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A world populated by Pagans.  :-


As it should be :)

An Elysium paradise. :p


Indeed ;)


*Goes back to working on his full moon ritual*


On a side note, the patch fixes all the bugs I noticed including poor video playback for the wonders.

Edited by Rhomal

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Hopefully they'll keep fixing things o:)

Let's hope so. I get some graphics problems with the picture becoming corrupted after a couple of hours play, so I took a look at the civfanatics tech support forum. After seeing all the nightmare problems people are having, with invisible units, no fog of war and system restarts, I decided I was one of the lucky ones. This game got rave reviews. Will the reviews that come out a month after release be so positive, if there are so many problems? Sounds familiar... :ermm:

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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The demo runs great on my machine.



I guess I will continue my trend of never experiencing what other people do with respect to game problems. Not that I mind of course.


Maybe I have good karma, and this is how it pays me back. Though I'd rather put it towards other things if I could >_<

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