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My internet provider has given me the opportunity to upgrade my broadmand from a 128k connection to a T1 connection for no extra cost. Which is all well and good, but the tenfold increase in speed comes with a tenfold decrease in the cap. At present, my download cap is 30GB. I don't use anything close to approaching that amount (in fact, I wasn't even aware there was a cap until I got this offer, since I'd never come anywhere near it). I usually download about 1GB of stuff a month (not counting webpages), which would be well under the 3GB cap, but if, for example, I wanted to download an entire series of a show (hypothetically, you understand, as I would of course never condone such an illegal practice :lol:), I would have to spread it out over several months.


Basically, that's not too much of a problem, but only if I'm going to get something tangible in return. I can usually afford to leave my computer on at nights to download large files on my slow connection. I don't play any online games. Other than downloads, pretty much the only thing I use the intrnet for is to surf webpages and read forums. Will upgrading my internet connection provide any noticeable speed increase in the downloading of webpages?


Any advice from people with fast connections and download caps would be appreciated. :wub:

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!


The only noticeable difference between a fast connection and a slower one (for me) is that I can watch streaming movies without hitches. In a few cases (World of Warcraft and another game I forgot the name of) I've had to download some .ISO-files and it's quite nice when 700 Mb takes appr. 10 minutes to download. But for ordinary webpages there's no noticeable difference, in my opinion.


By the way, I had to live on 10 Gb/month a while back, and at first it worried me, but after a while I noticed I almost never reached that limit. 30GB should be enough unless you download loads and loads of illegal pr0n.. :lol:

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

The only noticeable difference between a fast connection and a slower one (for me) is that I can watch streaming movies without hitches. In a few cases (World of Warcraft and another game I forgot the name of) I've had to download some .ISO-files and it's quite nice when 700 Mb takes appr. 10 minutes to download. But for ordinary webpages there's no noticeable difference, in my opinion.


By the way, I had to live on 10 Gb/month a while back, and at first it worried me, but after a while I noticed I almost never reached that limit. 30GB should be enough unless you download loads and loads of illegal pr0n.. :lol:


Ah, you misunderstand. I have a 30GB cap on my 128k connection. If I upgrade to a T1, I'll have a 3GB cap. 4 episodes of Battlestar Galactica a month already takes me to over 1GB.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

The only noticeable difference between a fast connection and a slower one (for me) is that I can watch streaming movies without hitches. In a few cases (World of Warcraft and another game I forgot the name of) I've had to download some .ISO-files and it's quite nice when 700 Mb takes appr. 10 minutes to download. But for ordinary webpages there's no noticeable difference, in my opinion.


By the way, I had to live on 10 Gb/month a while back, and at first it worried me, but after a while I noticed I almost never reached that limit. 30GB should be enough unless you download loads and loads of illegal pr0n.. :lol:


Ah, you misunderstand. I have a 30GB cap on my 128k connection. If I upgrade to a T1, I'll have a 3GB cap. 4 episodes of Battlestar Galactica a month already takes me to over 1GB.


I'd say just stick with the 128 then. The only reason to get the faster connection would be to download lots of large files. If I had a t1 connection I'd be downloading full seasons of TV in high quality, one season would put me over a 3 GB cap 2 or 3 times, so I don't see a point.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



Oh, 3 Gb.. Yeah, that sounds awfully restricted. I'm not sure how much I surf around on each month, but I do know that I download lots of game trailers, some of which are in the range of 50-100 Mb. 3 Gb is probably too little. What a weird deal though: 30 Gb if you have 128 Kbit and 3 Gb if you have T1. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

Oh, 3 Gb.. Yeah, that sounds awfully restricted. I'm not sure how much I surf around on each month, but I do know that I download lots of game trailers, some of which are in the range of 50-100 Mb. 3 Gb is probably too little. What a weird deal though: 30 Gb if you have 128 Kbit and 3 Gb if you have T1. Shouldn't it be the other way around?


Well, I imagine the rationale is that on a 128k connection, downloading 30GB of data would take so long that it wouldn't put any stress on the ISP's servers or their profits, whereas downloading 30GB of data on a T1 would be quick and easy, which would create problems if all their customers were doing so.


I know that I don't use 3GB right now (because those 50mb trailers are too big at the moment), but once I had the connection, I'd be mighty tempted to use up my 3GB limit in just a week. I think, then, that'll I'll stick with what I've got. I can afford to wait overnight for a 300MB download to finish.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!


Depending on the provider, it may or may not even be enforced. My roommate and I have a cap, and while I never come close to it, he usually demolishes it many times over himself.



If downloading TV shows is your thing and you're worried about the cap being enforced, then I'd probably not go with it.


I like playing games and enjoy getting patches and demos very quickly, so I like my faster internet. Unless I download a ton of demos in a month though, I don't get close to 3 GB (I have 2.5 Mbit download).


6 Mb/s here and no cap (adelphia). the difference is really only in time to DL, since most of the wait above a few hundred kb/s from serving webpages is the latency in the link and handshaking.



comrade taks... just because.

I wanted to download an entire series of a show (hypothetically, you understand, as I would of course never condone such an illegal practice )


Not sure what country your in, but in the US thats not illegal. Tho it is a bit of a grey area.


Today- download caps, tomorrow- deathcamps for anyone who has ever downloaded as much as a tiny little mp3 without paying for it..







(and the new battlestar galactica is the shiznitz)

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "


slippery slope there, kaftan. in fact, the same argument has been made every time a new technology comes out, yet no deathcamps. tapes from vinyl, DATs, CDs, you name it. the RIAA will litigate itself into obscurity one of these days. the sooner the better, IMO.



comrade taks... just because.


Yeah, well ok... having friends in the ISP bussiness I know full well that its usually just to save money by saving bandwidth.



but as for caps, I had a friend who was a backoffice tech at Tiscali and they didnt do anything until a user had reached 1000gb/month at which they called and gave them a warning. So fussing about 3gb is insanely cheap

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "


We've been well over our 2Gb limit with Wanadoo and they've never commented or charged us; though having said that, the service is so crappy and the interruptions so frequent they may just be too embarrassed. When we upgraded from 512k to 1Mb last year there was no noticeable change in download speeds.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


It all depends on what you are using it for. If you are using the Internet for lots of high memeory downloads then your current line is fine. If you are going into the realm of competitive online gaming then faster option should be taken.


Simply address your online activities and see where your needs are.

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