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Does anyone know about these? For some reason they're not in game. Here's the texts.


{: One path, assuming he survives, will allow him to save his friends, but he shall be the weaker for it. ::}


{903903kreia003The Sith Assassins get up, and they begin to materialize off into the shadows.:: The other route will lead him directly to this place, through the ones that have hounded his steps through the beginning... and he shall have his vengeance. ::}


I don't know why they enclosed them like this, but they did. These were recorded, but not used. There's also female verions of these lines, if you must know.


Yes. The original idea was that in Trayus Academy the player could take 2 paths, and unlike the current situation they didn't both lead toward Sion.


One path you saved your teammates, and got weaker because of it.

And the other would be like Trayus is now...


That fits really well with what Kreia preaced all along. Your friends are your weakness and all that.


It sounds like this game 'HAD' a really good ending.

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