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KotOR II Movie/Music Patch Coming Soon

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Guest MacleodCorp
Even if they fixed bugs, would you still delay leaving the game?



Even if they fixed bugs, would you still delay leaving the game?


Bugs, no

Added content: Yes (Can be as small as a little ship with an enormous rich Pazaak player and uber-item seller...Mmmm, sound fimiliar :- )


If they came out with a patch to repair the bugs, add content, upgrade movies, and upgrade sound, then I will consider not leaving the game. Otherwords an expansion pack or content patch. Nothing less.


My only reasons are:

1. I have a bug that puts my game in a loop on Duxun, which was not fixed by the 1.0b patch.

2. I have played the game over 100 times, and an up grade to movies and sound would not add new content, so there would be no reason to play.

3. I am getting bored of KotOR II quickly. Unlike KotOR I, where I can still find reasons to play, KotOR II doesn't have replay value for me any more.

4. Way too much dialogue to start the game from the beginning. I would like to just jump into a game without having to go through too much dialogue, or dialogue that the NPCs keep repeating... How dull!

5. The Retoration Project, will come out way too late, so I will probally be back in classes. Therefore, I will have not time for a replay. They are ony at 50%.


Obtaining a patch that was soley for sound and movies is a waste of my time. At this point, I am pretty much fried by the game, and see no point in another 'beginning to end' replay.

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4. Way too much dialogue to start the game from the beginning. I would like to just jump into a game without having to go through too much dialogue, or dialogue that the NPCs keep repeating... How dull!


I recommend a wide-berth for the rest of Obsidian's games. When at BIS, their games were dialogue heavy, with the exception of their action RPGs perhaps.


I found KOTOR to be too sparse on the dialogue personally.

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Guest MacleodCorp
4. Way too much dialogue to start the game from the beginning. I would like to just jump into a game without having to go through too much dialogue, or dialogue that the NPCs keep repeating... How dull!


I recommend a wide-berth for the rest of Obsidian's games. When at BIS, their games were dialogue heavy, with the exception of their action RPGs perhaps.


I found KOTOR to be too sparse on the dialogue personally.


KotOR I had more action than dialogue. When you first play KotOR II, you don't mind the dialogue. However, when you play it about 20 plus times, you begin to think the dialogue is too much of an obsticle. I am going to open up a thread, so we are not taking up this one's steam.

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2. I have played the game over 100 times, and an up grade to movies and sound would not add new content, so there would be no reason to play.

3. I am getting bored of KotOR II quickly. Unlike KotOR I, where I can still find reasons to play, KotOR II doesn't have replay value for me any more.

I get bored of RPGs I play 100 times as well.

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Guest MacleodCorp
Agreed.  I think any single player game that someone can play over 100 times would mean the game is a rousing success!


I don't think the game is a rousing success, but I do think it has the potential to become one. I am also a modder, so that 100x thing is probally not acurate. I think I played the gave, from beginning to end, about four times.

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Guest MacleodCorp

I believe that the article at Gamebanshee was unintended. As I look at it now, I think Mr. Morgan didn't think he was going to be qouted. Also, I believe Gamebanshee was just trying to stir us up. None of the game developers, admins, or Lucas Arts associates have made a statement.


At the moment, there probally won't be a statement about this patch.

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Did you check to see if that gamebanshee article was actually a DIRECT quote from Morgan? Or was gamebanshee just quoting Morgan's post on HERE from a few months ago and re-using it?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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hehehehe, i can go on and on....well until a mod or admin moans at me to stop anyway. :wub:


But you got to moan alot of those big headed Developers and Producers to understand anything, but i doubt you are gonna get Lucasarts to admit screwing up the game for a quick buck in the xmas holidays.

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Guest MacleodCorp
Did you check to see if that gamebanshee article was actually a DIRECT quote from Morgan?  Or was gamebanshee just quoting Morgan's post on HERE from a few months ago and re-using it?


According to BuckGB, Gambanshee site owner, the article was a direct quote from Obsidian. However, Obsidian never made a statement on their site about it; therefore, I don't know how reliable the article is!? When there is something to say, Morgan usually shows up, and lets everyone in on the news. However, that didn't happen this time.

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Guest MacleodCorp
No news at all. :)  Obsidian, what in the world are we supposed to make of this?  Is this patch actually going to come out?  What's the delay?


Let me see, the patch is not coming out for a while!

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Do your lives depend on this patch thingie, or why are you moaning after it so precariously?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Do your lives depend on this patch thingie, or why are you moaning after it so precariously?

Precariously? :lol:


Nobody's moaning. We're querying. And gently reminding Obsidian and LucasArts that we're out here, waiting and watching. Always watching. :ph34r:

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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