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I guess its still too early for Nintendo to reveal much about the console. It probably did so in response to the other two console unveilings and to ensure that peoplel know nintendo isnt out of the console game. They wouldn't even give a general release date other than say it will be released in 2006.


...of course it could be that they want to keep things ultra secret and create an air of mystique.

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"MVP Baseball is another story. My infielders will refuse to pick up a ball right next to them, why someone else will run across the entire field to get to it."


Huh? That must be the x-box version. I'm playing the PS2 version, and my fielders do their job. I play on All Star Assisted Fielding.


I love MVP Baseball 2005. Best baseabll game since the second version of Triple Play, also by EA.


I'm 130 games into my season. Doing good; but not great. My biggest beef is that scoring runs outside of blasting a homerun (though homeruns are hit at a reasonable pace) is sucha friggin' chore for both me, and the computer. Heck, My team ERA is like 2.5 (if that), while I score about the same. Makes my picthers look awesome; but even this late in the season my best RBI man has 60 RBIs which really, really sucks. Heh.


I find the AI pretty good both my teammates, and my opponents. My own intelligence drops a good 100 points when I have a rally going ie. bases loaded, no one, and somehow land up scoring no runs because of moronicy poor base running decisions, or swinging at bad picthes after being patient enough to take two walks in a row. It's like I get way too eager for my own good. Grr..


Anyways, great fun. :D


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I'm most familiar with the basketball games, since I love basketball.


the AI in Live 2005 is quite a bit better, but I still find my teammates to be a bunch of doorknobs that don't understand keeping the floor balanced, or like to cut across for a post up while I drive to the lane.


My biggest beef with 2005 is that the computer controlled teams have a speed boost. It's virtually impossible to score on the break in that game, even with speedy little guys like Steve Nash. But give the CPU Nash, and watch out!


Another big beef is the defense. The CPU teams stick with their man like crazy, whereas my own team defenders have their feet glued to the floor, and trying to anticipate defense while controlling can be difficult. I'm not processing all the input and know what the computer is doing the instant he starts doing it, whereas the nanosecond I push left on my controller, the CPU defender immediately reacts. It's led to some bizarre times when I couldn't even cross the half-court line without whipping out some crazy freestyle moves to get free. Trying to just dribble the ball across the line was literally impossible.



It's not my fault.

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Gah. NBA 2005 is the only 2005 EA sports game I played, and hated. Shooting in it was horrid as you could be wide open and miss. Heck, you could outshoot your opponets on a 2-1 basis, and they'd have an 80% S%, and you'd be like 25%. LOL I played it for a bit, and gave it away. <>


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The shooting I was able to get down pretty good with some slider manipulation, so I didn't have a problem with that. With some creative tweaking I was able to get the game running pretty good, with average scores of 90-100 pts and realistic shooting percentages.


It still sucks to hit a speedy slasher with a pass (which often isn't a lead pass, which gets annoying) and watch ANY CPU defender catch up to you and cut you off.


They came from behind.

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"PLUGH" was a teleport command from the Original Adventure. If you typed it -- or the other teleport commands -- into any of the Zork adventures, the response was "Fraud" or some other insult. :D

I'm a fraud. I have Adventure on my HDD, and I've never even started it. And I've never beat a Zork title, despite starting several.

The Original Adventure was interesting mainly for the characters and situations, it's probably really easy to beat now, as everyone stole their ideas (e.g. the maze).


IIRC Zork II was the best. But I really enjoyed Planetfall the most (where you start off as a janitor on a military ship and are the only survivor to crash land on the unknown planet below that just happens to have an ancient, dormant civilization ...)


Great kid, don't get c0cky ...




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