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How about a new ship in KOTOR 3

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I know this would cause hell for gameplay mechanics (mainly party switching) but what about a home base planet rather than a home ship. Maybe something the size of Yavin station (and just as remote so whatever enemy they use they can't find you).

And when you travel, you travel in a small shuttle or something. I was originally thinking of something like Kyle Katarn's ship (the "somthing" Crow) or the ship used to travel to Dxun.

Only problem is that warping party members in and out now will seem more stupid than ever but hey, maybe people won't be so picky about it.


Its the Raven Claw actually. Its not a bad idear but like u said the party switching would cause some problems, unless they intend to make ktor3 with only 2 characters :rolleyes:


the raven's claw is his NEW ship. the (moldy?) crow was the original one.


they do look pretty much exactly the same though....

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The Basillisk?


You do ride one, though it's weapons are damaged.


No...play K1 again. After a while he'll tell you that when some of his men were firing on these asteriods one came to life, burned up one of the ships in acid, and then ran like hell. They chased it all the way to the line of known space, it's in the unknown regions. Something that may attack you in the next game perhaps...

Dude, that was just a nod to the EU-roots of the game. Yuuzhan Vong fighter, probably. I'll make a big fat kill if someone decides to include them in the third installation. The chances are slim, thank god.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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As long as we are in the current story arch, we will most likely be riding around on the Ebon Hawk.


however, as others have suggested, it would be interesting to have a 2nd ship late in the game when the game has presumably gone multithreaded.


also, being able to commandeer a capital ship and to navigate from the bridge would be a nice touch late in the game.

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I actually liked the Ebon Hawk in both KOTOR1 and 2, but it really annoys me how, in JK, KOTOR and the OT all have names of birds, and in KOTOR and OT case, name of a period of time before it. I actually dont know why the game developers should do this apart from to copy the original movies, and i dont know why but it just annoys me <_<

Rant over...


But I do also think as long as the game is related to either Exile or Revan in some way then we will have the Ebon Hawk.


Also, I know it would be impossibly difficult, but commandeering the ship in some way would be fun, and a nightmare to program into the game, as there is such open space. It would probably be ok if you were in a dogfight or something though.

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The Basillisk?


You do ride one, though it's weapons are damaged.


No...play K1 again. After a while he'll tell you that when some of his men were firing on these asteriods one came to life, burned up one of the ships in acid, and then ran like hell. They chased it all the way to the line of known space, it's in the unknown regions. Something that may attack you in the next game perhaps...

"Do you want some tea?" (looks quizzically at Egon -- you were right, it was Ray, above).

"Yes, have some."

"Yes, have some." he repeats dutifully.


"... Dogs and cats living together ..." :lol:

As long as we are in the current story arch, we will most likely be riding around on the Ebon Hawk.


however, as others have suggested, it would be interesting to have a 2nd ship late in the game when the game has presumably gone multithreaded.


also, being able to commandeer a capital ship and to navigate from the bridge would be a nice touch late in the game.

Was anyone ever able to pilot the capital ship in K1 where Malek captured Bastila (or "Bast-U-La", as he called her :lol: ) ? The nav computer read it was heading for the Star Forge (IIRC), so theoretically one could just wait there and get to the endgame without doing the last planet crawl ...







... Okay, I didn't really expect a confirmation to that (rhetorical) question; I was just curious if anyone else noticed that logic flaw in the game ... :thumbsup:




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Was anyone ever able to pilot the capital ship in K1 where Malek captured Bastila (or "Bast-U-La", as he called her  :lol: ) ? The nav computer read it was heading for the Star Forge (IIRC), so theoretically one could just wait there and get to the endgame without doing the last planet crawl ...


... Okay, I didn't really expect a confirmation to that (rhetorical) question; I was just curious if anyone else noticed that logic flaw in the game ...  :thumbsup:

As in spatula, yes. And I did notice it, and I did hang around the bridge for a while desperately seeking the way to fly to the Star Forge - I suppose it was left deliberately as a red herring.

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