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Stop the whole Exile + Raven fighting the Sith.

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No. Influence was horrible. Besides, infleucne has been around for ages. Heck, TOB had it, and it wa sjust an expansion. the problem with KOTOR2's Influence System is it doens't work as advertised - the NPCs influence the PC; not the other way around like it was supposed to. There are exemptions; but all they do is prove the rule. People think Influence in games is new in KOTOR2; but it isn't. Not even close.



It's been a while since I had played Throne of Bhaal.....could you remind me?



And I cannot think of many games (not even KOTOR 2) where you actually have an impact on the NPCs. They stay static...and even in KOTOR 2, they may be darkside but they still responded like their old selves. The ability to make influences on the NPCs is a great idea, since it provides a more plausible and dynamic experience.

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If a new Jedi Order is built in K3, its probably going to built by the Handmaiden, because you eventually find out her mother is Arren Kae, then you train her to be Jedi of course, and Kreia says at the end of K2 that Handmaiden teaches people of the Exile


There's a spoiler forum for this stuff. <_<

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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No. Influence was horrible. Besides, infleucne has been around for ages. Heck, TOB had it, and it wa sjust an expansion. the problem with KOTOR2's Influence System is it doens't work as advertised - the NPCs influence the PC; not the other way around like it was supposed to. There are exemptions; but all they do is prove the rule. People think Influence in games is new in KOTOR2; but it isn't. Not even close.



It's been a while since I had played Throne of Bhaal.....could you remind me?



And I cannot think of many games (not even KOTOR 2) where you actually have an impact on the NPCs. They stay static...and even in KOTOR 2, they may be darkside but they still responded like their old selves. The ability to make influences on the NPCs is a great idea, since it provides a more plausible and dynamic experience.

There is "reputation" in BG2, without the ToB.




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The infuence system only affected party members for their back story and

to turn them in to jedi.

Fron what I have played only Atton's story was interesting.


I like the idea of influence. I do think it was poorly implemented in some ways but, if they can fix the difficulties, it should be fine.


The problem with influence in K2 is that there was often only one person who had certain information...information that influence unlocked. Also, factor in the fact that influence was alignment-based (at least in part) and it is easy to see where the problem lies.


Now granted, you did not absolutely need this information to complete the game, but it did help paint a more complete picture of what was going on.


IMO, anything that deals with the main quest should not be unlocked by influence. Influence should be all about training, side quests and really surperfluous conversation.


In a nutshell, the problem with influence as it is now is that it does not unlock enough stuff and what it does unlock should not be locked to begin with.

As has been said (innumerable times) before, the influence system was poorly implented; it was used to hide plot, so that one had to replay the game in order to gain the hidden plot elements from others whom you had no influence over previously. That's crap.


The poor influence implementation coupled with the poor NPC alignment implementation (Visas acting like a DS groupie with LS Mastery) was compounded by the limited and shoddy dialogue options -- especially for a DS PC: i.e. no subtle deception, just blatant frontal assault. :rolleyes:




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No. Influence was horrible. Besides, infleucne has been around for ages. Heck, TOB had it, and it wa sjust an expansion. the problem with KOTOR2's Influence System is it doens't work as advertised - the NPCs influence the PC; not the other way around like it was supposed to. There are exemptions; but all they do is prove the rule. People think Influence in games is new in KOTOR2; but it isn't. Not even close.



It's been a while since I had played Throne of Bhaal.....could you remind me?



And I cannot think of many games (not even KOTOR 2) where you actually have an impact on the NPCs. They stay static...and even in KOTOR 2, they may be darkside but they still responded like their old selves. The ability to make influences on the NPCs is a great idea, since it provides a more plausible and dynamic experience.

There is "reputation" in BG2, without the ToB.



Oh? I still don't remember. I played SoA even earlier :wub:



I don't consider the "reputation" attribute to be influence though. Just your reputation.


As far as I know, you couldn't convince anyone to be good or bad. I know so many people complained that you should be able to convince Viconia to be good, since she seemed more good than evil.

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I at least want to see Revan and Exile. I don't want to listen to every person talking about Revan as a traitor when I went LS in KOTOR 1! WTF? If I said Revan saved the Republic, that means he/she saved the Republic!



oh and I would LOVE to play as Revan. The poster is talking freaking nonesence :thumbsup:

Revan's cool and that's it. The story started with Revan, It should revolve around Revan, and it should end with Revan.

I don't mind playing as other characters as long as I come back to being Revan again.

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A new jedi order is being built, I rather be a jedi knight rebuilding the order, saving children, stealing Candy from Baby (whatever), and fighting the Sith (they don't go into hiding for another 1000 or so years).

If a new Jedi Order is built in K3, its probably going to built by the Handmaiden, because you eventually find out her mother is Arren Kae, then you train her to be Jedi of course, and Kreia says at the end of K2 that Handmaiden teaches people of the Exile


Handmaiden merely picks up role of historian like Kreia, Atris and Dorak. I don't think she will be head Jedi. That role is for Revan if and when he comes back. Revan =Yoda and Exile=Windu.


If a new Jedi Order is built in K3, its probably going to built by the Handmaiden, because you eventually find out her mother is Arren Kae, then you train her to be Jedi of course, and Kreia says at the end of K2 that Handmaiden teaches people of the Exile


There's a spoiler forum for this stuff. <_<


I'm pretty sure everyone talking here has played the game in some shape or form.


I at least want to see Revan and Exile. I don't want to listen to every person talking about Revan as a traitor when I went LS in KOTOR 1! WTF? If I said Revan saved the Republic, that means he/she saved the Republic!



oh and I would LOVE to play as Revan. The poster is talking freaking nonesence :rolleyes:

Revan's cool and that's it. The story started with Revan, It should revolve around Revan, and it should end with Revan.

I don't mind playing as other characters as long as I come back to being Revan again.


I think those talking about Revan being a traitor when Revan was a LS'der are referring to pre-mindwipe Revan.

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If a new Jedi Order is built in K3, its probably going to built by the Handmaiden, because you eventually find out her mother is Arren Kae, then you train her to be Jedi of course, and Kreia says at the end of K2 that Handmaiden teaches people of the Exile

There's a spoiler forum for this stuff. <_<

I'm pretty sure everyone talking here has played the game in some shape or form.



Some of the people who read these fora have not. And what should we do with the Spoiler forum, then?


Don't be lazy.


And impolite.


And ignorant.


Use the Spoiler tags and the Spoiler forum for outright discussion of plot and characters.




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