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Volourn's NWN Module


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Getting deeper into the creation of my module (just 2-4 months I believe); I am now looking for even more playtesters. If interested; just pm your email and I'll send you the latest version of it. The mod requires both SOU and HOTU as well as the latest patch. No haks (at the moment at least as it seems I might need a hak later to get the henchmen properly...)



Witcheta Chronicles 1: The Relic






- made for any character class, race, or combination of levels 4-6.


- single player ONLY (though I guess MP would work too though dialogue would be kinda confusing...)


- length is 2-4 hours IF you actually read dialogue


- multiple henchmen (plan to have the max number be based on charisma)


- about a half dozen npcs can join you


- heavy use of dialogue skills espicially persuasion/intimidate (almost all non one liner dialogues with minor npcs will have some sort of check)


- dialogue is also effected by race, class, ability scores (including dexterity for breaking necks in some cases ala PST), items, and gods


- unique dieties for the world as well as world background and the ability to actually switch gods in play


- multiple ways to complete quests (duh, no brainer feature )


- major spell changes espicially in regards to summoning type spells


- challenging combat with npcs who WILL use their feats on PC


- alignment shifts possible


- solid atmosphere with (what I believe) is great use of lighting an sound effects to spruce it up as much as possible.


- 10+ quests completeable in multiple ways and most of them optional (I think 2 are not...)


- Orcs (and subsequently half orcs) do not exist int he world. Elves and humans can't have babies together so half elves are disallowed. Also, certain prestige classes as well as the sorceror can only be had through certain quests which means they may be unavailable in this mod.


- There will also often be descriptions throughout the mod detailing what the PC sees. The screenshot with the party of wights around the table below illustrates this nicely...




Background/Story Overview: A very basic and innocent start has the PC just relaxing and continually hearing rumours, myths, and innuendo (lol) of the long abandoned Witcheta Mansion out in the plains. Either the PC's curosity of these tales, greed for possible riches, or just a sense of adventure leads the PC to decide to seek out the mansion and discover what exactly is inside this fabled mansion.


Notes on Witchetas: This family is one of the most reknown families in the history of the world of Durnla. It is believed they were the royal family when the city of Vioroson was a capital of a kingdome over a thousnads years ago when time sbetter. Since then, the Witcheta family has fallen on such hard times that they are now just a mere portion of their former glory. While still wealthy and influence; they are still far from the grace of past generations.


Into this mysterious situation, the PC dives right in. His or her reasons are their own...



Accomplished So Far: World, character, and story backgrounds. Areas are finished other than few touches. Most scripts are in already except for dialogue scripts. Characters, items, and the like are done. 40k+ words are done.


Needs To Be Finished: Rest of the dialogue, certain fancy scripts, addition of henchmen (this drives me nuts as from what I've seen henchmen packages are really annoying as is), and major spell changes ala summoning type spells (one exmaple is that the summoning line of spells will only last 2 rounds alevel and there will be more variety in summons...)


Example Henchman: A ghast warrior-cleric who tortured and murdered his wife encountered by the PC in the midst of a sacrificial ceremony in the mansion cellar.... Name unshared due to story reasons...


Link to Screenshots:




The above are a collection of screenshots for your pleasure. They include both combat, and dialogue ones. Be careful, there is quite a bit of typos in those screenshots that have been fixed so please I don't need hear that the spelling and grammer is awful. I know already as others have quite politely and matetr of factly pointed that fact out hence why I've fixed them. I just haven't updated the screenshot list.



Any questions, comments, and insults are all welcomed. Total ignoring is also good. :cool:




That is all.


For now.




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What the? This was supposed to be in General Gaming; not KOTOR2. My apologies to KOTOR2 fans. Can a mod move this to the proepr forum, please? Damn board errors...




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"Care to explaine? ...sounds very interestind'


Depending on your diety; you can get certain reactions from different people (if they know your diety). You can also, under certain instances, actually convert to a different diety. ie. One example is SPOILER...... LOL Basically, your character an always grow into or out of faiths. that said, if you change to much people tend to react to you in very negative ways. ie. They think you are a loon...


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It's seems like an awful lot of stuff for something with a 2-4 hours playing time, Volo.






..or are you one of those people who finished the OC in 12 hours?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Temples, shrines, etc. But, only if you shwo you are truly making the change.


Example: If changing to an evil diety you might be required to poison a good church's holy water so the people in said church will go mad or even die...


P.S. The sued example is not neccessarily in the mod. It's just an example...



"It's seems like an awful lot of stuff for something with a 2-4 hours playing time, Volo."


Because, most of the that stuff doens't relaly effect the length; but the number of chocies the player has. Many differences in how to play it; but a relaitvely short module length wise.



"or are you one of those people who finished the OC in 12 hours?"


LOL This mod will nowher ebe enar the size of NWN OC. But, it will have more choices and depth, imo. Check out the dialogue screenshots to see what I mean by choice (ignore the typos for now; they've been fixed honest!)


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"Care to explaine?  ...sounds very interestind'


Depending on your diety; you can get certain reactions from different people (if they know your diety). You can also, under certain instances, actually convert to a different diety. ie. One example is SPOILER...... LOL Basically, your character an always grow into or out of faiths. that said, if you change to much people tend to react to you in very negative ways. ie. They think you are a loon...

I'm interested. :thumbsup:




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That sounds great :thumbsup:


- multiple henchmen (plan to have the max number be based on charisma)


- about a half dozen npcs can join you


- heavy use of dialogue skills espicially persuasion/intimidate (almost all non one liner dialogues with minor npcs will have some sort of check)


- dialogue is also effected by race, class, ability scores (including dexterity for breaking necks in some cases ala PST), items, and g


So do all of those :)


Especially the dialogue options :wub::devil:

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"Especially the dialogue options"


As above; check out the screenshots. They show what I mean.



"But 2-4 hours?"




And, oh, it's theoritically likely that you cna complete the mod with no combat thoguh the chances of that occuring is very small...


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"So for the golem conversation are there othere answers if you have let's say a great wisdom or inteligence?"


Bluff, knowing the actual password, and wisdom.







And Gnome?"


Yes. There are 7 general/human gods, a dwarf one, and an elf one. Gnomes and halfings are rather quite newcomers to the world so they don't actually have their own dietie(so) and dpeending on the race they choose from the other gods...


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"Are we talking about new gods or Torm&co ?'


Original gods created by me. I'd have a read me listing them for when one downloads the mod.


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Isnt Wicheta some city or country somewhere in the US?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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"Isnt Wicheta some city or country somewhere in the US?"


Ha. I think so; but the module isn't named after that...




"So a thief could finish the game without even fighting...just sneaking?"


He'd likely need some dialogue skills as well... and pick pockets... and, open locks.. and, remove traps....


Some traps can MURDER DEATH KILL.


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Let's jsut say that some traps can completely splatter anyone with low hit points without trying and devestate those who do have good hit points... Don't mess with traps.


And, oh, you get xp for removing traps, opening doors, etc...


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Just a warning: Some battles can be very tough. Very, very tough - espicially if you plan on foregoing henchmen and going solo. ie. That golem. Look at the combat screenshot with him and feel the pain of hsi fist. :blink:


And, yes, I'd like to think it will have much replay value. My current playtesters seem to like that. Their biggest complaint, overall, seems to be the typos. Ha. I've started to slow down in writing the module as I think the baords have brainwashed me into typing too fast.


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Let's jsut say that some traps can completely splatter anyone with low hit points without trying and devestate those who do have good hit points... Don't mess with traps.


And, oh, you get xp for removing traps, opening doors, etc...

Are you thinking of using arQon's Enhanced Magic System?


Your dialog options actually look very immersive. Where do I sign up? (w00t)


Link to the download ....




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