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BIG STORYLINE BUGS!!! (Devs read!)

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It means: Nothing is real :thumbsup:


If I don't get my cookie I will force storm your entire countrie. pinch.gif I want my cookie damn it! pinch.gif

Well don't let the jedi code stop you :thumbsup: It's gettin kinda boring here anyway :(


As for the cookie:



Use the force,Padawan



:-" :)

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I don't remember hearing anyone speek twilek,but then again I didn't really care much about that game :">


The 2 guys are in the sith academy standing next to each other.. Niether of them are required to complete the game so its not surprising people missed them completely.


They are in the right rear corner of that sparring/training area in the back of the academy if I remember correctly.

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Offtopic continues...

Back to ontopic. Again.


It seems you didnt understand.


I spent all the time with Handmaiden, didnt talk to Visas, Mira etc etc. Took HM on every quest etc etc


And nothing works in the end

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Offtopic continues...

Back to ontopic. Again.


It seems you didnt understand.


I spent all the time with Handmaiden, didnt talk to Visas, Mira etc etc. Took HM on every quest etc etc


And nothing works in the end


OK. Sorry about my off-topic ramblings. Shame on me. :">


About your problem. You can talk to Mira and Visas. You will only get in trouble with the Handmaiden if you get to much influence with Visas compared to the influence you get with her (She is quite the jelous girl). :D Talking to Mira doesn

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Offtopic continues...

Back to ontopic. Again.


It seems you didnt understand.


I spent all the time with Handmaiden, didnt talk to Visas, Mira etc etc. Took HM on every quest etc etc


And nothing works in the end


Then its either a bug that can't be addressed right now or you simply don't have enough influence. Download the save game editor to see how much you have.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1. You can make a jedi out of Mira, you just have to take her to a certain spot on Nar Shaddaa after you have had the conversation with her about showing her the force.


That could be taken sooooooo the wrong way by certain sick minded individuals (not me, of course, you understand :thumbsup: )

Blue lorry yellow lorry blue lorry yellow lorry blorry. D'oh.

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How can you even understand a language and not be able to pronounce a single word :thumbsup:


Comlink comes with a translator..


Also in RL it's rather easy to understand a language.. well the easiest part of a language.


Plus there is stuff about how force senstatives have a natural translator ability so to speak. So they learn languages pretty easy.

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3. Its not that your not talking to her, its that you have more influence with Visa. You probably take Visa with you too many times.



I took Visas everywhere with me once she became a team member. :D I even got the romance option.


After meeting Atris for the last time, the Handmaiden proclaimed her desire for me despite my never making any overtures towards her. Is this a consequence of allowing Atris to live?

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  • 4 weeks later...
NOTHING WORKS!!! This game got lots of bugs!

See what happens when BioWare give away their engine into hands of some lamers...

Dude, seriously...let it go. The stuff you're talking about seems to fit into either "user error", "cut content", or "legitimate bugs". Based on your monotonous, cry-baby responses, I'm willing to bet that most of your issues fall in the 1st category.


The ending you're referring to is cut content. Not missing content, not buggy content, CUT CONTENT. As in "the devs removed it from the game". To spite us? Probably not. They probably cut it because they determined it didn't fit with the story after all, or it only made sense if you knew about something else that was also cut from the game, or some other legitimate reason you can't fathom cuz you're not on the dev team. Wanna know a secret? Every game has cut content. Even KotOR I.


Many people have told you what you need to do to train Mira. Try doing it. If it doesn't work, try telling us what you tried and what happened afterwords. That will be a much bigger help than your whining.


As for Handmaiden, once you gain enough INF with her, you need to go talk to Kreia. Once Kreia tells you about Handmaiden's mother, go talk to Handmaiden again. If you still can't train her, then I'd suggest that you download the savegame editor and check your INF. If you have >=90, then you've found a legitimate bug. If you don't, well then you need more INF. Happy hunting.


Now, this is the 4th or 5th attempt that someone has made to actually help you. You can choose to behave like an adult or you can continue the toddler hissy-fit that you've shown us that you're capable of. What's it going to be?

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Hahahaha :) Achilles, didnt you read this topic at all?! I POSTED MANY TIMES WHAT I'VE DONE and Im not whining


I repeat special for you and other guys that didnt get it:

I trained Atton

I trained Handmaiden

I trained Mira





And Im sure its not "user bug" with her as you say. For example in dialog with her there is "I want to talk about Atris" text. If I try to talk about Atris JUST RIGHT AFTER HM got on my ship then she talks about her. And here is a bug:

When I *GAIN* (GAIN!) Influence with HM she dont want to talk about Atris at all and the game states: not enough influence.


So tell me - is this a user bug?

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And Im sure its not "user bug" with her as you say. For example in dialog with her there is "I want to talk about Atris" text. If I try to talk about Atris JUST RIGHT AFTER HM got on my ship then she talks about her. And here is a bug:

When I *GAIN* (GAIN!) Influence with HM she dont want to talk about Atris at all and the game states: not enough influence.


So tell me - is this a user bug?


More a 'bug' of more human (female) nature, I think. Since HM is obviously enamored with Exile, the absolute LAST thing she wants to talk about is a RIVAL. She doesn't even want to think about Exile being with anyone else but herself. The 'not enough inf' is a misnomer--once she's totaled out on Exile, she will NOT talk about Atris any more. Period. Hopefully that helps clear things up.

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