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Your Jade Empire playing style?

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That's precisley what irks me - despite being good, it lacks the polish that JE has. Ironically, (notwithstanding K2's ending ommisions), the simplest stuff can make the biggest difference: The man, his wife and their ox. Need I say more? ^_^


Anyway, I've recently acquired the Ice Shard style (I considerred the fire one but finally went with the ice), and it's absolutely incredible for cutting foes down at long range, or freezing them before finishing them off with a martial style. I think this can be an extremely effective strategy if used in conjunction with Spirit Thief for chi restoration. :cool:




EDIT: I've just went up against Toad and Horse Demons - and they're the **** man! They kicked my PC's ass...time after time again! Two KotOR's later and only now I'm finally having a challenge. After all, No Challenge = No Fun. (w00t)

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"Until that Tolkien Rip-off comes out, then staying true to being BioWare fanboy you have to say its better that JE."


Yup. That would be a logicla assumption.... if I thought KOTOR wa sbetter than NWN... and, I thought NWN was better than BG2... Oh yeah, i forgot, i don't think that.


So, that begs the question, why are you trolling?


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I find the combat in JE to be extremely lacking.


I went through the entire game using only four stances - my Martial (Thousand Cuts, not that your choice there really matters), Storm Dragon (Fast area paralyze of all human opponents), Spirit Thief (if I needed Chi) and Sword. On certain fights I *did* use the big Transformation style if I knew a Chi battery was immediately available.


The major reasons I found combat in JE to be a failure:


* Only five martial styles and three moves per style. You can attack, power attack and area attack. That is it! You don't learn additional moves. Powering up your martial style just increases your DPS. This conflicts directly with the genre and - just as important - isn't very fun. They really should have remapped the Focus button to something else and given us a Kick button along with some basic X, X, Y / X Y X / X Y X+Y combos.


* Poor balance. Any human opponent can be permanently shocked/paralyzed with Storm Dragon or Paralyzing Palm. As soon as I got Storm Dragon every 'human' fight in the game lost all challenge regardless of difficulty level. You just spam the area attack - which 'shocks' everyone around you and then switch to martial style for a short combo, then area attack again ad nauseum. I never got hit in the last fight of the game. This had nothing to do with skill and everything to do with me abusing the broken ass game mechanics.


JE has a lot going for it - decent Bioware quality writing, great setting and an obvious love of the genre. The combat and character development portions of the game detract from the good stuff.

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I've heard that those two were overpowered. I don't really use them so I wouldn't know.. Perhaps, that's why I've been finding it as one of the more challenging games. Just the way I created my character. I tend to use Legenardy Strike, Ice Shard,Heavenly Wave, Chi Thief (I bet EVERYONE uses this one!), and now Jade Golem transmutaion which was the only way I beat the certain female Assassin just after you firts get it + the Ravager fellow in the Arena... i also use Dragon Sword which is also cool.


So much varied ways to play your character. I'm gonna focus on magic and intuition next time through...


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I'm at the arena now, and so far, I've been using Legendary Strike on ghosts and Fortune's Favorite on just about everything else. I haven't encountered any truly challening foes so far.


Combat has proven to be a bit shallow - basically all you need to do is know when to power strike and when to jump out of the way. Plus, your followers are basically useless in combat, so they're really only good for support. It's too bad the combat isn't as deep as the story or the dialogue - but there's always the next 20 hours or so of the game...

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Yeah, I like the followers; but in combat they are pretty useless. best to put them on support so they regenerate your chi, focus, or health while you do fighting...


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I really ****ing hate Bizzaro Nartwak.



Thats the one you're not suppose to give peanuts to, right?

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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"I mean have to grab JE this summer."


Don't get too hyped up. There are people out there bashing the game. Some guy even claims to have beat it with NEVER getting below half health. And, others try to claim that BGDA2 and KOTOR2 and BG have more role-playing than JE even though there are almsot alwasy 3-5 ways to complete every quest in the game.


One example, is a 'side quest' known as the Arena. If you played KOTOR's 'tournament; and like it you ; you will hate it when you play the Arena wishing to yourself that the torunament was even remotely on the level of the Arena.


Here is a very slight spoiler from early in the game with what is a very small side thing. It's actually hard to call it a quest as it occurs during exactly one convo. There's this guy who owes a debt to a major npc (whom you'll meet later and I won't mention). You can offer to pay it for hm (OP), refuse to do anything (noncommital), or tell him to take personally responsible and find a way to deal with the situation on his own (CF). You notice how none of the options are evil? Anywyas, like I said a small thing right? No biggy, right? Not quite. Later on, you are fighting a bunch of said major npcs henchmen. IF,m say, you had told him to deal with it himself, he will actually be one of those you have to figh. Why? He took YOUR advice, and is settling your debt. WOWSERS! Once aagin, as above, this 'side quest' is so minor it might not even be fair to actually classify it as a side quest sinc eit's accomplished in one exchange between you and him...


I could go on with more examples; but gotta save the spoils...


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"I mean have to grab JE this summer."


And, others try to claim that BGDA2 and KOTOR2 and BG have more role-playing than JE even though there are almsot alwasy 3-5 ways to complete every quest in the game.

Trust me, there's a hell of lot of role-playing in this game. Not only are there 3-5 way to complete every quest, but completing certain quests in certain ways opens up *futher* quests. Example:

I convinced the female gang boss to let the baker and the seamstress marry. But this futher allowed me to 'match make' her with various other single people

. :D

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"Well I read side quests are only in chapter I,II and III with the rest being just a beat-then-up."



"Trust me, there's a hell of lot of role-playing in this game. Not only are there 3-5 way to complete every quest, but completing certain quests in certain ways opens up *futher* quests."


The opening up furtehr side quests is a very nice touch too. Not to mention games aside from Arcanum using this feature as well as JE does.





SPOILER: Don't read the following Jags if you want to be spoiled:





























*cough* chapter 4 *cough*


......... A decent continuation of the story; but only one real role-playing option from what I saw and that was due to my romance; not the actual story.. Hopefully, chapter 5 gets back on track. It doens't matter if it's linear; but the role-playing has to come back. Story is still good though in ch4... And, it's very short. Took me about 40 minutes, and I was taking m time as usual. ZERO side quests...


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To have a good roleplaying experience, you need more than just "3-5 ways to complete every quest in the game." A good experience for me is an immersive story. That includes character development, and i haven't heard anything about that yet.


A good game needs a "suspension of dibelief". KOTOR had it. The BGs had it. K2... almost had it. If JE has that immersive feeling, so you connect with the characters then fine, good game. If not, it might as well be Dark Alliance.

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"A good experience for me is an immersive story. That includes character development, and i haven't heard anything about that yet."


It does.




"A good game needs a "suspension of dibelief". KOTOR had it."


JE > KOTOR in terms of story, characters, and immersiveness.


The only things KOTOR has over JE is freedom of movement (barely), and non combat skills excpet for dialogue ones.


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A good experience for me is an immersive story.



That includes character development



A good game needs a "suspension of dibelief". KOTOR had it. The BGs had it. K2... almost had it.

Double Check (as JE *DESTROYS* KotOR - sorry if I've insulted any KotOR fanboys/girls).


. If JE has that immersive feeling, so you connect with the characters then fine, good game.

It does. And as an added bonus it has the joint best combat in any RRG (JE best RT, FO best TB).

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OC? Absolutely. And, BG1. And, FO1. And, PST. And, KOTOR2.
























































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