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Game Spot Jade Empire Review


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98% NL gaming

This guy says he's not an RPG fan and that

From Baldur's Gate and MDK 2 to Neverwinter Knights and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, BioWare has always put 150% into their games.  Time and time again you see it.  Every time you think BioWare has done the absolute best game they could possibly do, they come out with something that tops i

Now if he's not an RPG fan,and he said he didn't play any except Kotor how can he judge RPGs? :thumbsup:

BG2 IMO remains Bio's best

Kotor was a decent game but it was far from perfect and JE seems to be a lot like it :p



It seems rather strange that ShadowPaladin hasn't posted since getting the game :p"

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"Huh? I for one respect your opinions freind, but God damn - talk about inconsistency! I know it can be hard to suppress your NWN Bio fanboyism sometimes, but don't let it cloud your obviously adept critiquing abilites."


You do realize that the 75% number that grom is quoting is for the OC. When I say NWN deserves it's high scores; it's the total package that I'm referring to right?



"Too bad that the 150% dumped into NWN only came in patches and fan modules."


Not to mention the fact that they were able to make a game that has lasting power. Anmd, a game where the best mod ever tm. will be made... eventually... I hope... :D



"Now if he's not an RPG fan,and he said he didn't play any except Kotor how can he judge RPGs?"


That's easy - like everyone else - he plays the game. If he played JE then he can obviously judge JE. WOW! What a concept! :thumbsup:


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Well, I just got the game from my friendly neighborhood Fedex man so, after I get a few hours in, I'll post a few impressions. (I need to take breaks to take my St. Bernard dogs out anyway.)



I find I tend to rely on people from messageboards like this one to form my purchase decisions regarding games as opposed to 'professional' reviewers.


Of course, my opinion is probably going to be instantly discredited after I reveal that I was one of the three people who enjoyed TOEE, and Arcanum is one of my top three RPGs of all time, but what can you do? :thumbsup:

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No. I'M talking about the game. YOU are talking about the OC.


The OC is the game. The toolset and online capabilities included are not the game, unless you want to define everything in a game package as a game - which would be your right - but that would be ignoring they are different things with different characteristics and goals.

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Um. That's why I call the OC the OC; and the game the game. Afterall, BIO used everything in the game - the OC, the toolset, the DM client - to sell the game. They were all selling points. There's a reason why NWN was $10-$20 more than the average game... you weren't just buying the OC.


The toolset is part of the game though it's not part of the OC.


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I know they were selling points, not saying otherwise. Just making a distinction between a game (ie, what you play), modding tools and other things included in it. You're looking at a game as 'the entire contents of the package', I'm looking at it from the usual perspective of what a game is.

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This is 2005. Don't live in 1880. The game is what we pay for. We paid for the toolset and the ability to play mods so they count. Afterall, no NWN; no (crappy) Volo mods. :D


But, in a wya, I get your point. Either way we do agree. We're biothing judging the game and the seperately. For exmaple, I rate the OC 75% about, and I rate the total package (s you call it) around 90%+. See, I do judge 'em seperately. The terms vary; but our views (not the scores; but the seperations) do agree.


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That's easy - like everyone else - he plays the game. If he played JE then he can obviously judge JE. WOW! What a concept!

That's not what i meant,if he doesn't like RPGs how can he judge the character development or the game mechanics :(

He even said that he only liked Kotor cause of the SW liscense :(

To trully judge an RPG you need to actually play some :p

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Hey, I just got Star Wolves and since the entire package is a game (according to Volourn) I have a question: How do I start the box my CD's came in? I've tried everything, but the box continues to be silent and plastic. Any help appreciated!!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Ahh.. Sarcasm is beautiful.. but, only when it's not retarded. Last i checked, the toolset needs to be used much like any aprt of the game. You gots to install it; but hey keep comapring a box to asoemthing that actually adds value to the game.




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