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Kotor 2 compared to Kotor 1

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Besides the fact thats completely unfounded information and quite probably untrue.


There's always a misconception of the relationship between developer and publisher -- LucasArts sets the deadlines, and is in charge -- the developer must comply. I don't really care for either, but I don't really think, 'Man, this is all LucasArts's fault' when I open the game and find it to be ****.


What I do find, is that I wasted my money on a game that is ****, and a game that is incomplete -- my issue is with Obsidian, who could not meet their deadline since they undoubtedly took 9 months to think up that lackluster story and another two to design those robotic characters that look like garbage.


Somebody's a liiiiiittle overzealous.


The story of KOTOR 2 was better than its predecessor, if only in terms of originality...KOTOR 1 loses points because I distinctly said, upon starting the game and hearing of Revan for the first time..."What? So I'm gonna end up being Revan, right?"


Predictable stories don't do much for me.


On a side note....graphically speaking...the characters of K2 are equal to, if not more advanced than K1's.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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No they aren't. Disciple is as dynamic as a cracker box, Bao-Dur is boring, Atton Rand is interesting and then you don't get anymore, Handmaiden the same, Visas Marr yields nothing save your own imagination that you turned her into a good person (or bad or whatever), and Kreia is about as good as it gets but even she is the cliche cryptic idiot whose points mean very little in the end.


Compared with characters who all had finishes in the first game, and whose dialogue trees were barable to a majority rather than a minority (like TSL) and who each had a quest that brought you closer to the character, it just isn't really an argument. Honestly, TSL might have had ideas for good characters, but they're all grossly underdeveloped and unfinished.


P.S. : Really, I felt like a bloody idiot relying on everyone around me instead of coming into my own as the player character and being unable make choices in dialogue that are obvious. From the moment I met Kreia, my bull**** detector went off and it was quite obvious which way this cryptic crypt keeping bull**** spewing character was going. Besides, you want to know why TSL didn't have things you couldn't guess like Bastila's fall and Revan being yourself? Because TSL didn't have anything in the first place -- there's nothing interesting about it; its point A to point B to point C and there's nothing to offset that like those mild twists in KotOR'1.


Furthermore, I felt stupid when I had to act differently for each character instead of being able to lie to get influence -- I felt stupid having to play a game that's unchallenging and whose main characters from the productions' beginning -- Atris and Nihilius -- are virtually unimportant and don't make your PC's situation any more interesting. Ooh, echoes -- I care.


With Revan, it wasn't in your face every five seconds of gameplay, REVAN IS EVIL, REVAN IS THAT kind of discussion. It has replay value because its completed and the dark and light side options are at least not 'murder kittens' darkness and 'i'll shine your shoes' servantile.

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::cough:: I said "graphically speaking", I wasn't claiming they were better in any other way than that...


The bottom line is that, to a degree, both stories were predictable (Save for the whole 'hole in the force thing', which is just ****in weird), and all the rest comes down to opinion.


By the way...that last paragraph is laughable. In K1, Revan's talked about....a lot....and the DS/LS options are nothing BUT "murder kittens" and "i'll shine your shoes" servatile.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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well, you have to wonder what kotor3 will be like... maybe it will have some repeat characters, and they left that whole thing with the evil in the other galaxy open (better not be Yuzhan Vong (wow bad spelling)) if ebon hawk isnt in 3, that would be dumb. I hope no robots are in 3 except HK-47 and/or T3. stupid goto, syupid remote thingee...

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From the moment I met Kreia, my bull**** detector went off and it was quite obvious which way this cryptic crypt keeping bull**** spewing character was going.


Well, it's hard not to guess that Kreia's working her own agenda, since Obsidian keeps showing her do that in cutscenes. I thought this was bad design, since it gives me information my character can't have.


Good point that lying to gain influence should be possible.

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the thing with kreia off to the sides doing her own thing is similar to an "aside" like you would see in a play. in an aside, two or more characters have a conversation while the other characters are oblivious, but still onstage. the result is that the audience has some idea of what's to happen, even though the other characters doesn't. there's nothing wrong with it, in my opinion. and she is a sneaky old schutta with her own agenda, so of course she'd do things like that.

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though the endings in kotor2 absolutely sucked.


yeah, it drove me insane how it just stopped at the Ebon flying into some galaxy and nothing else ****ing well happening


You just say that because you haven't played DS, trust me, the DS movie snippet makes the LS's "ebon hawk flying into the sunset" thing look brilliant. :lol:

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It was done for cinematic purposes and since the KotOR games are cinematic in nature it made perfect sense.




All games have that. In BG, when Saverok kills Gorion, we the player get to see much more of the battle than we the PC do. Sure it's not as in detail and doesn't give much more away, it still shows something that clearly the PC shouldn't have seen.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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The ending in K2 =


Publisher: Finish the game NOW!

Developer: Hey man, we got lots of stuff to finish!

Publisher: Do I look like I care? Make it happen or else!

Developer: Shut up, we are gonna finish this, and we don't care what you say

Publisher: Oh really? Consider yourself terminated from our mega money bag!

Developer: I l****ing hate you guys

Publisher: Suck it up, we copy EA and dont give a **** about who sell to, as long as we make cash

Developer: We wanna finish this game, sp please let us work for another month or 2!

Publisher: Screw you, we want cash NOW - We have alliew with EA, so our feature games will be uber crap with crqap support, but we own you, so shut the hell up .. or else!

Developer: I hate you guys .... Damn..

Publisher: Suck it up lowlife!


Everybody here is aping this theme, LA forced the game on Obsidian, yet nobody knows anything. Perhaps, Obsidian was saying to LA, "don't worry everything is under control. We got it.". Blame the publisher is alright, but we really have no idea what sort of communications and contract agreements occured between LA and Obsidian.


Scapegoat LA if you want, maybe it's the truth, maybe not. In any case they are responsible for releasing the game, and ultimately responsible for it's quality and content. However, Obsidian, with it's nascent reputation on the line, should have made a greater effort to make sure KOTOR2 was good.

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