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KOTOR I or II fanart

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Shryke - When are you going to sober up, man? :lol:


don't worry, i haven't been drunk since... a couple of days ago. and i have an excuse anyway, it was my 18th (legal drinking age here) :blink:


i have done a couple of real quick sketches, but nothing good so far. i keep stuffing up her hair >_<

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Nice comic Launch :blink:


P.S Finally 100 posts :cool:

"I'm pretty sure if they took all the porn off the internet there'd only be one site left, and it'd be called 'Bring back the porn'" - Perry Cox

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well my brother might be coming up to visit tomorrow, he usually brings his camera with him....


it sucks, coz i finally have a sketch im happy with :shifty:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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i love it launch :D


this here pic is one i just did in paint. it may not be Mira, but hopefully it'll keep jodo happy until i get my mira pic uploaded.


woah, thats bigger than i thought it'd be... :thumbsup:



when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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glad you like it :thumbsup:


its like 6am here, so im gonna go get some sleep. ill see what i can do about that mira pic when i wake up. if all else fails, ill just play around and do something in paint

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Got a little comic I've done.

Simply because I've too muich time on my hands, and have little to no life.


Basicaly, this is taking the mic out of some American adverts I see now and then here in England.


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