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why do they keep picking on rodians?

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We all remember Twitch the dueler of taris from kotor 1. When you speak to him he seems demented. the converstation went something like this....


Twitch: bang bang

pc: are you a dueller?

Twitch: shoot fast. twitch faster

Pc:are you insane?

twitch: shoot them. bang.

pc: goodbye then.

twitch: bang bang


This was quite funny/disturbing.


Then in TSL at the iziz canteena there is another rodian, this one likes swoop races


Rodian: swoop?

pc: yes im a swoop pilot

Rodian: swoop fast.

pc: er yes they are

Rodian: i watch all races. swoop fly

pc: thats great. im going to stand over there now...


that was funny, especially the last line. we've all used it.


so why is it always rodians who are too obsessed with their sports? is it a species trait. or did obsidian just want to mirror a conversation from the original KOTOR, so that people who played the first could have a laugh?

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In my gaming group we have coined the phrase "Pulling a Greedo." Meaning you do something stupid that gets you in trouble or killed. Or sometimes we use the phrase "Fried the Greedo." Meaning we just killed a person for being stupid by talking instead of acting.


Then that damn Lucas changed the OT. Damn bastard.

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I didn't really see them as crazy, I just assumed they wern't that fluent in Galactic Basic.


But they aren't speaking Basic in either KotOR game. I can only assume they're speaking they're native langauge, in which case their linguistic difficulties make no sense.

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Gluupor the Rodian was the greatest NPC ever created.  So I don't know what you're talking about.

Why couldn't he be a party member? :)


I can see his entire dialogue tree with the PC.


Everything ends in "Gluupor wonky"

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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