dufflover Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 The idea of turning people LS or DS from your decisions is a good concept but I think the mathematics might've been weighted a bit too much - people probably have different experiences though. In my game, Visas was the DS "agent" who attacked me, but instantly became Master Light (well, very very very very high LS anyway). Same with Mira and Bao-Dur with high LS on first pickup. Atton was more gradual since you pick him early in game. (FYI, Kreia, G0T0 and HK weren't affected) Anybody find this a bit too farfetched...not gradual enough. I would've expected say Mira to start grey... (even without LS/DS point bars, Visas turning is very weird). Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread) Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)
Jedihuh? Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 it took me awhile to get visas into high l/s around the same lenght of time it took me to turn haindmain from l/s to really dark...and was it just my game or did her cloths turn black when she got evil?
hawk Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 What is very odd is if you want to gain influence with most party members you have to be friendly to them and you receive a lot of LS points with this. It's very hard to get DS mastery if you want to gain full influence with all of your party members. Exceptions are HK-47 and sometimes Kreia. Have you noticed that if you are DS and talk friendly to Visas, you gain LS points and at the same time she is falling more to the DS?! Master Vandar lives!
AlaricQelDroma Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 What is very odd is if you want to gain influence with most party members you have to be friendly to them and you receive a lot of LS points with this. It's very hard to get DS mastery if you want to gain full influence with all of your party members. Exceptions are HK-47 and sometimes Kreia. Have you noticed that if you are DS and talk friendly to Visas, you gain LS points and at the same time she is falling more to the DS?! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Three Words: Dark Side Corruption It was sooooo weevil!! I always use KSE to give myself DSC or Inspire Allies, because you can have HK, Goto, and even T3 have DS mastery (but of course they get no bonuses...At least not until I finish my re-balance mod )... Buwuahahahahaha.....When I took my flavorite Mira to Onderon, man, that was a total riot as I kept forcing people to fight against the Queen I hate royalty....Amidala was way more than enough for my tastes...There is only so much of that crap I can take before I start unilaterally deleting entire dialogue strings Even the General is a little too....Royal...For my tastes...My two RPG chars for the post Clone Wars-era are both Generals for a large star system hidden in the Deep Core away from the rest of the galaxy...However, niether are stuck-up, they just do what they have to do to keep the Alteria System safe, both from the Empire and the Rebels... Alaric may be somewhat immortal thanks to his chance encounter with a certain colony of aliens in the unknown regions, but Jorias is the leader-boy between them...Alaric is the last remaining relic of the Sith Wars, but he's kept that hidden from everyone, the Jedi Council, Palpidious, and even his best friend and apprentice, Jorias Kell Of course, there is a proceedure that Alaric has to use every 20 years to keep his body youthful, and eventually Jorias will catch Alaric in the act God, the Unknown Regions...My flavorite part of the EU...You can literally do anything you can dream up by saying your guy found it in the Unknown Regions I know, I shouldn't abuse the UR like that, but Lucas himself doesn't seem to restrain himself to continuity, I don't think I should have to either, EU ethics asides... J/K...I try to keep things very aligned with the EU, at least as much as I can...I know the whole life-extension thing taught to Alaric is a bit of a stretch, but I wanted a connection between the Sith Wars era and the Galactic Civil War era...
Jedihuh? Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 What is very odd is if you want to gain influence with most party members you have to be friendly to them and you receive a lot of LS points with this. It's very hard to get DS mastery if you want to gain full influence with all of your party members. Exceptions are HK-47 and sometimes Kreia. Have you noticed that if you are DS and talk friendly to Visas, you gain LS points and at the same time she is falling more to the DS?! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Three Words: Dark Side Corruption It was sooooo weevil!! I always use KSE to give myself DSC or Inspire Allies, because you can have HK, Goto, and even T3 have DS mastery (but of course they get no bonuses...At least not until I finish my re-balance mod )... Buwuahahahahaha.....When I took my flavorite Mira to Onderon, man, that was a total riot as I kept forcing people to fight against the Queen I hate royalty....Amidala was way more than enough for my tastes...There is only so much of that crap I can take before I start unilaterally deleting entire dialogue strings Even the General is a little too....Royal...For my tastes...My two RPG chars for the post Clone Wars-era are both Generals for a large star system hidden in the Deep Core away from the rest of the galaxy...However, niether are stuck-up, they just do what they have to do to keep the Alteria System safe, both from the Empire and the Rebels... Alaric may be somewhat immortal thanks to his chance encounter with a certain colony of aliens in the unknown regions, but Jorias is the leader-boy between them...Alaric is the last remaining relic of the Sith Wars, but he's kept that hidden from everyone, the Jedi Council, Palpidious, and even his best friend and apprentice, Jorias Kell Of course, there is a proceedure that Alaric has to use every 20 years to keep his body youthful, and eventually Jorias will catch Alaric in the act God, the Unknown Regions...My flavorite part of the EU...You can literally do anything you can dream up by saying your guy found it in the Unknown Regions I know, I shouldn't abuse the UR like that, but Lucas himself doesn't seem to restrain himself to continuity, I don't think I should have to either, EU ethics asides... J/K...I try to keep things very aligned with the EU, at least as much as I can...I know the whole life-extension thing taught to Alaric is a bit of a stretch, but I wanted a connection between the Sith Wars era and the Galactic Civil War era... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I actually like the way that sounds......is there a whole story to that? From what you wrote there its pretty cool.
Janson Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 The problem is that there aren't really that many places in the game to gain influence - and because you have so many characters, the chances of having the wrong character in the wrong place at the wrong time is much greater than having the right character. And if you have two people who could potentially gain from a scene, only one of them will. So I guess that they had to make it so that your characters only need 2-3 instances of influence to turn into Jedi/go over to the lightside. I think that there could've probably been more places in which to gain or lose influence.
AlaricQelDroma Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 There is, I've created a full script and storyline for both X-Wing Alliance and for an RPG game like KotoR, XWA will come soon (*Crosses fingers for a May/June release*), but the K2 mod will take a while since I am somewhat new to this game engine... However, if I posted the story, even the "short" version, it would go on for pages, which is what my new website will be for I have custom ships for use with this whole thing (Thanks to Vince Trageton, heh ), and I've revamped XWA to be an Imperial theme (Thanks to lots of people in the XWA community for the Imperial XWA mod ), and I've added a lot of other mods of my own design for good measure... However, even though I am not skilled enough with graphics to create my own artwork, I make up for it by doing all the coding myself. I tried my hand at making OPT's for three years, but I just wasn't built to be an artist, so I decided to tackle everything else not graphics-related I may actually use K1 for my mod for that part of the storyline, because I don't know enough about K2 yet to be making my own planets and so on with it...Although, I doubt there are too many sweeping code changes between K1 and K2, they do use the same engine after all... General Jorias Kell is the military leader of the Alteria System Defense Force, and his little sister is the Council Leader, while General Alaric Qel-Droma founded the Alteria System colonies and is the master engineer and fleet commander... Jori's sister also makes lots of shipping contracts with the outside galaxy to bring in needed materials...She's the more public face of the Alteria System, and lo and behold, Alaric is her companion, so naturally there will be endless jokes between the three main chars... Yes, Clone Commando's will be involved, but these clones are leftovers from the Clone Wars, not clones created within the Alteria System, as cloning is banned inside the star system The Deep Core is a great place to hide because until the time Palpidious established Byss, there were very few expeditions to explore the Deep Core, sure there were scouting runs throughout the Core Systems, but none probed as far deep in as the Alteria System is...Byss is roughly 25 light years from Alteria, and the Helix Nebula stands between them, which is filled with asteroids and very old and experienced pirate clans, so Byss does not find out about Alteria for quite some time...There are the occassional runs outside the star system to the general galaxy to procure supplies and to do some covert mercenary work for various crime orignizations to make a living...I wanted to maintain the feeling of XWA's gameplay, so I did, but I simply expanded upon it to make it more realistic Sorry that my K2 mod won't be out for a while, but I do owe a rather large debt to the XWA community to deleiver this mod, I have been working on it over the last 7 years, and people are pissed I haven't released it yet, so you know what that means Anyways...Dark Side Corruption is essential! I always use Guardian/SL/JM for Jorias and Guardian/SM/WM for Alaric...I hate being a Sentinel or Consular, early-on in the game, if you use hardcore, you NEED the feats more than you need powers (with the force resistances increasing as levels go up, having powers isn't going to be quite so important, especially late in the game where almost everything will resist your powers ).... Man, I remember what things used to be like before EP1 was even an itch in George's pants...Everyone was dancing to Zahn's tune, hehe
stoffe -mkb- Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 The idea of turning people LS or DS from your decisions is a good concept but I think the mathematics might've been weighted a bit too much - people probably have different experiences though. In my game, Visas was the DS "agent" who attacked me, but instantly became Master Light (well, very very very very high LS anyway). Same with Mira and Bao-Dur with high LS on first pickup. Atton was more gradual since you pick him early in game. (FYI, Kreia, G0T0 and HK weren't affected) Anybody find this a bit too farfetched...not gradual enough. I would've expected say Mira to start grey... (even without LS/DS point bars, Visas turning is very weird). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Since it depends on your influence with them, if you don't talk to Visas after you've gotten her in the party she'll be slightly towards the dark but still in the gray area of the influence scale if you were nice to her after the battle. If you drag her entire life story out of her before you'll leave the Hawk you'll get up to around 90 influence with her, thus she will reflect your alignment. Same with Mira... She does start out gray as long as you don't influence her. Take her on the rescue party on Goto's yacht and she'll be just slightly above the center of the scale before you find the Exile.. That said, with party members you can influence heavily just by talking to them the transformation is rather sudden, I agree with that. And once you get the Lightside Enlightment their own alignment gets pretty much irrelevant, they will mirror yours instantly. I don't really see the point of that feat...
AlaricQelDroma Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 The idea of turning people LS or DS from your decisions is a good concept but I think the mathematics might've been weighted a bit too much - people probably have different experiences though. In my game, Visas was the DS "agent" who attacked me, but instantly became Master Light (well, very very very very high LS anyway). Same with Mira and Bao-Dur with high LS on first pickup. Atton was more gradual since you pick him early in game. (FYI, Kreia, G0T0 and HK weren't affected) Anybody find this a bit too farfetched...not gradual enough. I would've expected say Mira to start grey... (even without LS/DS point bars, Visas turning is very weird). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Since it depends on your influence with them, if you don't talk to Visas after you've gotten her in the party she'll be slightly towards the dark but still in the gray area of the influence scale if you were nice to her after the battle. If you drag her entire life story out of her before you'll leave the Hawk you'll get up to around 90 influence with her, thus she will reflect your alignment. Same with Mira... She does start out gray as long as you don't influence her. Take her on the rescue party on Goto's yacht and she'll be just slightly above the center of the scale before you find the Exile.. That said, with party members you can influence heavily just by talking to them the transformation is rather sudden, I agree with that. And once you get the Lightside Enlightment their own alignment gets pretty much irrelevant, they will mirror yours instantly. I don't really see the point of that feat... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The point of that feat is to totally dominate your allies' minds, no matter WHAT happens during the gameplay if you accidentally land some DS or LS points...When you get some more alignment points again, they will become DS/LS mastery again a LOT more quickly than they otherwise would Plus it's just awesome sometimes when you con your allies into accepting that you're killing people left and right, and you never lose influence because of those acts
DevilCat Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 I was really stupefied to see Visas's alignment was just as light as mine (and that means uber-light) when I got her first. I thought she was supposed to be at least halfway a darksider. Kind of weird though that despite all her blinding lightness she still offered something along the lines "one well-placed grenade would be able to cleanse the place of all those pathetic insignificant folks". She says it if you have her in Onderon's cantina when Tobin's troops interrupt your conversation with Kavar. You can say then "Cleanse away Visas" and get influence with her. Along with dark pointies of course.
AlaricQelDroma Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 I was really stupefied to see Visas's alignment was just as light as mine (and that means uber-light) when I got her first. I thought she was supposed to be at least halfway a darksider. Kind of weird though that despite all her blinding lightness she still offered something along the lines "one well-placed grenade would be able to cleanse the place of all those pathetic insignificant folks". She says it if you have her in Onderon's cantina when Tobin's troops interrupt your conversation with Kavar. You can say then "Cleanse away Visas" and get influence with her. Along with dark pointies of course. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One word for that Kavar meeting: HK-47 :D :D
DevilCat Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 I was really stupefied to see Visas's alignment was just as light as mine (and that means uber-light) when I got her first. I thought she was supposed to be at least halfway a darksider. Kind of weird though that despite all her blinding lightness she still offered something along the lines "one well-placed grenade would be able to cleanse the place of all those pathetic insignificant folks". She says it if you have her in Onderon's cantina when Tobin's troops interrupt your conversation with Kavar. You can say then "Cleanse away Visas" and get influence with her. Along with dark pointies of course. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One word for that Kavar meeting: HK-47 :D :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll be sure to try that out. :D
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