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I was messing around in my streme voice folder and I found another folder inside called 851 and inside there was a folder marked medsfx from what I beleave to be the destruction of Miraluka if not I don't care it is still creapy! so please other people who have Miles sound tolls cheack this out and tell me what you think!

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said

I was messing around in my streme voice folder and I found another folder inside called 851 and inside there was a folder marked medsfx from what I beleave to be the destruction of Miraluka if not I don't care it is still creapy! so please other people who have Miles sound tolls cheack this out and tell me what you think!


Yet another piece that was cut...This game needs a huge content patch, I don't care too much about the bugs, but I want the content!


Although, I can agree with the Miraluka thing not making it into K2, because by the time Visas finds you, it has been a couple of years since Miraluka was wiped off the charts...


The Miraluka went the way of the Caamasi in the more current SW EU galaxy :p


Did you listen to it? :p

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said


Sense I can't wait I'm gong to tell you what I heard most of it was Darth Nihilus repeating over and over "It'll be okay" "It'll be okay" and then people start screaming bloody I'M HAVING THE FORCE EATIN OUT OF ME murder! And the last thing you hear is their voices screaming for relief and then it just fades! SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKY! I must tell you I had to have immediate Cartoon inducement after this one! :p

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said


I don't think any of that was cut. I'm pretty sure it's all in the game, but it's not what people think.


The first three sound files don't have anything to do with Nihilus as far as I know, and played in my game during the scene on the Ravager where Visas meditates and let's go of her hate. In that context, they're not really creepy, just a bit mysterious.


I assume the last four sound files (The one's with all the screams and stuff) would play if I had been DS, as I believe an alternate meditation scene with Visas would have occured on the Ravager. But I haven't completed the game as DS yet, so I can't say for sure.


I assume that "medsfx" stands for meditation sound effects.


On the moment I cannot play this sound file but I have just played the game DS and indeed I heared what you are describing. When you play DS Visas will go to her room and meditates in Red clouds rather than blue one's. Hope this helps.

Master Vandar lives!

I don't think any of that was cut. I'm pretty sure it's all in the game, but it's not what people think.


The first three sound files don't have anything to do with Nihilus as far as I know, and played in my game during the scene on the Ravager where Visas meditates and let's go of her hate. In that context, they're not really creepy, just a bit mysterious.


I assume the last four sound files (The one's with all the screams and stuff) would play if I had been DS, as I believe an alternate meditation scene with Visas would have occured on the Ravager. But I haven't completed the game as DS yet, so I can't say for sure.

Yeah, as said by hawk before me, there was an alternate version of Visas Marr's meditation scene on the Ravager for if her alignment was in the Dark Side. The voices that she heard whilst meditating were indeed various tormented screams and such, too, undoubtedly the sounds of the Miraluka that were slain on Katarr. So, that was probably what he found in those sound files.


Yeah, and I just loaded up a save file on the Ravager from my Light Side playthrough and watched Visas Marr's meditation scene. In the Light Side version of the scene, there were faint whispers, some pretty clearly saying, "It's okay," and, "It's going to be okay."


So, yeah, those sound files were indeed just from her meditation scene. The whispering from the Light Side version of the scene and the screaming from the Dark Side version of the scene.

I was messing around in my streme voice folder and I found another folder inside called 851 and inside there was a folder marked medsfx from what I beleave to be the destruction of Miraluka if not I don't care it is still creapy! so please other people who have Miles sound tolls cheack this out and tell me what you think!


Yet another piece that was cut...This game needs a huge content patch, I don't care too much about the bugs, but I want the content!


Although, I can agree with the Miraluka thing not making it into K2, because by the time Visas finds you, it has been a couple of years since Miraluka was wiped off the charts...


The Miraluka went the way of the Caamasi in the more current SW EU galaxy :(



Actually the Miraluka are alive and kicking all the way through the Empire times and beyond. Remember the Miraluka are from Alpheridies. Katarr, the planet that Visas is from, is just an outpost of Miraluka and not their home planet.


Regardless, many of the things from the Sith Wars era didn't make it into the current-day SW galaxy...


My char may be one of those relics, but let's just say he came along a planet about 2 years after he went on his own journey into the Unknown Regions, and the inhabitants knew of a way to drastically extend natural lifespans, combine that with the Force...Makes Yoda/Vandar look like children by comparison...900 years...PAH! :(


I love the Unknown Regions...The ability to do just about anything with SW exists as long as you use the UR :blink:


Palpatine could have lived for many more years had he created more than one clone of himself...So could a lot of others from the Clone Wars era...I don't mean those two-week clones that go insane, either, I mean letting the clones fully mature :-


Surely Palpidious knew about the potential to hide a few cloning tanks in the unknown regions...?


I don't understand why certain people in SW never do anything to extend their lifespans...I guess it's a morality choice...Alaric just needed to survive as the last Qel-Droma from that era in the galaxy, so his time simply had not come...


There is a *LOT* of potential in the 3000 years between KotoR and the current-day SW EU story branches....A *LOT* can happen in 3,000 years, you know ;)


Hell, a *LOT* can happen in just two hours sometimes :D


Sorry dudes its my post so I'm lowering it to mellow yellow alert :cool:


And thank's for telling me what the screaching was about so once again thankyou :D

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said

Sorry dudes its my post so I'm lowering it to mellow yellow alert  :cool:


And thank's for telling me what the screaching was about so once again thankyou  :D


How about the Jackson Balls-Scratcher Alert? :rolleyes:


I don't think so

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said

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