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Just a quick question.....


If you have a high enough stealth can you get close enough to an enemy to get an attack off and get the watchman's/assassins sneak attack bonus damage? Or no matter what your stealth is....you can never get close enough.


I've goten close enough to go behind people and attack but as soon as I do that my stealth deactivates. I dont think there is a way to keep attacking in stealth mode but you can walk behind them. As long as you dont touch them, they dont know your there


You can get close enough, and if you have a high enough stealth skill you can even run in circles around them. However, the characters drop out of stealth mode as soon as you give the attack order, so get close up first, and then attack. Not the other way around.


Oh, and you do know how the stealth mode works, don't you?


But at any rate, the best way to use sneak attack tactics is not from a stealth approach. Since incapacitated enemies take damage from sneak attacks too, you are better off using stasis/critical hit/fear than stealth.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Sneak Attack works best when you put enemies under Stasis Field or Insanity. I personally dislike Stealth/Force Camouflage because the enemy makes good awareness checks every time.


Guardian, Assassin/Watchman also works because Force Jump on an unsuspecting target also adds the damage of Sneak Attack, resulting in a 1 hit KO


Yeah, I played a Scoundrel/Guardian in part 1, and Sneak Attack with Force Jump works, so a Guardian/Watchman or Assassin could do the same.


Flanking works too. If the target is fighting somebody else, attack them from behind or the side for a sneak attack.


Remember, you can use ranged weapons for a Sneak Attack, provided you're close enough.

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

I love playing as a guardian.So sneak attack with force jump really works well.In almost one hit....BAM!Down goes my enemy. :huh:

Edited by Darth Rexon

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