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  GhostofAnakin said:
Jar Jar mutates into the Emperor.  All the "released" videos are aimed to trick the public into thinking that Palpatine is the Emperor, when in fact Jar Jar is the Emperor all along.



if that were the truth it makes perfect sense (w00t)


How are you gentlemen !!

All your base are belong to us.


And now for the updates :D :


New Video Footage:



New Images:


yes those scenes look totally BADASS! but note:


Anakin: The jedi turned against me, dont you turn against me too.


Padme: (weepy tragic voice) Oh Anakin your breaking my heart!


if the rest of the movie is like this then im not even going to watch this movie illegally.


<FISH>: This movie looks so gay because when they pull the quotes and scenes out of the movie out of context, wihtout the proper music and drama leading up to the scenes in the right order for that scene...like they do for every trailer of every movie...


Me: newb (That's not a spelling mistake, its just preference)



You reading this now: Owned...double time


Me: utterly confused as to why you made the effort to post something that doesnt make sense and has spelling mistakes.


you reading this: owned


me: what i mean to say is that the acting was bad and the dialogue was bad.

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