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I did not get that thing which seems to be the main issue for the PC and the Jedi-Council.


Nihilous, I could understand how it was explained. The absence of life, the absence of the force. It is the sci-fi equivalent of an undead.


But what about the PC? He lost his connection due to a traumatic event. I suppose it is traumatic when a light-side jedi condemns an entire planet and some more people in thousands of big spacecrafts to death. Ok. I can also understand when a loss of memory helps overcoming this traumtic event.


But: How did the PC loose his memory? Was it just the bad treatment in the Harbringers med-bay initiated by Hk-50? How does Sions appeareance fit in this whole arrangement, and also Kreia? How came Kreia and the Ebon Hawk together? This is nowhere explained.


And how is it that the PC is also supposed to be a "gap in the force", that which apparently unnerves the Jedi council? What and why is it that the PC then is so different to Nihilous? I can hardly believe that living without the force for some 10 years really makes all the difference in being a "gap in the force"?


As I see it now, it is just a crappy plot-writing with too much esoteric balbla... please enlighten me.

I did not get that thing which seems to be the main issue for the PC and the Jedi-Council.


Nihilous, I could understand how it was explained. The absence of life, the absence of the force. It is the sci-fi equivalent of an undead.


But what about the PC? He lost his connection due to a traumatic event. I suppose it is traumatic when a light-side jedi condemns an entire planet and some more people in thousands of big spacecrafts to death. Ok. I can also understand when a loss of memory helps overcoming this traumtic event.


But: How did the PC loose his memory? Was it just the bad treatment in the Harbringers med-bay initiated by Hk-50? How does Sions appeareance fit in this whole arrangement, and also Kreia? How came Kreia and the Ebon Hawk together? This is nowhere explained.


And how is it that the PC is also supposed to be a "gap in the force", that which apparently unnerves the Jedi council? What and why is it that the PC then is so different to Nihilous? I can hardly believe that living without the force for some 10 years really makes all the difference in being a "gap in the force"?


As I see it now, it is just a crappy plot-writing with too much esoteric balbla... please enlighten me.



The way I understand it, he has blocked many of the events out because they were so traumatic--including the Force. He had to, to survive. It serves as a way to get in some backstory, for those who didn't play K1.


The point is that the PC is NOT any different from Nihilous or the other dude. They are using the same technique--force connections with others. It is an 'ancient Sith' technique, one which the Jedi AND the new Sith are powerless against.. The PC does it unconsciously; it is a natural talent. The Sith Lords learned it, and have become so good at it they can suck the life out of entire planets, and they need that much just to keep going. But whereas they only TAKE, Kreia wishes to make Exile aware of his gift, and how it may be used to combat the coming threat.


The Jedi Council recognized it for what it was--and it scared the crap out of them. They assumed because it was a Sith technique that Exile was bad, and they felt he would 'change' them, just by being around. So instead of studying, they sent him away.


IMO, Revan also learned this ability, because he studied Force Bonding extensively. He also remembered where it came from, recognized that it could end the galaxy, and went off to try to avert this. Again my opinion, but Revan was not the evil monster that the Jedi Council made him out to be. He was studying Sith teachings, it was true, and for that he was labeled Sith by the Jedi. But strict adherence to either doctrine would spell the end, and if he could not make them understand or convert them, he had to eliminate them. Jedi Civil War.


The way i understand it, both exile and Nihilous suffers from the same condition, which is they are severed from the force. While Nihilouscan't live without the force(which is why he must eat force users), exile has learnt to live without it. Because exile's ability to form force bonds with every force sensity he mets, he can suck their force out of his companions without harming them. Nilhious is no where near as good, he requires to suck he life out of things just to survive.


I suspect that while exile's wound is voluntary, Nihilous is most likely caued by an external event. (And most likely involve the exile, although this was unfortunatly never explained in game. The theory gose that Nihilous was M5 when exile severed himself, and he drag Nihilous kicking and screaming with him).

The theory gose that Nihilous was M5 when exile severed himself, and he drag Nihilous kicking and screaming with him).

The notes you get when loading game while on M5 say something to the effect Nihilus, Sion and Traya all got drawn to Trayus academy where each learned different technique(?) Nihilus learned hunger, Sion <something> and Traya learned betrayal... and was later betrayed herself.


Possibly they were part of the fighting forces, and their ship(s) crashed into M5 after the shadow generator was activated? :thumbsup:


The Geek is here! :geek:


Nihilus was a 'beast' that was revived on Malachor V... I'm going to talk, but KNOW that these are JUST ASSUMPTIONS!!!!!!


Nihilus is the Star Wars version of a Sith Undead... He is everything Sith... Power, Hunger, Darkness, etc. He's like those lame Power Hogs on the T.V. commercials; he's also like a 2 year old and a power outlet, with a physcopathic addiction.

He sticks his fingers into the outlet, around the plug (People), and sucks the energy before it reaches its destination. He sucks both Life and the Force, to fill in the gaps where both once flowed.

The Exile only fills in the Force, so is not a slave to his 'gap.' The Exile cut himself off to protect himself, because of all the deaths that he felt, on such a personal level (bonds). If he had not done this, he could have ended up as something worse than Nihilus and Sion combined (Pain and Hunger, reversed). Or, he would have died...


The Exile walks outside of the Force, but Nihilus is out of both. Here's my infamous Helicopter analogy:


It's like seeing a charging herd of animals headed right for your primitive settlement, but you're in a helicopter. You're on a totally different level, but you have the ability to get involved if you need to/ are forced to. This is like hovering low to the ground... You're in it, now, but you can 'bail out' whenever you need to.

Nihilus is like a high-speed bomber. The little things mean nothing, but can caus some harm to you if givin the opportunity. If you stop moving, or get too involved, or run out of 'fuel' then you're screwed. Nihilus must constantly 'refuel' or else perish from lack of life and Force...


Well, that's all I can remember now...


the Exile shows that, with the right echoes, the Force can 'die,' along with all that feel it. Sinse everything has a bit of Force in them, this would kill just about everything. Kreia is insane by the end of the game, trying to destroy all to save it... Killing her is the only way to give her peace.


Well, correct some of my lack of detail if need be... Here's my thoughts. :thumbsup:

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

The Exile never lost his/her memory - he or she lost only three days due to the sedation. 

The cutting off from the Force was done subconciously - that's why there's no memory of it.


Yep... The reason why you think that the Exile doesn't remember, is because of the allusions made in dialog. If you're character can say it, and it doesn't have a [Lie] in front of it, then it's probably their past (as far as their past goes).

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

The point is that the PC is NOT any different from Nihilous or the other dude. They are using the same technique--force connections with others. It is an 'ancient Sith' technique, one which the Jedi AND the new Sith are powerless against.. The PC does it unconsciously; it is a natural talent. The Sith Lords learned it, and have become so good at it they can suck the life out of entire planets, and they need that much just to keep going. But whereas they only TAKE, Kreia wishes to make Exile aware of his gift, and how it may be used to combat the coming threat.


Curious about something... I can see how this would apply to a DS Exile... But what about a LS Exile? I mean.... The hole way through, LS Exile isn't draining the force from his friends, more like inspiring it...

Curious about something...  I can see how this would apply to a DS Exile... But what about a LS Exile?  I mean.... The hole way through, LS Exile isn't draining the force from his friends, more like inspiring it...



That is exactly the point! Perhaps we should content with that the storywriters overdid it a bit on the esoteric parts.


I can imagine that the PC as a LS-Jedi, which the PC definitely was before, could not order an entire planet to be destroyed without immense suffering in the force. See to Obiwan in EpisodeIV when Alderaan gets destroyed, and he wasn

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