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if just played TSL through for the first time an faced Kreia with only Level 25. i think i had still two or three open unknown forcepowers left. so i wonder: what is the maximum Level?


40 I think.


Realistically you wont get higher than 30 through normal play.


There is a little "trick" in the tomb in Koriban that will give you infinite xp in a non cheap way.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


if just played TSL through for the first time an faced Kreia with only Level 25. i think i had still two or three open unknown forcepowers left. so i wonder: what is the maximum Level?



I read that the max level was 50. But yeah, you need the xp glitch to even get close.



how does that trick work?

hey and i don't seem to get Exp. for chief enemies like Nihilus..... curious


The highest that you can get on normal play is probabloy around 27/28. If you use mods, bugs or glitches, you can get much more, but there's only so much experience to be gained in the game.

"You shall not pass!"

I reached 28. I think if you do absolutely everything you could probably reach 30 pretty easy.



hmm... the last fight wasn't that hard with level 25. only i am curious about the last force powers...

well, i'll wait till tomorrow and than i'll start playing again.

so, um, tell me a little more about this glitch in the tomb on Korriban....




In Ludo Kreshhs' tomb, you go to room with four pillars. You should be able to recognize it because there are four pillars and one Jedi in the middle. Loot the body by clicking on it about 30-35 times and Hssiss will appear. Kill the Hssiss for EXP using Storm. Loot the body again. More will come. Rinse and repeat. You should not do this glitch if you're LS. It's extremely difficult. In DS, use Storm and when you're weak, use Death Field.



i also found an infinite experience loop, when the sith assassins attack the mandolorian camp on dxun, dont go towards the building where you find Mandalore initially, that will triger the next set of spawns. if u dont do that, assassins will continuoly spanw. i thought it was kind of funny because i was doing this for like 20 minutes wondering why they just kept spawning and no plot was advancing (w00t)


I reached lvl 29 (sentinel 17/ sith lord 12) and were only 2500XP away from 30..but hey, in Kotor1 I reached 20 after 70% of the game so I am happy I could play to the end without reaching maxexp hours before that point (and I ignored all swoop things..made me sick in Kotor 1..so if I had taken all these opportunities to get extra XP I would have easily reached lvl30 I think)




i got to 32 thanks to korriban and i got some wierd level on my computer with kse i got like level 100 and my health was like 27980 or something like that and my force was like 22670 some really high numbers and i actually got to play like that for a while

I reached lvl 29 (sentinel 17/ sith lord 12) and were only 2500XP away from 30..but hey, in Kotor1 I reached 20 after 70% of the game so I am happy I could play to the end without reaching maxexp hours before that point (and I ignored all swoop things..made me sick in Kotor 1..so if I had taken all these opportunities to get extra XP I would have easily reached lvl30 I think)


Same here - level 29 during my first run, strictly in 'smelling the roses' mode without any power-gaming. I finished a solo power-gaming run of KotOR I (light side) with 330.000 XP, which corresponds roughly to the same level I think. So KotOR II seems slightly bigger.

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