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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


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Never have read the books (I have them, just never got around to it. lol). But the trailer looks pretty good imho. Although that walking robot thing looks a little bit to much like a guy just in a robot suit instead of a robot. heh. But maybe that's the way they wanted it? *shrug*


Otherwise, looks cool!

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I've been following the development of this film for a while now, and my feelings range from hesitant to cautiously optimistic. Martin Freeman will be brilliant as Arthur Dent, but Mos Def as Ford Prefect strikes me as a bad idea, and the trailer seems to further verify that feeling. In the trailer, Ford sounds dull and boring, something he certainly is not; the oddness of his character seems missing as well.

Sam Rockwell looks and sounds great as Zaphod Beeblebrox, the look and characterisation are solid. I'm baffled by the treatment of his two heads though. The book clearly and often illustrates that his two heads are side by side; the stacking thing in the trailer is really puzzling. I'm not thrilled with the portrayal of Marvin, but I suspect him being voiced by Alan Rickman will make it all just fine. Rickman could not be more perfect for the voice. And, speaking of voices, Stephen Fry as the voice of the Guide is fantastic. Trillian looks well done, much better than the version of her in the miniseries.

The Vogons look spectacular, thanks to the Henson workshop, but in the trailer they sound far too polite.

Overall, I get the feeling the movie is going to be close to being good but with just enough wrong so as to make it just not quite work.


To those of you that haven't read the books, go read them. You can get the complete, er, trilogy, in one complete collection for less than $15. If you like stuff like Monty Python, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman and such, you'll like The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.

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