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I know one store here in Canada that has an online shop I was checking has changed the release date from 02/08 to 02/10. I just called one of their retail outlets and they're not getting it tomorrow, and the sales associate couldn't find when they will be getting it. Amazon.com still has it listed as being released tomorrow though, though Amazon.ca doesn't have it listed at all which is strange.

I just tried calling another chain, CompuSmart, and they don't even have it in their computers yet.

Frankly, I'll be surprised if anyone is playing this on their PC tomorrow.



Its Future Shop and Best Buy

Yes, the store I didn't name was Future Shop. Thanks for clearing that up.


You've been here? Where?

.....what the **** was your halo cd doing in a finnish hotel? BTW.


And why are you here if you've got K2? Shouldn't you be playing it?

Helsinki...and i brought my xbox to calm my boredom. I...kinda lost it in one of your hotels.


Well Helsinki is a booring place, you could have picked better. It's just a city.

You are american (you got the gaem on 8th) and you came to Helsinki???? That place has no history whatsoever.

Halo 2 >

Kotor2 (Xbox)



It has very nice graphics and guns and...stuff.


I love those hunters. There so sweet.


Hunters? They're so easy to kill= one sniper bullet.

And when they are sided with you all they do is get in the way (especially on legendary), no sneaking.

I just want to play it :@

Long time, no see!

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

They should be in the special forces instead of the grunts. But no one stands in my way when I get the scarab gun. Too much power.


Yep, considering Halo2 is so easy. All they do is add a couple more enemies and you die faster... so? Doesn't really add to the challenge, just can't rush.

Except: What's worse than jackals?- jackals with sniper rifles on legendary.

They should be in the special forces instead of the grunts. But no one stands in my way when I get the scarab gun. Too much power.


Yep, considering Halo2 is so easy. All they do is add a couple more enemies and you die faster... so? Doesn't really add to the challenge, just can't rush.

Except: What's worse than jackals?- jackals with sniper rifles on legendary.

When a jackel is on your team and he has a shield...give him a sniper rifle or a carbine. He can use the sniper rifle/carbine with his shield on. Its awesome

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