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I am replaying KotOR and currently, I am on Korriban. I've entered the tomb of Marka Ragnos and im dealing with the assasin droid. I've been trying to find a peaceful solution but it doesn't work. I know my KotOR as I have played the game 7 times before. I've equipped everyone in my party with the Sound Dampening Stealth Unit (any stealth unit should work though). Currently, I have my PC, Jolee and Juhani in my party. I've tried various combos including :


PC & Mission

PC, Jolee & Mission

PC & Jolee

PC & Juhani

PC & Carth


Whenever I open the door though, the droid always attacks me which makes no sense whatsover. All the above NPCs have high stealth skills aswell. I've even tried opening the door with the other NPCs but there has been no change.


I've been to Korriban twice. The first time, I just went to complete all the quests so I had enough prestige but I didn't actually go to the final test. I completed every quest except for the assasin droid one because I was having trouble then aswell. After this, I went to Manaan and discovered the Star Map. After the Leviathan, I returned to Korriban to complete the Assasin droid quest and also to get the Star map.


Has anybody had this problem before?


Thanks in advance.

Were you considerate enough to wear that sound dampening stealth unit?  :p


Yep. Still doesn't work. Its being really stupid... Thanks for the help though.


go by your self with out npc aid...


Yup, tried that too but it still doesn't work. Thanks for the help though.


I don't have a solution. I'm just here to say that I had the same problem on two play-throughs. I've only ever gotten it to work twice. So out of 4 times trying to get the peaceful solution I've managed to get it half the time. Sometimes it's just stupid about it.

I don't have a solution. I'm just here to say that I had the same problem on two play-throughs. I've only ever gotten it to work twice. So out of 4 times trying to get the peaceful solution I've managed to get it half the time. Sometimes it's just stupid about it.


Glad to know that I'm not the only person w/ this problem.

I don't have a solution. I'm just here to say that I had the same problem on two play-throughs. I've only ever gotten it to work twice. So out of 4 times trying to get the peaceful solution I've managed to get it half the time. Sometimes it's just stupid about it.


Glad to know that I'm not the only person w/ this problem.


you need to activate solo Mode while wearing the sound dampening stealth unit(skill in stealth REQUIRED)


all of your NPC's will be in the tomb ...


-walk up to the door

-equip the sound dampening stealth unit on a party member that has stealth as a skill

-activate solo mode

- and go in with the party member that is wearing the sound dampening stealth unit

-all NPC's should be inside the tomb with you and no attack from the rogue droid


**EDIT** as this thread has nothing to do with K2 itll probably get locked

this really shouldv been posted on Bioware's forum http://swforums.bioware.com


Well, before it's locked. Maybe you didn't destroy the "messenger" droid quickly enough. I remember that one droid in the beginning of the tomb will give an alert to "It's master" and then Mark VII will probably attack you.

To destroy all droids quickly enough: Use the Destroy droid power if you have that. Either that or equip HK-47 with a heavy Ion cannon like the Baragwin Ion gun or two shield disruptors or something like that.

Master Vandar lives!


Hmm... ok thanks for everyone's help. I re-tried it about 50 times and managed to get it to work. Its just an annoying bug in the game. I finally solved the problem by changing one of the boolean operators.

Hmm... ok thanks for everyone's help. I re-tried it about 50 times and managed to get it to work. Its just an annoying bug in the game. I finally solved the problem by changing one of the boolean operators.

Ok let me guess all you guys that have this problem have patch 1.3? right? if so then its the patch I have 2 copys of the game on my HD and the unpatched one works fine with the droids peace talk the 1.3 seems bugged

Hmm... ok thanks for everyone's help. I re-tried it about 50 times and managed to get it to work. Its just an annoying bug in the game. I finally solved the problem by changing one of the boolean operators.

Ok let me guess all you guys that have this problem have patch 1.3? right? if so then its the patch I have 2 copys of the game on my HD and the unpatched one works fine with the droids peace talk the 1.3 seems bugged


Really? Thx. I found that I had better performance w/ 1.0, and 1.1 versions on lower end cards anyways...

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