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Who is the Coolest KOTOR II Character?

Who is the coolest KOTOR II Character?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the coolest KOTOR II Character?

    • Bao-Dur
    • HK-47
    • Mira
    • Handmaiden
    • Disciple
    • Atton
    • Visas
    • Mandalore
    • Darth Nihilus
    • Vision of Darth Revan

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Hk-47, OK so he's more or less useless in a party by the time you get him, but he's the only party member who;


Doesn't have an annoying voice


Doesn't have any problems being what he is-ie an sociopathic killer


Gets all the best lines

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Hk-47, OK so he's more or less useless in a party by the time you get him, but he's the only party member who;


Doesn't have an annoying voice


Doesn't have any problems being what he is-ie an sociopathic killer


Gets all the best lines

Actually I agree; HK-47 was arguably the most well-grounded character, certainly better than most evil characters in almost any game you can name. He wasn't mad and he wasn't silly, he was just using a Nietzschean




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Actually I agree; HK-47 was arguably the most well-grounded character, certainly better than most evil characters in almost any game you can name. He wasn't mad and he wasn't silly, he was just using a Nietzschean
Duh, "Sidious was strongest sith lord in his time" my ass, he was the only sith lord
- Xard
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I think Mandalore is, by far, the most interesting character. Not necessarily because of his dialog in-game, but because of some of the dialog that was cut out. While HK-47 is quite the character, I think people like him simply because he's so bloodthirsty, and comedically so. Mandalore's cut dialog from while they were onboard the Ravager sent chills down my spine; what Revan told him about the Sith in the Unknown Regions and how they supposidly "tricked" the Mandalorians into starting the war against the Republic. Still, I put HK-47 at a close second...

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