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  GhostofAnakin said:
Again, you're making a lot of assumptions based on a percentage that isn't even relevent considering that even though the current population of the world might or might not consist of 51% female, how many of those 51% actually even give a damn about video games.  I'd bet my life on a greater percentage of males being in to video games as compared to the percentage of females that are.

Um... yeah, I do agree here... I mean, there are VERY few women/girls I know who play video games... and not one I would consider a "serious" gamer. Whereas I know many, many, many guys that are.


As much as I would love to see more games aimed at the female audience for my own personal benefit, it makes absolutely no sense from a financial point of view for a company to waste its time trying to please the female target audience when there's just no money in it for them -- and I don't blame them one bit for not catering to the female audience any more than they already do.

Please review my fanfic!

Atton's Redemption

Atton's Motivation July 30: CHAPTER 26 is up!



DISCLAIMER: These posts may contain humour. No warranties as to the gelogenic qualities, either expressed or implied, are undertaken by the undersigned. All rights reserved. This does not affect your IQ. Any issues, see your psychologist or increase your dosage. --Metadigital


The automatic default to Revan = LS male was just silly, and I hope that the ambiguity that remains on the Star Wars website is an indication that they've backtracked on this.


As for the wider picture, slowly, slowly, the average age of gamers is rising and the industry is (hopefully) maturing. Inevitably, the proportion of gamers who are teenage boys will fall, whether they're replaced by older males, women, girls or a combination of these. Not everyone likes to see simplistic, stereotypical portrayals of women in games. It's a question of realism - realistic female characters just add to the perception that you're playing a quality product where some thought has gone into the design.


Getting more women into the industry is vital, and I hope Obsidian, now that it's hiring, has given some serious thought to this. From the bios on the website, it seems to be an all male crew, though if somebody paid more attention than I did watching Kotor 2's credits, they could correct me. If this latest round of recruitments results in no women being hired, I'd like to hear how that could be justified.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

  Wynne said:
  Spooky said:
The market for Kotor and Kotor2 is mosltly male, in fact the video game and sci-fi market is mostly male, and that's the basis for most of the opinions here.


Now, there's a common baseless supposition given without any support in fact. Have you met everyone who's played KOTOR and seen all their respective parts for proof? Of course not. You're assuming, as far too many people love to do.


People think the market is male, particularly because women who've been burned by the tirades of immature idiots often go genderless on forums. That doesn't mean it is male, either entirely or even just predominantly.


All most of us want is to hang out with people who love the games we do, and instead, we get crap for having breasts--either insults or crude comments which are all too often not meant in fun. And if not that, we get treated like second-class citizens. So when you find a community that's mostly mature and level-headed, that understands the whole point of an RPG, even then you may be hesitant to speak your gender--or, if you're like me, you may not even realize people have mistaken you for a male. (I've had people call me Wayne. *shudder* What is up with that?)




Even though I'm a male, I feel I have to agree w/ you, *Wynne*. :ph34r:


One of my better friends is always complaining about the same thing (minus the actual discussion of the body parts). She gets annoyed, but I've pretty much given up caring about (and making excuses for) the 'lesser' of my gender... No offence to anybody here, unless you classify yourself under that title...

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  FaramirK said:
  Eddo36 said:
  Valdrane said:
Guess you never spent time in the military.  I have seen plenty of Female Generals and Colonels in the Marine Corps.  And in the off chance you have done time in the Military, you must have never gotten around.


Guess why none of them have a combat position?


You've seen plenty of female Generals in the Marine Corps? I wasn't aware that the US Military kept plentiful amounts of Generals during peace-time, especially female ones...


Hey, if you reply back and confirm it I'll believe you, I'm no soldier. I just wasn't aware there were that many female Generals in the USMC...


Dunno about generals, but I had a female Sergeant Major. She was a real pushover too.


What about Joan of Ark? She was a girl, I had thought... :geek: Then again, history can be corrupted, though... :-


Revan is Male in my mind's eye, but I feel NO need to inflict my will over those that probably know more than me, anyway (yeah, right :p ).


It should be a variable, people! I'm doing a bit of scripting and such, and changing a few words every so often is not that hard!

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


I guess female heroes can exist better in a fantasy setting like Star Wars, only because rape don't exist in Star Wars.

  Eddo36 said:
I guess female heroes can exist better in a fantasy setting like Star Wars, only because rape don't exist in Star Wars.


That had to be the most illogical comment in this entire thread. I fail to see the correlation.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Just use your imagination. You know when Revan, Bastila and the crew got captured by Malak on the Leviathan? You think that in real life, a pervert like Admiral Saul won't "play" with them a little during the interrogation?

  Eddo36 said:
Just use your imagination. You know when Revan, Bastila and the crew got captured by Malak on the Leviathan? You think that in real life, a pervert like Admiral Saul won't "play" with them a little during the interrogation?


And? I still see no correlation between what you're saying and proving that that alone is the reason that women can't be someone of great stature.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Does nobody pay attention to me? What of Joan of Ark???


*Turns up the music in my head*

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  GhostofAnakin said:
  Eddo36 said:
I guess female heroes can exist better in a fantasy setting like Star Wars, only because rape don't exist in Star Wars.


That had to be the most illogical comment in this entire thread. I fail to see the correlation.


I had thought Eddo36's point was obvious: Women are not men. Therefore they can *only* be strong leaders and combatants in a fantasy setting.


I personally don't agree with this assesment, but, as far as I can tell, that ^ would be Eddo's POV.

  Ohma said:
[i had thought Eddo36's point was obvious: Women are not men. Therefore they can *only* be strong leaders and combatants in a fantasy setting.


I understood his point of view. I just don't see how rape has anything to do with being an impediment to a woman ever being a hero in the real world.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


*Cough, cough* Joan of Ark? *Cough, cough*


Granted, she was burned at the stake, but that probably won't happen to Revan anytime soon.


Revan's a male to me, because I'm a male. But I'm tired of the 'lesser' picking on the female gamers...

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

*Cough, cough* Joan of Ark? *Cough, cough*


*coughcough*Cheng I Sao*coughhackwheeze*


At the height of her power, Cheng I Sao commanded a pirate fleet that surpassed the navies of many countries. In addition to more than 200 oceangoing junks armed with 20-30 cannon and manned by up to 400 pirates each, she controlled 600-800 coastal vessels (12-25 cannon, 200 men) and dozens of river junks (20-30 men). She set up a network of spies who watched the harbors and reported potential targets.

  Eddo36 said:
I guess female heroes can exist better in a fantasy setting like Star Wars, only because rape don't exist in Star Wars.


You do realise that men can be raped too don't you? And I don't see why Malak and Saul wouldn't baulk at that either...


And there are plenty of strong women in history...maybe not in starwars, but then starwars isn't realistic. I mean George Lucas didn't even give Leia bra for crying out loud...in a culture that has space travel (and the possibility of zero-gravity).


*laughs cynically*

  Ohma said:
*Cough, cough* Joan of Ark? *Cough, cough*


*coughcough*Cheng I Sao*coughhackwheeze*


At the height of her power, Cheng I Sao commanded a pirate fleet that surpassed the navies of many countries. In addition to more than 200 oceangoing junks armed with 20-30 cannon and manned by up to 400 pirates each, she controlled 600-800 coastal vessels (12-25 cannon, 200 men) and dozens of river junks (20-30 men). She set up a network of spies who watched the harbors and reported potential targets.


Wait a minute... Are you saying that you agree that Revan could be a woman? Hang on, lemme read the last few posts... :ph34r:

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  The Great Phantom said:
Wait a minute... Are you saying that you agree that Revan could be a woman? Hang on, lemme read the last few posts... :ph34r:


err...yeah...did I come off sounding like I didn't? :rolleyes:


For a second there... Maybe I just misread...

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


When playing KotoR 1 I thought the real Revan was a guy, playing the sequel it felt almost more realistic if Revan was a woman..... really like when carth says: "Just tell her Carth Onasi is waiting for her....."

  Midnight Hawk said:
You do realise that men can be raped too don't you? And I don't see why Malak and Saul wouldn't baulk at that either...

Poor Carth. :'(



  Midnight Hawk said:
I mean George Lucas didn't even give Leia bra for crying out loud...in a culture that has space travel (and the possibility of zero-gravity).

I wouldn't worry about that with Leia.

  Eddo36 said:
Just use your imagination. You know when Revan, Bastila and the crew got captured by Malak on the Leviathan? You think that in real life, a pervert like Admiral Saul won't "play" with them a little during the interrogation?

And that makes someone less of a leader, how?


In case you're blissfully oblivious, men get to be on the receiving end of rape as well. Just ask the friendly neighbour, Bubba. :p"


kinda off topic but i think if Revan is male he should definately be straight because a gay guy would cry from getting hit with a gaffi stick. if you have ever seen that one pillow fight video you know what i'm talking about.


Well, there's another topic to inappropriate for the younger Kotor fans... Wonder how long the devs'll go clueless this time... Any bets? :rolleyes:

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  Ohma said:

I concur.

Please review my fanfic!

Atton's Redemption

Atton's Motivation July 30: CHAPTER 26 is up!



DISCLAIMER: These posts may contain humour. No warranties as to the gelogenic qualities, either expressed or implied, are undertaken by the undersigned. All rights reserved. This does not affect your IQ. Any issues, see your psychologist or increase your dosage. --Metadigital

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