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  bodrock said:


yeah, When all else fails, I always fallback, pump with stims, and start lobbing grenades, and/or run-n-gun -- I always keep a decent arsenal!


Yeah, this is my first time through at "Difficult" and my arsenal is woefully understocked. I'm currently stuck trying to get through the poison gas bar on Citadel Station. I think I prob'ly shoulda built my lightsaber before going in, but I hit "let's go" w/o thinking and now the game won't let me back into the 'Hawk until I'm done. Last night I managed to get all the way through the Red Room only to get mobbed and killed by a bunch a gerbils at the blastdoors to the first green room. Gerbils!

  Obireel Y Doncha said:
And I hate mealy-mouthed little jackasses who feel some need to turn every exchange into a series of insults and daunts.


So I guess we're even.


Ba hahah hahhaha!


I also hate people who tie things up into nice little packages in order to wrap their feeble little minds around. :)



  Obireel Y Doncha said:
  bodrock said:


yeah, When all else fails, I always fallback, pump with stims, and start lobbing grenades, and/or run-n-gun -- I always keep a decent arsenal!


Yeah, this is my first time through at "Difficult" and my arsenal is woefully understocked. I'm currently stuck trying to get through the poison gas bar on Citadel Station. I think I prob'ly shoulda built my lightsaber before going in, but I hit "let's go" w/o thinking and now the game won't let me back into the 'Hawk until I'm done. Last night I managed to get all the way through the Red Room only to get mobbed and killed by a bunch a gerbils at the blastdoors to the first green room. Gerbils!



lol DAMN gerbils!


I picked up my lightsaber b4 goin to Nar Shaddaa (I wanted to be sure I had Disciple and a lightsaber before I went too, for influence purposes!) -- quickest way I found is to go to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and save Jerron (salvager/jerk), so he'll sell you two (of the 3) parts of yer lightsaber (aka jedi "relics"), and then fix yer alignment to trigger Visas (I believe it needs to be 75% in either direction -- you'll know by the cutscene), and head back to the Ebon Hawk to take her on (I needed help -- thankfully Bao-Dur was nearby to back me up!) to get a lens, the final part.


For your second playthrough, what's your setup? My first was LS sentinel/Jedi (pimp)master male with Revan as a DS female -- this time, it's DS consular/marauder(?) female with Revan as a LS male.


Sheesh gang, ease up. :-"


I'm glad this dude (or gal) had a good time playing KOTOR 2. I mean, we all know that there are bugs in the game, but at least this poster tries to look past em...basically looking at the positive aspects of the game.


Personally, I'm happy that someone got some enjoyment out of this game (I did, despite the bugs)



But I would have recommended that you chop down anyone else that stands in your way.....or who won't bend their knee to you.



DS'er forever! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa. :lol:

  bodrock said:
lol DAMN gerbils!


Did I say "gerbils"? Gands. At 3 a.m., in the dark, they sure looked like gerbils.


Turns out the bar weren't too tough the second time through. What worked for me was sniping at someone from the blastdoor, then backing deeper into the airlock when a bunch of 'em rushed me. The doors reclosed and I was able to fight, like, half of 'em at a time. Then it was just a matter of stealthing around and finishing off the guys in the little corner rooms. First time, I think I musta gone too deep into the room when the fight broke out and everybody was on me with a quickness.


I picked up my lightsaber b4 goin to Nar Shaddaa (I wanted to be sure I had Disciple and a lightsaber before I went too, for influence purposes!) -- quickest way I found is to go to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and save Jerron (salvager/jerk), so he'll sell you two (of the 3) parts of yer lightsaber (aka jedi "relics"), and then fix yer alignment to trigger Visas (I believe it needs to be 75% in either direction -- you'll know by the cutscene), and head back to the Ebon Hawk to take her on (I needed help -- thankfully Bao-Dur was nearby to back me up!) to get a lens, the final part.


I actually had all the pieces I needed (first time through I had everything but a lens and Bao Dur wouldn't let me use the lens I made at the workbench. I guess your first lens needs to be a gift or something you found).Anyway, that guy who needs help finding his wife in the refuge sector gave me a lens for helping him and I'd already picked up the other components here and there. It was my own fault for saying "let's get going" instead of "I gotta take care of a couple things" when the invite to meet Vizquiz (sp?) arrived. (Think then click! I always get that backwards) I imagine any planet you go to first there's a chance to pick up a lens on a sidequest.


For your second playthrough, what's your setup?  My first was LS sentinel/Jedi (pimp)master male with Revan as a DS female -- this time, it's DS consular/marauder(?) female with Revan as a LS male.


Both times it's been LS male sentinel (Revan a LS male). First time I went on to Jedi Master (seemed to fit, role-playing-wise, with the job of training the next generation of Jedi). This time I might go Watchman just to see what that's all about.


I expect I'll go in as a female consular my third time through. I might upgrade to one of the weapons specialties from there. All the times I played KOTOR, I never played a soldier or guardian and I thought it might be nice to play through without having to creep around planting mines all the time.

  Frankychan said:
Sheesh gang, ease up.  :p"


DS'er forever!  Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa. :huh:


Thanks Frankychan. I think the KOTOR games are making great strides in producing an almost cinematic role-playing experience with hundreds if not thousands of paths that all still have to come home to the same set of milestones and the same climactic set-up. It's almost inevitable that when you take a product that ambitious and put it in the hands of millions of users that some glitches are going to be revealed. I figure one of the reasons Obsidian maintains this board is to give us a forum to relate those problems so they can make future games (and PC-version patches) even better. I don't believe there's any reason for people to be such pricks about it, but it ain't my place to tell them how to act.


(I think they probably did rush it to the stores for some reason. I seem to remember mid 2005 as the anticipated release date when the project started. The end product would've benefited from a couple months' intensive playtesting, but I don't know what's going on with Obsidian. Somebody said they're a small company, maybe they just needed some income to meet payroll. Whatever. The glitches I came across were minor, more interesting than annoying. They certainly weren't worth getting pissed off about.)


I guess it's easier for me to suspend disbelief than some people, but the only glitchy/weird things that really stood out for me my first time through:

a. What's with the wicker baskets? They made sense in the couple primitive villages you visit in KOTOR, in KOTOR2 it seemed like someone was shopping at Pier One.

b. After you cut a deal to get fuel from, uh, the big guy, you oughta be able to go RIGHT BACK you-know-where and tell you-know-who. The big guy specifically tells YOU to deliver the message since the would-be clients ain't eager to talk to him, and the fuel situation is presented as an emergency. I'm not sure you ever really can settle it.


Some people seem to want to stare into those (and other) glitches and brood and get angry and get abusive towards the developers and anyone who isn't also eaten up over it. That path leads to the Dark Side, and it's just plain infantile and stupid. I'd sooner look at those glitches as opportunities to make KOTOR3 even better than its predecessors, and I figure the folks at Obsidian see it the same way. I was on the KOTOR boards for a long time and I'm pretty sure the Obsidian folks paid a lot of attention to folks complaints and requests developing KOTOR2. I think the franchise is in good hands. I sure wouldn't trust it with half these crybabies who can only come in here spitting insults and stomping their little feet.

  Obireel Y Doncha said:
  Frankychan said:
Sheesh gang, ease up.  :-"


DS'er forever!  Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa. :lol:


Thanks Frankychan. I think the KOTOR games are making great strides in producing an almost cinematic role-playing experience with hundreds if not thousands of paths that all still have to come home to the same set of milestones and the same climactic set-up. It's almost inevitable that when you take a product that ambitious and put it in the hands of millions of users that some glitches are going to be revealed. I figure one of the reasons Obsidian maintains this board is to give us a forum to relate those problems so they can make future games (and PC-version patches) even better. I don't believe there's any reason for people to be such pricks about it, but it ain't my place to tell them how to act.


(I think they probably did rush it to the stores for some reason. I seem to remember mid 2005 as the anticipated release date when the project started. The end product would've benefited from a couple months' intensive playtesting, but I don't know what's going on with Obsidian. Somebody said they're a small company, maybe they just needed some income to meet payroll. Whatever. The glitches I came across were minor, more interesting than annoying. They certainly weren't worth getting pissed off about.)


I guess it's easier for me to suspend disbelief than some people, but the only glitchy/weird things that really stood out for me my first time through:

a. What's with the wicker baskets? They made sense in the couple primitive villages you visit in KOTOR, in KOTOR2 it seemed like someone was shopping at Pier One.

b. After you cut a deal to get fuel from, uh, the big guy, you oughta be able to go RIGHT BACK you-know-where and tell you-know-who. The big guy specifically tells YOU to deliver the message since the would-be clients ain't eager to talk to him, and the fuel situation is presented as an emergency. I'm not sure you ever really can settle it.


Some people seem to want to stare into those (and other) glitches and brood and get angry and get abusive towards the developers and anyone who isn't also eaten up over it. That path leads to the Dark Side, and it's just plain infantile and stupid. I'd sooner look at those glitches as opportunities to make KOTOR3 even better than its predecessors, and I figure the folks at Obsidian see it the same way. I was on the KOTOR boards for a long time and I'm pretty sure the Obsidian folks paid a lot of attention to folks complaints and requests developing KOTOR2. I think the franchise is in good hands. I sure wouldn't trust it with half these crybabies who can only come in here spitting insults and stomping their little feet.


Well said Obi, well said :)


Thanks kalfear. That means something coming from you. I've only been in here a couple days but already had you pegged as someone worth reading.


I've been looking at some of Obsidian's other KOTOR boards today and they don't seem so dominated by negativity. This XBox board must've been built on an old Indian burial mound or something.

  Obireel Y Doncha said:
Thanks kalfear. That means something coming from you. I've only been in here a couple days but already had you pegged as someone worth reading.


I've been looking at some of Obsidian's other KOTOR boards today and they don't seem so dominated by negativity. This XBox board must've been built on an old Indian burial mound or something.


Aye, I noticed the same thing myself.


No idea why that is.


<shrugs> ok I admit I havent truely given it much thought to begin with! hehehe.


Honestly I find it really funny! Been playing MMORPGs for 14 years now (since the first one on the market...NwN on AOL) so the flamers and complainers here come off as very amatuerish at the best of times!


So having seen board flamers that can actually get under your skin and drive you nuts, the ones here are really quite amusing (in a really patetic <sp?> sort of way) in contrast!

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