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Obireel Y Doncha

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Everything posted by Obireel Y Doncha

  1. Or the lady running Czerka on telos <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don' think so. Luxa actually enlists you to kill Slusk. The Czerka chick ain't got nothing against Slusk; they're kinda in business together
  2. "???: To put it plainly, I want you to kill Lopak Slusk(?)." That's prob'ly Luxa
  3. Maybe it wouldn't work, but I like both those ideas. I can see stepping off the 'Hawk to face down a half dozen true Sith, striking a pose and hitting them with a Level 27 dose of Force Wave.... ...and they all grin, and just keep coming.
  4. I hope that ain't true. I rented Battlefront and it was a pretty standard FPS. Barely replayable. Perfect for the rental market. Republic Commando, from what little I sat through in the demo, looks like a lot of the same. If you're into FPSes, there's much better stuff out there. RPGs seem much more suited to the whole Star Wars scene, and LucasArts doesn't seem to get it. (I've never played the Jedi Knight games so I might be partially wrong. They any good?) LucasArts does a lousy job making Star Wars games. Bioware (Carth bug aside) and Obsidian (hasty launch aside) both have done much greater justice to the Star Wars legacy and its fans than anything LA's put out in years, including movies. I had an early XBox game by LucasArts, Obi Wan, and replayed it a bunch, but that was only cuz it was back before there was much available on XBox. I'd rather go back and replay Munch's Odysee. Battlefront and Commando seem cut from the same very forgettable cloth. Was Galaxies LA's baby? I heard it's pretty lame from someone who tried real hard, for months, to like it. I wonder if LA's killing KOTOR outta bitterness and jealousy. They say TV execs loved making money off "Seinfeld" but hated the show and people associated with it because it violated all their rules for grinding out formulaic schlock to be lapped up by the TV audience. If you could only buy Episode III or KOTOR III, which would you choose? I rest my case.
  5. I think the best three NPC characters, in order, are Kreia, Atton, then Mira. My favorite three, in order, are Atton, Mira, then Kreia.
  6. Hear, hear! Almost every single rewiew I've read has praised this game, so It really can't be that bad, right? I too think that this is whine over minimal value stuff. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's kinda funny, people complaining about a game they've "finished ... several times already." "I hated this game so much as a DS male consular I'm going to play as a LS female guardian to see if it sucks worse that way." Ba hahaha ha ha! I can sympathize with K3 speculation and have done some of it myself. K2 leaves so many plotlines unfinished it's obvious the designers intended or hoped for a K3 to wrap up the trilogy, so it's inevitable for players to speculate on where the story is going. Most of the K3 threads are cearly labeled as such. Skip 'em if they don't interest you.
  7. Yeah, I was leaving CON low initially as well, but now I turn it up to 14 with everything else so I can use some of the halfway decent implants. Lately I been pouring extra points into DEX when I get them until I go into a prestige class and then start putting the extra points in WIS. Thanks for the rest a y'all's tips too. Sounds like you can make the Exile into a one-man Death Star if you pour a lot of points into STR and gear up with STR-boosting equipment. I've gotten my DEX and WIS up into the mid 30s (not at the same time, I'd have to switch gear depending on the situation) but maybe that's partly cuz I've been splitting points between the two. Thanks for the explanation Phosphor. Maybe y'all oughta just take the poll tool off if you don't want people using it. Obsidian dropped a couple notches in my estimation over this. If the company retains the KOTOR contract, you'll probably get my business there, but I won't be going outta my way to find other Obsidian titles. Just a slightly slighted customer.
  8. Thanks for moving it. I realized too late I stuck it in storyline. I didn't realize making it a poll was some kinda hassle. Why's it a problem (not that I'll ever do it again)? A few people answered the poll without writing in. Maybe it should be made more clear that the poll tool is reserved for important questions like "what color is your lightsaber" and "which NPC would you rather take to the drive-in?" Jeez...
  9. Ba haha hahaha ha! A Sith Lord with a social conscience! If the other Sith Lords make fun of you because of it, just tell them you saved the children cuz they'll be a much greater challenge to kill when they're grown up.
  10. I found it a little hard to believe that a lens I made with on my own workbench could be any less personal than some lense some guy handed to me, but I can accept it as a device to force you to play without a lightsaber for a planet or two. I guess I wasn't all that disappointed, expect during my first play through I waited way too long to make my lightsaber. I guess I was expecting more of a big deal to be made, through cut scenes or something, when I finally had all the pieces to get started.
  11. Since you went with Mira I voted Atton, but I think they're pretty close. Atton's been the first one I can turn Jedi, so he generally ends up with more Jedi levels than the others. I imagine you could make any of them the best depending on how you play. Handmaiden is another candidate cuz of all her combat prowess, but I tend to prefer playing more skill-based characters.
  12. The first time I played through I wasn't sure they were the same guy. The second time through i got the dialog between him and Kreia that made it obvious he is the same guy.
  13. I kinda guide my choice of prestige class by role playing considerations. The first time through I figured the Exile felt a responsiblity to restore the order, and went Jedi Master to be a better teacher of all his padawans. The second time through I figured the Exile was mostly motivated by trying to combat the evil creeping into the galaxy with the collapse of the order, so I had him go on to Watchman. I didn't notice much difference in gameplay, but I played my Jedi Master game on "Normal," so maybe going Watchman was a big help when I changed to the "Difficult" setting. Weapon master doesn't interest me. To me that sounds more like a job for the protaganist's master. Both times I started as Sentinel and doubt I'll ever play in any of the other starting Jedi classes. Consulars are utterly skillless and that drives me nuts (I tried going Consular for about 45 game minutes and quit before I even got off Peragus). While in KOTOR consulars they were way more powerful than Sentinels, I don't think that's the case at all this time around because the Exile hardly ever drains off his Force Points. I was never interested in guardian in KOTOR, even though there were times I was way outclassed in a fight and can see where it might've been a good build. In TSL, I've only been outclassed in a couple fights so I don't see the point in giving up anything to further overpower my attack skills.
  14. Sorry to repeat this question, but I'm curious and Obsidian pulled down the old XBox board before I could see y'all's answers. In KOTOR, I got to where I'd leave Revan's STR around 10. While I thought it was worthwhile to avoid the -1 damage penalty while using melee weapons at STR 8, I didn't see any value in STR beyond that. Once you had a lightsaber and your to-hits were governed by DEX (and I don't think STR added to damage using lightsabers) STR was completely useless. STR seems even more pointless to me in TSL, since the Melee Finesse feat allows you to use DEX to govern your use of melee weapons too. Since DEX also helps with ranged weapons, lightsabers and maybe even skills like Stealth (not sure if that's correct) I've started leaving my STR at 8 (other attributes are all at 14 to avoid the 2-for-1 pricetag for going above 14 during the initial build) and grabbing the finesse feat right away. I also use ranged weapons, stealth and mines a lot, so most times my enemies are dead before they get close enough for STR to matter. On the other hand, I've never played KOTOR as soldier or guardian and I'm unlikely to ever go with guardian in TSL, so maybe it's just my style of play. Do any of you use STR? What kind of PC build or playing style do you get the most benefit from high STR. How high of STR is about right? Likewise, is there anyone else otu there with no use for STR and how do you manage without it?
  15. I'd go way back to some point before telling everyone (outside the 'hawk is where you first get the option) that you're going to JJT to meet that squidheaded guy. It sounds like something went wrong with Hanharr and /or Kreia and they don't know that it's time for the story to advance. I had something kinda similar happen in the fight on onderon. The head bad guy was the last guy left alive on his side and you couldn't attack him or talk to him. Some sort of cutscene was s'psoed to kick in but he just stood there instead. He got messed up during the fight somehow and I only had to go back to the beginning of the fight for Vaklu to get set right. This one sounds a little more like the old KOTOR Carth Bug, where a glitch doesn't appear until several action scenes and cut scenes after the event which caused it, forcing you to replay a few hours of the game. It can be pretty frustrating but I try to look at it like "Well, I'll probably be replaying this part of the game in a couple weeks anyway. No harm done."
  16. I had one freeze-up in the action part of the game. While I realize it should never ever have happened, it was kinda my fault for double-punching some buttons when the 'Box was in the middle of processing a bunch of new information, so it was kinda my fault. I've gotten several freeze ups while working on the workbench, but only when I'm doing tons of work on the workbench (breaking down several unneeded items, making several new upgrades for weapons, switching belts and implants and headgear to be able to build different things requring different skill levels. I've worked around the problem by making a point of saving the game fairly frequently while I'm at the bench. I also have some slowdowns when big fights are in progress or about to commence. Nothing major
  17. The way I play KOTOR and KOTOR2, STR is just about useless. It's even more just about useless in 2, since there is a melee weapon finesse skill. Are there playing styles or jedi classes that make STR truly worth more than you give up not investing in other attributes?
  18. I had the hardest time with Malak in 1 and, depending on the PC build I was playing with, several other bosses were pretty tough as well. In 2, the only boss I had any real trouble with was Darth Traya (by that time I had over 50 adv. medpacs with me, so it was just a matter of time). Even playing at "Difficult," I remember having more trouble with the mercs on Telos and this giant droid in some ship hanger somewhere than with any of the non-Traya bosses.
  19. I have this pathology where I can't enjoy playing DS. In KOTOR, it was kinda fun watching my Revan's skin get all crackly and his eyes start to glow, then when you had to kill three of your shipmates I was, like, "Forget this." I never did finish it. The revenge quest that could propel you toward the Darkside in 2 just doesn't interest me; it seems like a petty reason for an epic struggle. The desire to help people (and by extension the Republic) deal with the ravages of war, while being deeply conflicted in your feelings toward the Council and the outcome of the Mandalorian and Jedi Civil wars is a more interesting storyline to me, especially considering the quandary the Council and Kreia leave you with: Is the Exile, in fact, the source of the problem and a curse to all who would follow him?
  20. Yeah, I use stealth alla time and you have to have a stealth belt on or the option isn't there.
  21. I'll probably never play through as a female Exile cuz there's no way I'd give up the Handmaiden for the Disciple. All I've got to say is the first time you see the Disciple he curtsies.
  22. In KOTOR, I almost always played Sentinel until I realized how much stronger Consulars were (I'm not interested in Guardian class and've never played it) In KOTOR2, Sentinel seems kinda like a combination of Scout and Scoundrel and Sentinel. Every skill but Repair and Demolitions are class skills and I spend my first two feets on making them cross-class skills (Demolitions first if you want to be able to keep all those mines you find on Peragus) I started my third game as a consular and was so disappointed in the lack of skills (only four skills are class skills) that I gave up while The Exile was still wandering around in her underwear. You can get Force Focus as a Sentinel (but maybe you have to go with the Jedi Master prestige class to get it) but I didn't notice much difference. Your Force powers don't drain off nearly as fast as they did in KOTOR and, toward the end, they hardly ever drain down at all. Before walking into a big fight, I'll have the Exile cast Energy Resistance and Valor and Battle Meditation and Aura and anything else that might remotely help in a fight and his Force meter goes down just a pencil lead's width. There might be a real difference between Jedi Master and Watchman. I didn't really notice one but I played Jedi Master on "Normal" and Watchman on "Difficult" so there's no apples-to-apples comparison there.
  23. 1. Since I'm pretty sure this won't happen, I feel safe saying "no". 2. People with KOTOR2 proof of purchase should get it for, like 10 bucks, but if there was new content and patches and it was shortly after tax refund time and I saw it in the $19.99 bin, I'd pay that much. I wouldn't go outta my way. 3. I don't think Obsidian forgot about the droid planet. Maybe they meant to put it in KOTOR2 but got rushed and decided to hold off resolving that stuff until KOTOR3. The Droid planet is such a big deal to HK-47 that I tend to think Obsidian intended all along to save the resolution of that story until 3. Either way, it's gonna be in 3. If they were going to do a director's cut, they'd need to: a. Check the plot for holes or check the game engine for a tendency to create them. You can bust an axle on some of the plotholes that come up in the game. Some of them seem to be the result of the player making one false move, and that shouldn't be. They either need to make the false moves impossible or write them back into the script. In other cases it seems like there's just no plot there cuz no one got around to scripting it out. (I don't mean "make common things that were supposed to be rare" like the fairly slim chance you have of stumbling onto the way to turn Mira into a Jedi, I'm talking about places where you find yourself halfway through a sidequest that hasn't started yet, places where people who should know what just transpired act like they just met you, etc.) b. Fix the random loot generator so absolutely implausible stuff stops happening, like Epiphany's example of finding a double-bladed sword in the belly of an Ewok or something. c. Just have Vogga say "Then we have a deal. I'll call Lt. Grenn and let him know." d. Have Lt. Grenn acknowledge it next time he sees you. e. Make it easier for enemies to follow you from room to room. Several times I've had enemies rush right up to a doorway or some invisible line in the grass and just stand there while I pummel them (or heal up 'til I'm ready to go back).
  24. That's an interesting point that gets right at the so-called morality of the Jedi Council. But did they really mind wipe Revan and try to install a new personality? That's what I initially thought but I don't know if it was ever stated that way by someone in a position to know. It's been a long time, but I think there was even a point in the game (maybe it was just someone's fan fiction) where Revan complains about the fact that his memories are not real, but Bastila -- who did the work on Revan -- herself never says that is what she did. I'm sure everyone has imagined their own backstory. In my role-playing of Revan, I came to the conclusion that Bastila didn't erase Revan's memories -- his memory loss was the result of massive injuries (and perhaps some remorese over what he had become) -- and she didn't manufacture and install some fake background story. Instead, she found some core of early memories and basically reset Revan to how he was before he became a Jedi. So to me this was a genuine second chance. I ain't making excuses for the Council. Lying to him that way was reprehensible, as was their dishonesty with The Exile. Even playing KOTOR2 LS, I didn't mind seeing them deprived of a second chance.
  25. Back to the original question: No one deserves a second chance, or everyone does, but you don't get them based on merit. Some people just get them. If you get one, it's just cuz a someone else's mercy or your own good luck. Revan was lucky to be captured alive by an enemy that takes prisoners and doesn't execute war criminals, then he got lucky when the Council figured using him was the only way to find out where the Sith's power was coming from and how to put an end to it. (Revan hadn't fallen all the way to the Dark Side when he lit out to fight the Mandalorians but by the time he came back and started burning Telos, he was definitely fully DS.) Whether Revan sees this as a second chance to rule the galaxy or a second chance to reverse the course of the civil war he started is up to the player, of course. Either way, by the end of the game he makes the best of that second chance.
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