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Game too easy??


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I am on Malachor V and inside the Trayus proving grounds and stuff.. I am having a hard time getting through all the sith.. Was this part hard for you guys or is my char just messed up... i am lvl 25 guardian DS..

I might of screwed my char up i don't know. I rushed through the game pretty fast..

Reason i ask this is because i keep hearing how easy the game is which it wasn't hard at all up untill this point then it suddenly got very hard... =/

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This game bugs me sometimes. My roommate fought this one Jedi Master and killed him pretty easilly when he was darkside. So, I get to the same part and the guy killls me at least 30 times before I win the fight. My character was not a pos either...so it just pissed me off. The same has happened on other situations....just vice versa. It can be annoying. Maybe its just one of those things?

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I didn't get force scream on my PC, even if i did i would die before i get 4 shots out.. =( I have to run away and use force lighting on them.. If 2+ jedi sith get close to me then i get killed in like 5 secs because of thier lightsabers..

Does the skill lightsaber defense help defend vs other lightsabers also??

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As a Lightside Watchman I would through out a Stasis. I would then use the second Force Supress on any Sith Masters who didn't freeze up, followed by a Whirlwind and then take him out. I'd follow up by taking down everyone else.


As a DS you're obviously doing things differently, but the general tactic of removing as many people from the picture as possible and only dealing with them one a time holds. :alien:

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I am on Malachor V and inside the Trayus proving grounds and stuff.. I am having a hard time getting through all the sith..  Was this part hard for you guys or is my char just messed up... i am lvl 25 guardian DS..

I might of screwed my char up i don't know. I rushed through the game pretty fast..

Reason i ask this is because i keep hearing how easy the game is which it wasn't hard at all up untill this point then it suddenly got very hard... =/



I wish I had this problem. This game was ridiculously easy, especially Malachor V. By the time I got to the proving grounds, one or two swipes of my lightsaber killed anything in my path - even the final enemies. <_<


What Prestige Class did you choose? That might be your problem. If you started as a Guardian, I highly recommend you go back and choose to become a Sith Marauder if you want to be on the Dark Side. That will make you almost unbeatable on Malachor V. With Fury and Ignore Pain, nothing can stand in your way.

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